Tiny Twins

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This was requested by: Elkri2301  so credit goes to them!

Emmy held her twin sister, Emma close to her as Jasper screamed at them. It was completely normal for Jasper to scream at them. He'd been doing it for five years, ever since their father had given them to the circus.

Let's go back a little, At the age of ten Emma and Emmys father created two shrink pills for an unknown reason. He accidentally left them out and the twins found and swallowed them. They shrunk to about four inches tall. When their mother found out she was outraged and immediately divorced her husband and got complete custody of the girls and cared for them for five years until she died of cancer. The girls were given to their enraged father who almost immediately gave them to the circus leader, Jasper, to pay a debt.  It has now been five years since the girls have been in the circus, every day, screamed at, beaten, hardly fed anything, and showed to millions every week. They are now both twenty years old, and all they want is to get away from Jasper the Ringmaster.
(No offense jasper2708 )

Tom and his twin brother, Sebastian found their seats in the circus ring and awaited for the show to begin. After a few hours of hilarious and amazing stunts and tricks the show came to an end and the ringmaster came out and announced, "We have one more small amazing thing to show you!" He motioned for someone and a boy around the age of twelve came out from behind the curtain carrying a small cage and handed it to the ringmaster and quickly rushed away. The ringmaster proudly showed the crowd and shouted, "The Tiny Twins!" The crowd went crazy and clapped and screamed. Tom turned to Sebastian and inquired, "Are they..tiny people?" Sebastian grabbed Toms arm and said, "Lets go find out."

The two twenty five year old twins snuck behind the curtain and almost ran into the boy who had brought the cage out. The boy gasped and turned to run, but Tom stopped him and pulled him closer to him, and got down on his knees and asked, "Are the Tiny Twins..tiny people?" The boy looked around frightfully and whispered, "Yes, the master treats them awful! I try to help them, but I don't want to get caught."

Tom whispered, "Can you..possibly get them to us tonight? We'll pay you."

The boy, Nate, gave a determined look and nodded, "I'll get them to you, meet me on Elm at nine tonight. He turned to leave when he looked back at the twins and said with tears In his eyes, "Please keep them safe." And dashed off.

Emmy sighed in relief as Jasper left them in the back room to clean up the circus. She turned to Emma and said, Have you seen Nate yet?" Just then Nate came in and went straight to them, "Emma, Emmy! Are you alright?"

Emmy stood and chuckled, "were alright, at least Jaspers in a good mood."

Nate however didn't laugh and said, "I need you both to trust me, Okay?"

Emma and Emmy gave a confused look and nodded as Emmy said, "We trust you Nate."

Nate smiled and covered the cage and lifted it off the table and sneaked out of the circus and as quickly as he could and went to elm street.

Sebastian and Tom anxiously waited for Nate on Elm street and grew worried when he didn't arrive at nine. But soon enough they saw Nate coming to them.

"Here they are Sirs, "Emmy has short brown hair, and Emma has long brown hair." I have to go before the master realizes I'm gone." Tom took the cage and Sebastian handed Nate a wad of bills. Nate took it and dashed off again before the men could say anything.

Tom and Sebastian hurried home and took the cage up to Sebastians's room to discuss what to do.

Emmy listened in horror as Nate SOLD them to someone. She looked down at Emma who was curled up next to her sleeping soundly. She couldn't wake her, she just couldn't. She held Emma tightly as whoever had bought them began moving. 

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