Thanksgiving Guest

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This (WAS) is a thanksgiving special!!! (Yes it's late, sorry!) I know I have like a million things to write (feel free to remind me what I'm supposed to be writing 😜) Please Vote and comment!

  Everly hoisted her pack onto her shoulders with a grunt, "Stupid thing." She mumbled as her fingers fumbled with the clasp. Once she had it tightened around her waist she grabbed her needle and stuck it in her belt. "All ready." She told her bedroom and all the things she's ever borrowed. She glanced around and made sure she had everything, the needle? Check. Borrowing pack? Check. Rope? She pulled a coil of rope off the wall and hung it on her shoulder. Hook? She tied her trusty hook to the end of the rope and put the curve of the hook through the clasp on her belt. She checked everything again and then made her way to the hall, the small space between her rooms and the wall. She walked quickly, every second counted. The humans had just left a few minutes ago to go shopping, she figured it would be at least three hours before they were home. It would take her about thirty minutes to reach the food, another hour to get it and an hour to drag it home.

  It would be close, but it was necessary. It was the day before thanksgiving, whatever that was. Tomorrow morning the house would be full of people, and all day there would be people, loud kids, adults watching TV and women gossiping, every year it happened, in every house she had ever lived in. She'd only lived here for a year, so only one thanksgiving. But it has been so loud, she'd had a headache for days after. The house belonged to a man and his three kids, three boys to be exact. The oldest Ward was 19, just one year older than her. The middle boy, Grant was 15 and the youngest Koulson was 12. The father's name was Mack, he had lost his wife four years ago due to a robbery gone wrong.

  Everly climbed up the side of the counter, grunting with every breath, the cloth around her hands kept her from sliding down the rope, but it was a challenge to hold on. She panted as her hands gripped the edge of the counter, her fingers weren't covered by the cloth and were extremely sweaty, they slipped but she grabbed it again and pulled her body close to the counter breathing heavily. After a moment she dragged herself up onto the countertop, one leg swinging up and followed by the other. She rolled over on her back and lay quietly for several seconds before hauling herself to her feet and trekking across the sleek marble. Once she reached the cabinet where the bread was, she opened her pack and began filling it, once she was done with the bread she moved on to the sugar, crackers, tea, and potato chips.

  She had just finished filling her pack when she heard the front door open and close. She grabbed her pack and ran across the countertop at top speed, what were they doing home?! She still had an hour left! Her mind raced, heart pounding in her chest. She skidded to a stop and hid behind the coffee pot. She slumped to her knees and watched as the middle child walked into the kitchen on his phone. "Yes dad, Mrs. Gilmoore just dropped me off." He tossed his backpack on the floor and opened the refrigerator and rummaged around. "No, that's fine, I don't care. Whatever Koulson wants is fine," He paused for a second and listened intently, "Yeah, I already called grandma and grandpa" He frowned slightly as he spoke, "They said they would miss all of us and that we would have to get together soon." He shut the fridge door and set a bottle of sprite on the counter. "Yep, okay, see you when get back." Everly scolded herself, Grant had stayed the night at a friends the day before and she had forgotten about it.

  He hung up and slipped his phone into his back pocket as he grabbed his sprite and headed into the next room, but he hadn't quite made it out of the Kitchen when he spun on his heels and peered at the counter. Everly's heart rate quickened, he had seen her rope. She whimpered and clutched her needle handle tightly. Grant squinted and set his drink down as he inspected the odd rope. His eyes scanned the counter and stopped at the coffee pot. Everly nearly peed her pants as his eyes seemed to meet hers. But he didn't see her, he looked around suspiciously for a minute and walked around the whole kitchen for awhile before grabbing his sprite and walking into the living room. Everly let out a shuddering breath and slowly rose to her feet, she had little time to escape. Her green eyes went to the clock and she grimaced. Only thirty minutes left.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2023 ⏰

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