killer wolf

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This was requested by jasper2708, credit goes to them!

Skay licked up the remains of his bloody meal and sniffed the air to see if there were any more rabbits nearby, he caught a faint sent of a young one and grinned wickedly, he stood and began following the sent. Skay was a wolf hybrid, he was twenty four and boy did he love his rabbits, he almost never ate anything else. He followed the sent until it was so strong that his mouth began watering, but he caught another sent, a wolf hybrid pack, and they were also hunting the young rabbit. He quickly followed the sent until he reached a burrow, The young rabbit was obviously in the burrow unaware of the danger that lurked just outside. He turned around and began to sent the area for the wolf pack, he didn't smell them anymore. He turned back to the burrow just in time to see a small brown ball of fluff run by, he started chasing it through the thick grass and trees he chased it until he came to screeching halt, the wolf pack he had sented earlier was standing in front of him and their leader was holding the young rabbit hybrid by the tail with a sinister smile, the kind of smile that makes you sick. "Hello fellow wolf." "Care to explain what you were doing chasing MY meal?" He asked with a menacingly slow voice. Skay looked at the rabbit, it was a girl, maybe around eight, her big brown eyes were filled with fear, and she was shaking violently she had wrapped her arms around her frail body and she was crying. "She's mine." He stated calmly. The leader, who's name was Hector, stopped smiling, "oh?" Well, then, lets fight for her, shall we?" Skay nodded at Hector and Hector tossed the girl to another wolf and tackled Skay, Hector punched Skay in the lower jaw just as Skay kicked him in the shin. Hector howled with pain and fell backwards, and Skay saw his chance, he jumped on Hector and began throwing punches everywhere until Hector stopped moving, only then did he get off Hector's body. Blood oozed all over Hector's face and chest and he was obviously unconscious. Skay jerked his head to the wolf holding the girl and growled, "Give her to me or your next." He said with clenched teeth. The wolf wasted no time in throwing her to Skay. Skay growled once again and turned and ran off.

He could feel the girl shaking in his grasp and he honestly felt sorry for her, so young and stuck in the middle of a wolf fight, over who gets to eat her. Skay slowly returned to his cave, he didn't even feel hungry anymore, he sat in the entrance of his cave and opened his hand, the girl looked at him fearfully and whimpered, Skay grunted and set her on the ground, "Go on, get outta here." He said gruffly to her, "Get!" "before I change my mind!" She quickly scampered off into the darkness crying for her parents. As soon as she left Skay felt guilty, "She's only a little kid, she'll die out there on her own.." He sighed and got up, he quickly sented her and followed her, he saw her running ahead of him, he smiled and took two steps and ended up in front of her, he knelt down in front of her and as she tried to run the other way, he held his hand in front of her and easily caught her, she began screaming and saying, "I don't wanna die!" "Please don't eat me!!" "Shhh..." "I'm not gonna eat you, calm down" Skay whispered gently to her. She stopped crying and looked up at him, "Y-Your n-not?" Skay shook his head, "No I won't" she stared suspiciously at him, "P-Promise? She whimpered to him. Skay about melted, her eyes glistened with tears and she looked so innocent staring at him like that. He smiled, "I promise."

He entered his cave and went to his bed, then he set her on his pillow and then he laid down, not two seconds later he felt her curl up to his neck causing a wave a protectiveness wash over him. Then she suddenly moved away from him, "What's wrong?" He asked with a concern filled voice. "I-I'm sorry I d-didn't mean t-to." She stuttered fearfully, Skay rolled over to face her, "Hey, shhh." He whispered gently as she began to cry. He shushed her as he cupped his hands around her, "It's okay." He whispered, "your gonna be okay, nobody is gonna hurt you." "C-Can I-I s-sleep w-with y-you?" She whispered still crying. Skay smiled, "Sure." He murmured, She immediately crawled out of his hands, up his arm and on his shoulder and snuggled close to his neck again. "What's your name?" He asked her while carefully pulling the covers up to his neck. She didn't answer, then he heard a faint, "Yale." He grinned, mine's Skay." She just snuggled closer to him, making Skay finally feel happy.

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