When You Wish Upon A Star Pt 2

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Hey guys and gals! I know I have requests, and I'm working on them, but I really liked my last one, so I'm doing a part two!
...Please don't hate me...please...

Glen's face went from scared and terrified, to scared, mortified, horrified and terrified.

A teenager was the worst possible person to find him, especially this teen, he had a black tank top that revealed huge biceps, he obviously worked out. A lot.

Teenagers were awful and cruel. He should know, because that's what he is.

Not only was he all that, he was confused. Confused as to why he was tiny, or why there was a Giant.

Glen's legs gave out from under him and he collapsed in a heap on the bed. The teen gasped and made a move to get up, but Glen squeaked in fear and shook his head and curled into a ball. and the teen slowly returned to his previous position on the floor.

Glen squeezed his eyes shut tightly and waited for the teen to kill him, but nothing happened. He hesitantly lifted his head and forced himself to look at the blonde teen. Surprisingly the teen made no movement, he just stared. Glen found himself curious as to why the teen didn't do anything. This huge hulk of a teen, just sat and stared.

Gage locked eyes with the tiny teen and he scooted about an inch forward. The teen blinked once and raised an eyebrow at him. As if saying 'You had better not be moving'  Gage gave a warm smile and leaned closer to the teen. The blonde teen scooted back and blinked rapidly at him.

He obviously was still terrified.

Gage scooted back just a little and whispered, "C-Can I c-come c-closer?"

Glen gasped at him, "did he just ask MY permission to get closer?!" "Isn't he the one in power?"  Glen found himself uncurling and he inched closer to the Giant teen. Then he hesitantly nodded at him.

Gage was surprised when he nodded, he seemed...familiar somehow but he couldn't put his finger on it. He shook it off and slowly scooted closer, he scooted until he reached the edge of the bed and now was only about a foot away from the tiny teen.

Gage lifted his hand up to brush his hair out of his face but that just made the teen squeak in fear and cover his head with his hands.

Gage threw his hands behind his back and shout/whispered, "I'm not gonna touch you!" "I promise!" "My hands are behind my back! See!"

Glen flinched at the closeness of his voice, but brought his hands down when he heard what the teen said.

Glen didn't know what to say, or do. So he just sat crisscrossed and stared back at the Giant.

One minute passed
Two minutes passed
Three minutes passed
For minutes passed
Five minutes passed
Six- ok I think you get it.

Finally Gage blinked. The tiny teen burst into laughter and yelled, "you blinked!"

Gage couldn't hold in his laughter, "apparently he thinks that was a staring contest.."

They laughed a good few minutes and then their laughter died down and Gage asked, "what's your name?"

"Glen.....what's yours?"


"Nice to meet you Gage." He said as he stuck his hand out so he could shake his hand, he suddenly jerked his hand back and then sat on his hands.

"What's the matter?" Gage asked suddenly concerned that he had scared him again.

Glen shook his head, ""n-nothing."

Gage shifted so that he was on his knees and and leaned closer to Glen, but slowly so he wouldn't scare him. "Your lying, somethings wrong, I can tell by that look, I would know that look anywhere."

Glen shifted around uncomfortably and lowered his head and whispered, "I'm just not used to this.."

Gage nodded in understanding and said, "it's ok, I get it, heck I'm surprised your not terrified right now."

Glen chuckled and answered, "So am I."

Suddenly Gage's bedroom door flew open and a older man stomped in.

With lightning speed Gage scooped Glen off the bed and roughly shoved him under the bed as the man stomped over to Gage and shouted, "YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF CRAP!" "YOUR NO SON OF MINE! A SON OF MINE WOULD GET STRAIGHT A'S IN SCHOOL! NOT A BUNCH OF LOUSY B'S!! "$@&&#**$$!!! $$&*@#$¥€€~§!!" He put his hands on Gage's shoulders and shook him violently while screaming at him and cussing. As soon as Glen was able to stand up from when Gage tossed him under the bed he rushed to find away to escape when the man who he assumed was Gage's father started screaming and cussing at him about what a horrible son he was. Glen couldn't leave. He couldn't. He waited till the man left and slowly came out from underneath the bed and whispered, "G-Gage?" "Are you ok?" Gage turned to face him, he didn't even look fazed that his dad just screamed at him. Almost like he was used to being screamed at.

Gage sighed in relief when his dad left the room, "thank goodness he wasn't in a bad mood when he yelled at me." He turned to face Glen when he heard him speaking to him, he slowly got down on his knees in front of Glen and nodded, "I'm fine, my dad is just mad at me because his new girlfriend is coming over tonight and he wanted me to not be here, but I can't go anywhere else, so I'm stuck here."

Glen nodded in understanding, then curiously asked, "What's her name?"

Gage scrunched his face in thought and said, "Lisa Anne." "...why?"

"Glen?" He asked as he looked down at the miniature teen.

He raised an eyebrow as he noticed Glen's face, Glen's face was filled with anger, and confusion, his teeth were clenched and his knuckles were white because his hands were clenched so tightly.

Gage gently nudged his side with his pointer finger and said, "Glen, what's wrong?"

"Last name?" Glen asked, obviously trying not to explode.

"It was Cray...why? What's going on?" He asked completely confused.

"Lisa Anne Cray is my mother."

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