Friend Or Foe?

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(Please listen to the song as you read....I just thought it helped get a feel for the story)

Twenty six year old William sat tied up onboard The Vengeance' in a cell belowdecks, he had confronted Captain Swekker about stealing from Her Highness Kristene, the Queen of Rennasia and the Captain had decked him and locked him up belowdecks so no one would ask questions about him.

Arwen the Queen of mermaids, grinned wickedly as she surfaced and started to rise above the ship and she laughed as the crew began to ready the weapons.

Did I mention that because she's the Queen of mermaids she's a Giantess? I didn't? Oh well now you know.

Captain Swekker Gasped and shouted orders to the crew but then the mermaid spoke, "Next person who moves becomes food." Everyone froze and stared at the Giant mermaid with fear. Captain Swekker fell to his knees saying, "We have a sacrifice for you if you only don't kill us!" The mermaid raised a eyebrow and hissed showing Her fangs, "What sacrifice?" She spat. The Captain whispered to his first mate and the first mate ran below deck. He soon returned with a struggling man tied in ropes and gagged.

William struggled against Garret -The first mate- As he dragged him to the deck to see the Captain. But instead of seeing the Captain, he saw a Giant mermaid, she was absolutely gorgeous! She had tan skin and had black hair that went down to her back, and a shiny black tail lined with purple gems, she wore a dark purple scaly shirt type thing that was lined with black gems. Garret shoved Will in front of the mermaid and jumped backwards to his former position.

Arwen circled the ship again, this time above water and hissed at the crew. The crew fell back terrified of her and she grinned as she hissed the words, "I accept your puny sacrifice....this time. If you come back this way, I'll eat every last one of you." Captain Swekker nodded vigorously and said, "At least you eating him isn't a loss to us." Arwen stopped moving and stared at him for a moment before reaching over and roughly grabbing him and lifted him above her mouth He screamed and screamed but she just dropped him in and swallowed.

The crew stared in absolute horror as their Captain was eaten whole. Arwen looked at Garret and said, "You'd better make a good Captain or your next." Garret nodded hastily at her and said, "I'll do m-my best." She reached over the ship again and picked up William and smiled darkly, "Eat you all later." And she swam off into the eerie dark water.

Zane the twelve year old cabin boy rushed to the edge of the ship and whimpered, "" he began to cry and scream, "Will! No! Please come back! I can't lose you! Garret came up behind him and put a hand on his shoulder, "I'm sorry about your brother Zane."
Arwen made sure to stay above the water so that her prisoner could breathe and swam to the nearest island. After a few hours of Will desperately trying to escape her grip she Finally reached the Island. She swam to the rocky shore and set Will down on his feet. Thankfully, His gag had fallen off during the ordeal. He Immediately started running but stopped after a moment when he realized that he was still tied up. He hesitantly turned back to the mermaid and she gestured for him to come closer. He looked around, she could easily grab him, so why didn't she? He didn't know. He slowly walked back to her and stopped when he stood in front of her. He craned his neck to see her face and was confused when she slowly pulled herself up so that she sat on the rocks next to him. She slowly reached her hand down and put her fingernail against him. He shut his eyes tightly and awaited his fate. Then he felt his ropes fall loose and he looked down.

His ropes were cut.

He looked up in shock but she was gone. He looked around trying to see where she went but all he could see was water and island. He yelled, "I never got to thank you!" Silence answered him. He sighed and started to gather items to build a raft to get home.

Arwen stayed around the island for close to a week before Will dragged a escape raft from the trees and pushed it into the water. He jumped on and began to float away from the island. He was adrift for about a day when his raft began to sink.

Will immediately noticed that he had a problem. Well that was a understatement. Within minutes he had climbed the mast and the raft was completely under the water only the mast was above cold waters. Suddenly his raft started to rise until it no longer was under the water. Confused, he looked around and slowly climbed down the mast and stood on his raft. He jerked his gaze the water as they began to churn and a Giant figure rose from the depths.

Will shrieked and fell backwards and started to hyperventilate. That is until he saw the figures face. It was the mermaid who took him to the island. He looked around and realized that her hand was under his raft, holding it up.

She was keeping him from sinking.

He pointed at her and stuttered, "You....I-I....why..?" He was clearly confused and distressed. The Giant mermaid pressed her lips together and leaned closer to him.

He flinched and held his hands up in defense, "Please Don't hurt me!" He screamed in fear. The Giant mermaid jerked backwards and lifted her hands up in surrender. Unfortunately the raft sunk faster then Will could say, 'Oops'.

Will gagged as water filled his lungs and he struggled to swim to the surface but his shirt caught on the mast and he began to be pulled further down into the eerie dark waters.

Suddenly something wrapped around him and he felt his shirt be ripped as whatever had wrapped around him pulled him upwards to the surface. As soon as his head was above the water he threw up water and began coughing horribly. After he finished his vile hacking he looked at what was around his body.

A hand.

Correction, A Giant hand.

Double correction, A Giant mermaid Hand.

Will hesitantly looked up expecting to see her eyes full of hate or malice, but all he saw in her violet eyes was concern, kindness and compassion.

"A-Are you alright?" Will blinked in surprise, he hadn't expected such a beautiful voice, when she had spoken a week ago to the crew her voice had sounded cracked and raspy, now it sounded like an angel's. Well, what he imagined an angel's voice would sound like.

He opened his mouth and managed to force the words, "I'm f-fine." He suddenly began to cough again and he coughed up blood. He shivered as his teeth chattered from the cold. Suddenly he was cupped in both of her hands and she lifted him up to her face and blew on him. He squeaked in fear until he felt her warm breath on his freezing body.

Arwen held him close and breathed on his cold body hoping to warm his body temperature up. He squeaked in fear but as soon as she blew on him he relaxed and went limp in her hands. She continued to blow on him for several minutes until he shifted his position so that he rested his head on her pointer finger and the rest of his body lay limply on her other fingers.

Arwen was surprised, she thought he would've freaked out, but he didn't. As he changed positions he started to fall asleep in her hand. She found herself smiling and blew again only this time a bubble of air formed around Will's body and she messed with it until it was a good size and she pulled on it and mysteriously a "rope" appeared and she took it in her hand and dived under the water pulling the bubble of air that held Will with her.

Will awoke to a warm breeze blowing on him, he opened his eyes and looked around, Two violet eyes were right in front of him. He jumped up and scooted back until the memories came back to him. He sighed and looked at the mermaid who appeared to be in a pool of water that was in a cave. "W-What's your name?"

Arwen smiled as he spoke and she answered, "Arwen, and your Will, right?" He nodded slowly and asked, "Why did you save me?" Arwen frowned and turned away as she said, "I was underneath the ship when you confronted Captain Swekker about stealing from the Queen." She turned and faced him as she continued, "I didn't know at the time but when he offered you to me and said you wouldn't be a loss, I got a good look at his face and realized that he wasn't Captain Swekker at all." She focused her gaze on him and stated, "He was spy from Sokha." Will's eyes went wide. Sokha was Rennasia's sworn enemy.

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