Tiny Adventure

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This was requested by shrinker155

"Please play with me!" RayLee whined as she hung on her older sisters leg. Kate growled, "No, get off my leg now." RayLee hugged her leg tighter, "But you NEVER play with me anymore!" Kate reached down and tried to pry her five year old sister off her leg without success.

"RayLee, get off my leg now!" Kate had risen her voice significantly in just a few seconds. RayLee whimpered and slowly slipped her hands away. "S-sorry Kitty." Tears filled the young girls eyes as she scurried to her room, leaving Kate alone in hers. "Finally...Man she's clingy." She muttered quietly.

Now that Kate was alone she flopped on her bed and scrolled through Facebook. She used to play with RayLee all the time, but then she made some friends and no longer had time for her little sister. She stopped at a post that was talking about a shrinking potion. With a laugh she clicked on it to read the whole article.

She read through, rolling her eyes at the absurdity of the whole thing. It was saying that the goop that was in lava lamps was the key ingredient to this shrinking potion. Being completely bored she decided to make this 'shrinking' potion. She went to get her lava lamp but it wasn't on her dresser.

With a heavy sigh she remembered that she had given it to RayLee a few months ago. She gathered the other ingredients for the potion and went to RayLee's room. "Hey RayLee?" She poked her head in, her sister wasn't in her room anymore. Kate nudged the door open and went to RayLee's dresser. And there was the lava lamp.

She struggled for several minutes trying to open the lava lamp, finally she opened it and poured a little bit of the goop into the mug she had grabbed from her room. Then she added a pinch of clove, a half cup of toilet bowl cleaner, a smidge of salt, a dash of eyeshadow and a cup of a blue monster drink.

She used a spoon to stir the concoction and made a disgusted face as she took a whiff of the unholy glop. "People would actually drink this?" She checked Facebook, "Oh it says do not drink. Rub on hands, face and arms." She grimaced, "Yuck, thats gross." She debated with herself, should she throw it away or try it?

With a roll of her eyes she took a spoonful out and plopped in her hand, then she rubbed it on her face and arms. She got another scoop and did a second coat. Then she stared at her hands, "Well, that worked." She joked as she turned to leave her sister's room. But as she did, she felt queasy.

"What is happening?!" she fell to the floor, pain searing through her entire body. She tried yelling for her mom but she couldn't hear herself, she could only hear her heartbeat escalating as her eyes drooped. The sound of her own heartbeat was deafening. She couldn't take the pain. It hurt. She moaned and rolled over on her back, gasping for words. But none were spoken. She passed out before a word crossed her lips.

Kate moaned in pain, "What....?" She blinked a few times and stared at the ceiling. Her entire body hurt, she felt like she had worked out for a solid twenty four hours. With a grunt she rolled on her side and pushed herself up on her arms. With a dazed expression she tried to remember why she hurt and what was going on.

Her eyes widened as she looked around herself. All of the sudden she remembered everything. For she was in her sisters room. But she wasn't just in her sisters room, she was tiny. Like extremely tiny. She struggled to stand, but once she stood, reality hit her hard. She blinked several times, breathing rapidly.

What did I do? The question rang clearly in her head, but she couldn't understand why the 'potion' had worked. It just a stupid thing off Facebook. She tried to calm herself, "Ok Kate. You can do this. Breathe." She inhaled deeply, and tried to think positively. "Ok, alright, this is just a dream and you just have to wake up."

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