The Exhibit

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Harper shut the cage door behind her, chuckling at the monkey's behavior. She put the food bucket down and went to her next station to feed the seals. "Harper!" Came a voice from behind. She didn't even turn around, "Yes John?" He didn't answer. She spun on her heels to face him, "John? What is it?"

His eyes darted around hesitantly, "Um, Rich wants to see ya." He didn't make eye contact with her. She narrowed her eyes suspiciously at him, "John, whats going on? Your acting weird." He shrugged, tossing his head back with a nervous laugh, "Nothing...It's fine." He inched backwards and retreated slowly.

She stared after him, "Ok then, weirdo." She shrugged and finished feeding the seals. When she was finished she washed her hands and went to the main office. "Rich? You wanted to see me?" An older man sat a desk on the phone, when he heard Harper he motioned for her to sit down, "You can't do this!" He yelled into the phone. He fell silent as the person on the other end talked. Then his face grew red and he hissed, "You're fired, don't bother coming back."

He hung up before they could respond and looked at Harper. "Thanks for coming so quickly." He deadpanned. She rolled her eyes, "I was busy." He huffed, "It doesn't matter, listen I need your help with something." She leaned back, "What?"

"All the workers for exhibit twenty decided not to show up tonight." He watched her face, "I need you to cover tonight's shift." Her dark skin went pale, "Me? But I'm not qualified to work that shift! I don't have any training!" Rich laughed, "Relax, you just have to keep an eye on it." She pressed her small body against the chair, "But Rich, I do-" he held up his hand, "You'll get triple your pay." She stopped immediately with a surprised look, she desperately needed the money but....exhibit twenty? That was kinda not in her options for more money.

"Make it quadruple pay and I'll do it."

He frowned, "Thief."

She looked at her watch and tapped her foot impatiently. His eyes narrowed at her, "Deal." She gave a weak smile, "Thanks." He stood and grabbed his coat, "The zoo is closing early so be there at five o'clock. She looked at her watch, it was four forty five.

"Sure thing." She walked out holding her stomach tightly, "Why me?" She mumbled as she made her way to exhibit twenty. There was a little boy and his mother standing near the bottom of the glass exhibit, the boy seemed extremely interested, "Mommy look at the huge man!" She scowled at her son, "It's not a man, it's a giant, it's a freaking giant." Then she dragged him along, "Come on the zoo is closing soon."

Harper^ 19

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Harper^ 19

Harper glanced up, the giant was sitting under his tree like he always did. He barley ever moved except to eat. She sighed and went to the side and used the cage like elevator and went to the top, locking down the exhibit as she entered the little room at the top of the giant's inclosure.

She pulled up a chair and sat the the glass so she could see the giant. She got comfortable and leaned back, pulling out her phone to pass the time. The hours ticked by, her eyes grew heavy. Looking at the giant she decided that she could close her eyes for a few minutes.

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