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Im so sorry that I haven't posted in so long, I got pretty injured at school and then there was the Straykids concert I needed to go to (still sad I couldn't get a lightstick;-;) anyways, I had a pretty bad twisted ankle and somehow dislocated my thumb, preventing me from writing very well. But I'm back and better now and hopefully can start posting again regularly really soon! :) Love you guys!


"Wake up."

"Go away.."

"Wake up!" Seungmin slapped Jeongin in the face with a pillow.

"Fuck off!" Jeongin pulled the pillow out of his hands and tossed it back at him.

"The hell are you two doing?" A tired looking Minhyuk opened the door to their room.

Both boys ignored him though.

"Hurry up and take me to my friends!" Seungmin yanked the boy out of bed. Jeongin fell to the floor with a loud bang.

"You fucking whore!" Jeongin groaned but then quickly covered his mouth. "Sorry."

Seungmin rolled his eyes. "Yeah whatever just hurry up." He walked out of the room leaving Jeongin to ready himself.

A few minutes later Jeongin lazily walked out of his room and went straight to the kitchen. He grabbed a bowl, and stuff to make cereal.

Seungmin watched with a straight face, until he noticed Jeongin pouring in his milk first. "What the fuck are you doing?!"

Jeongin jumped slightly and looked up with wide eyes. "What do you mean?"

"You just put in milk first!" Seungmin looked at the others that were scattered around the living room. "I know you guys are seeing this!"

"I'm sorry Jeongin but I don't think I can talk with a psychopath." Jooheon muttered, shaking his head in disappointment.

Jeongin sighed and rolled his eyes, swallowing a large bite of cereal. He looked at Seungmin with a dark expression, out of annoyance. "You guys are over reacting, it's not a big deal."

"Yeah whatever, hurry up." Seungmin coughed out. He broke eye contact quickly, feeling intimidated. He walked and sat with the others waiting for Jeongin to finish.

A few seconds later, Seungmin looked over his shoulder at the sound of metal clinking against the metallic sink. "You rush people a lot. You ever think about taking your time?" Jeongin slipped on his shoes by the door and turned to Seungmin, patiently waiting on him to finish tying his.

"No, this is a cause of urgency, therefore it's perfectly fine for me to rush you!" He lifted his head from the ground, standing up at the same time. He found himself a few inches away from Jeongin's face.

He finches back though, when Jeongin blew air into his face. "Your breath smells like sugar and mint." He scowled at the fowl aroma. "They don't mix well."

"When we get there we can't stay too long. You're not allowed in your opposite gender's dorm section." Jeongin said, walking down the corridor.

"As long as I can make sure they are ok. If they aren't here im gonna literally kill you." Seungmin glared into Jeongin's eyes.

"Good luck with that. As of right now you're still merely.. weak." Jeongin snickered.

"Weak my ass, I could take you on any day." Seungmin rolled his eyes, closing them after.

"Careful, they might get stuck." Jeongin was suddenly on the other side of Seungmin, right next to his ear. He moved without a sound.

Seungmin's eyes snapped open and he jumped away. "How'd you do that!"

Jeongin brushed off the comment. He knocked on a door and a few seconds later it was opened by none other than Mari. "Oh, Jeongin hey- Seungmin!?" Her eyes widened in shock and she rushed inside to get Rosè.

"Minnie!" Rosè embraced the boy and pulled back with a large smile. "How did my lil bro get here?"

Jeongin lifted an eyebrow. "You guys are siblings?"

"No, but Seungmin is like a little brother to me, just as Mari a sister." Rosè smiled lightly.

"Damn Jeongin, those pants show your hips off well." Mari pointed out. Everyone but her missed the way Seungmin's eyes flickered down, then slowly trailed back up within the span of seconds. She snorted, catching Seungmin's attention, he flushed and looked away.

"Um, thanks I guess?" Jeongin laughed lightly. "Not too bad yourself, I like your style."

"What brings you guys here?" Rosè asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Seungmin wanted to check up on you. Now that that's done, I assume I can leave..?" Jeongin took slow steps away from them, looking at Seungmin for confirmation.

"Hold on, I'll come with. Bye guys, I'll talk you you later." He smiled and waved turning around to walk with Jeongin.

"Satisfied?" Jeongin asked.

"Yep, thanks." Silence fell over the two. It wasn't exactly comfortable but neither was it the opposite.

"Here." Jeongin held out one of the orbs and watched Seungmin take it in his hand sceptically.

Panic washed over his face when it started to sink into his skin, Jeongin grabbed his wrist.

"It's ok, calm down." Seungmin's breathing settled back into place.

"W-what was that?"

"It will just activate your magic. No need to freak out." He released Seungmin's wrist and opened the door to their dorm. He looked around noticing that it was empty. "They must have already left for class."

"When will I start?" Seungmin softly asked, gazing at Jeongin.

"You'll have your classes with me. Fridays we have late class at 7pm to 9pm, Monday and Tuesday we have it at 12pm to 1:30pm"

"We don't go everyday?" Seungmin asked confused.

"Lower levels do, but we don't need as much preparation for things like that." Jeongin fell down to the fluffy carpet and flicked on the TV. "We can chill until we're tired. They usually hold a big breakfast every Sunday. We can go if you want?" He rolled on to his back and looked at Seungmin awaiting and answer.

He was busy with taking of his shoes and walking towards the couch. Though on his way he tripped on the edge of the carpet, falling onto Jeongin.

They stared at each other, never moving. Seungmin's knee was between Jeongin's legs and his hands on each side of his head.

"S-seungmin?" Jeongin tried to say, though it came out in a hushed tone.

"Don't tell me you're getting flustered. Do I make you nervous..?" Seungmin whispered down at him.

"N-no, I don't know what you're talking about." Jeongin desperately tried to control his breathing and temperature.

Seungmin chuckled lightly. "Breakfast sounds good."

"Um.. be ready by seven in the m-morning." Jeongin stuttered out, trying to keep himself together.

"Hm? Why not now?" He grazed the side of Jeongin's cheeks with his nose, whispering into his ear. "Just kidding." He said lightly, getting up and walking to the back where their rooms were.

Jeongin laid there, dumbfounded. "What's gotten into that kid.." He tried to steady his breathing and sat up, turning to the TV once again. "What am I thinking?" He pat the side of his head lightly trying to get the images out of his head.

The door opened and the others piled inside, giving their greetings to Jeongin, who just nodded and continued to try and distract himself.


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