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"You were right, this isn't bad." Jeongin smiled slightly as he sipped on the drink.

"This beautiful creation got me through a lot." Mari sat with a slight frown mixing the whipped cream into the coffee.

Jeongin gazed at her with questioning eyes. Rosè frowned while Seungmin's expression only slightly darkened. "If you wouldn't mind me asking..?" Jeongin sat back in his chair and folded his hands in his lap.

"My.. parent.. parents? Were never the best. She's blind he's ... Not there. Maybe he doesn't understand that I don't want to see him." She sighed and looked out the window. "Things are just a little rough." She quickly inhaled and shook her head. "Enough of that. What should we all do next?"

Jeongin smiled brightly. "Could we go to the park?" Rosè laughed.

"That boring place?" She said finishing off the last bit of her coffee. Everyone stood up and tossed their cups, walking out.

"I'm sure we can find something to do." Jeongin shrugged putting his hands in his pockets. "Like tag!" He skipped along.

"I don't do running, sorry," Mari laughed. "I'd rather sit and watch others have fun."

"What's so great about tag anyways?" Seungmin scoffed.

"Let's just say I never had the life of a normal kid, so why not enjoy it before it's too late?" Jeongin rolled his eyes at the attitude Seungmin seemed to always have. So what if he wanted to play tag?

"Ok, on the way there we should.. play never have I ever!" Mari smiled and held up her hand. The other three followed after much thought. "I'll go first, never have I ever.. made fun of someone!" She giggled knowing that her two friends would need to put down a finger. Rosé and Seungmin had a good time teasing Mari whenever they could.

They all looked at Jeongin and were surprised to see he still had up all of his fingers. "you seem like that pretty boy bully type.." Rosè said.

"No I actually was the one bullied." He sighed but didn't let his smile fade. "Jeong Habin. The biggest dick I've ever met." Jeongin thought to the night he saw the dragon while trying to sneak the others in. Nobody has ever been able to do that. Nobody can, their bodies just aren't built for it.

"Anyways, never have I ever.." Rosè started.

"We're here." Seungmin stared walking to the first bench in sight.

"Hey, you guys wanna go sit in the tree?" Jeongin asked still gazing and the tree in the middle of a tiny hill.


"Yeah, why not?"


The small group walked up to the tree and started climbing to any stable branch in reach.

"I wanted to ask you guys a few questions. Starting with what would you do if you had the opportunity to become part of a school filled with magic?" Jeongin watched the leaves slowly float to the ground.

The three laughed. "What kind of question?"

"Just answer it!" He smiled.

"I would, most definitely agree to go." Mari laughed slightly, then frowned again.

"I think it would be a cool experience." Rosè announced loudly.

"No." Seungmin deadpanned with his eyes still closed.

"Why? Wouldn't you want that?" Jeongin sat up and looked behind him where the other was.

"I only need my friends." He opened one eye.

Jeongin tilted his head to the side and slightly nodded. "I can understand that."

"Unlike me." Mari scoffed, it was only a joke but Jeongin's next question forced her to explain.

"What?" Jeongin looked up at her.

"If it came to it, I could be by myself. I never really have been able to attach to anyone," she paused, "sorry guys." She sighed with a giggle and swung her legs back and forth over the edge of the tree. Watching the sky as the pure white clouds slowly drifted along the baby blue.

"Isn't that mean?" Jeongin asked. She looked to be contemplating before jumping down, nearly giving everyone else a heart attack as she was the highest up. "Whoa! Be careful!" Jeongin yelled as he watched her smile while looking up at them.

"Come on, we can take a little walk, I was only kidding." She said kicking a pebble.

"What about Rosè and Seungmin?" Jeongin looked at the other two who waved and continued to do whatever.

He climbed down and met Mari at her side. "I used to live in an apartment for quite some time. There I met four people who played a big part in my life. Sadly only three of those four are still by my side. I met those two along the way." She nodded her head in the direction of the tree. "One of those, we will call him H. H and I were really close. There were bumps in the road of course. I don't think I ever really realized my true feelings until it was too late.." she sniffed and looked down a little. Though Jeongin could still see the bright liquid brimming the edges of her dull eyes. He could see the hurt, the regret, pain." He moved away, not long after so did I, now living in a house that even now has pain in it. I remember months before he left, I gave him my number in case he ever wanted to talk again. But that never happened. That was until another long two months of living in my current house. I still read over that first message sometimes, never really believing it happened. That he remembered me. We talk still, I see him around school, but it hurts. Y'know the most painful thing ever? I found out he actually liked me.. but I was too blind and then a while later came.. his girlfriend." She faked a laugh finally letting tears fall from her glassy eyes. "I'm not sure if they are still together, it was a year ago. A year I spent without him in between. I think I've finally broke because of seeing him again. Every time he cares. Every message that sends chills through my body. Every panic attack I have from too much thought. Every time I convince myself it's just him being nice. Pushes me closer.. and closer.. and closer.. to the edge. I look over it thinking if I want to jump. But I don't, I walk back to him, to that stupid charming smile and his stupid raven hair and his stupid addicting smell and his stupid.. stupid enchanting eyes. It's not like I am completely in love though, he just provided me my only escape from my shitty home life y'know?"

The two had come to a stop long ago. Jeongin pulled her into a hug, rubbing the girls hair.

"Im sorry it ended that way." He whispered down to her. He looked as her arms stayed at her side, hands in fists, body shaking.

"I'm sorry, I told myself I wouldn't cry." She pulled away wiping away the tears that stained her pink shaded cheeks. "You really have a way with making people want to tell you everything." She laughed and headed back in the direction of the tree.

He kept thinking.
"There's more to this girl than what she's putting out, isn't there?"


Like I may or may not have "forgot" to proofread this..

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