What's the Difference?

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"Please don't go daddy!" Her eyes welled with tears as her father gave her one last hug. This was the one of many times her father had to leave. "I have to go sweetheart, but I'll be back before you know it." Her lower lip stuck out, "But Daddy, I need you here, you have to stay and be my daddy." He chuckled softly, "Honey, I'll always be your daddy, no matter where I am."

And every time, he came back.

Until he didn't.


"You're kidding, right?"

Eva stared wide eyed at her mother, her eyebrows raised in disbelief.

She did not just say that. Did she?

Her mother, -Bethany- frowned, "I am not kidding, and you better watch your tone missy." Her expression softened a bit, "This will be good for you." Eva couldn't help but glare, "Good for me? What's that supposed to mean? I'm fine." She was confused and slightly angry at her mother, but she knew that she was hurting just as much as she was.

Bethany sighed heavily, "Honey, please don't pretend. I know you're in pain, I am too. But we have to move on, it's been almost a year." Eva crossed her arms, "Yeah, and I still don't believe it." She refused to let tears spill. "It's a stupid made up lie, and I don't believe it, and I never will."

Bethany turned away, her sickly pale face scrunching up in grief. "Please, don't do this right now." Eva knew she'd gone to far, "I'm sorry." She said quietly. Bethany didn't look at her, she only murmured, "I'm sorry too." Eva didn't press, she simply left the kitchen and went to her bedroom, shutting the door behind her.

She went to her window and stared at the beautiful city. Her fingers touched the glass as she sighed heavily. Why her mother had signed her up for a ICEBREAKER confused her beyond belief, not to mention it terrified her. An ICEBREAKER was something the giant government had set up so humans and giants could eventually co-exist together.

It was literally a meeting that humans could volunteer to go too and meet a giant. Nobody really volunteered, it was mostly parents who sent their troubled kids to meet a giant, nobody really wanted to willingly meet a giant. So it stunned Eva that her very own mother had signed her up.

Eva's heart ached in her chest, how could her mother move on? How could she even suggest that? Who could ever move on from a horrible tragedy ever, much less in a years time? Her eyes filled with hot tears as her mind filled with painful memories. She closed her eyes, letting the tears fall freely in the safety of her room.

"Hurry Eva, hurry!!" Eva giggled as she chased her father in their backyard. It was her fifth birthday, her mother stood on the porch sipping hot cider watching her daughter and husband with amusement. It had rained for two weeks and the yard was a mud pit, Eva was already covered head to toe in the brown slimy gunk.

Bethany saw her mud covered husband walking towards her, she narrowed her eyes, "Stay away from me you mud-ball." She warned with an even tone. He held up his hands in defense, "I didn't even do anything!" She laughed, "You have that glint in your eyes." He suddenly reached out and snatched her by the wrist and pulled her to him.

She screamed and flailed her arms about, smacking him several times. "You horrible monster! How could you!? These are new jeans!" He just laughed and pulled her along making sure she was well coated in thick mud. In just a few moments all three were unrecognizable plops of mud with faces.

Two were smiling, one was glaring daggers. Eva laughed when she saw her mother, pointing and saying, "Mommy looks funny!" Her father laughed as well, "Does she? I think she looks gorgeous." Bethany couldn't help but smile as her husband leaned in for a muddy kiss. "I love you." He breathed in her ear. She wiped her hands on his face.

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