I promise you

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This was requested by coraprime17  a long time ago. My deepest apologies for taking so long. As of the last several months my health has taken a not so great turn. But I'm finally feeling slightly better, so here is a one shot!


"Can I get you anything else?" Henrick rested his fingers on the sheets next to his wife. She coughed weakly, "No, I'm ok." Her voice was a hoarse whisper. He lifted his pointer finger and touched her arm, "Honey, are you sure?" She gave a weak smile, "I'm sure sweetheart." Her small delicate hand lifted slowly and rested on the tip of his finger.

Her blue eyes met his and seemed to burn into his very soul. He couldn't look away though, he knew it was only a matter of time before he would never be able to look into her eyes again. She coughed again, "Honey, I need to tell you something." Her voice was so quiet he had to lean his entire face over her just to hear her.

"Yes?" He ran his fingers along her arm, trying not to cry. She put her left hand over her stomach and with her right hand stroked his cheek, "I did it." She said with a pained smile. He blinked in confusion, "Did what sweet pea?" She ran her fingers along her stomach, "I went to the hospital six months ago.....and did the ChildTransfusion." She smiled again, "And in three months, you'll be a daddy."

[A ChildTransfusion in this reality basically means that the genes of two people are transfused, creating a child in a tube. The child then is kept in a hospital lab until "birth"]

He blinked, his brows furrowed. "What?" She let out a quiet giggle, "I'm pregnant; in a way." He looked extremely concerned. She rolled her eyes, "With your child." He stared silently for several moments before whispering, tears streaming down his cheeks. "You...did that? Knowing...that you wouldn't be....." he let out a choked sob, "Here?"

Tears fell down her pale cheeks, "Just because I can't be a mom, doesn't mean you can't be a dad." She whispered as her head rolled to the side, sleep overcoming her. Henrick stayed by her for hours, tears falling freely as he tried to process everything. Belle, his beautiful Belle had a ChildTransfusion with his genes, just so they could have a baby?

He sobbed when he realized that it would only be him. He would have a baby, she would be gone. The doctor had given her a year to live. That was almost ten months ago. She didn't have long. He stroked her face gently, memories filling his mind. Belle. His sweet, beautiful, peppy Belle. Could he even raise a human child without a human caretaker? How would he change diapers? Or feed the baby?

A million questions filled his mind, none if which he could find an answer for. And frankly, he didn't want to. He wanted Belle to have the answers. He wanted Belle to take care of their child. But he knew she wouldn't. She couldn't. She would be gone. Henrick quietly stood from his seat and walked to the window on the far side of the room; his emerald eyes looking down the street from his home.

He felt a rising emotion in his body, an emotion he could not identify. It burned his throat, brought painful tears to his already tear filled eyes, and constricted his breathing. With extreme agony he slowly closed his eyes, squeezing the burning, salty drops from them. I can't do this without Belle. I CAN'T. He exhaled slowly, his eyelids lifting from his eyes, "But I have to." He turned, looking at his wife and smiled, "Don't worry my love, I will watch over and care for our child. I will...be....a father." The next words words fell from his lips as Belle opened her eyes.

"I promise you......"

She smiled, "I know you will. And I can go now, knowing our child will be taken care of." Henrick walked quickly over to her, kneeling by the large bed. With gentle movements he took her hand once again, "Belle....Please, you can't leave me. Not yet." She squeezed the tip of his finger, "I love you Henrick, and I love our child. Make sure they know that." He nodded. "Of course my lover, of course." She smiled again, this time her eyes brightened lighter than ever before. "Thank you Henrick, for such a beautiful chapter of life, now start a new one."

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