Over The Wall

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Warning: Mouthplay.

"Guys come on, we need to get back." Cassandra whined to her friends.

"Shut up Cass." Jason whispered.

"It's almost dark."

"Zip it Cass." Leah spat as she looked both ways, "Come on, its clear." She waved everyone to follow her.

"But I'm scared of the dark." She whined again as she ducked behind the building with everyone else.

"Can it Cass." Leo said as he pulled her down lower to the ground.

"But it's almost curfew, we'll get in trouble if we're late." She said a little to loudly.

"SHUT UP CASS!" All three whisper-shouted at her angrily.

Leah grabbed her by her shirt collar, "Listen to me little miss perfect, if we get caught we're dead." She glared into Cassandra's grey eyes with hate as she continued, "The only reason you're even here is because Leo couldn't keep his mouth shut for ten minutes and you just happened to overhear him." She paused again, "So you do exactly what I say and just maybe you'll go home alive. Got it?"

Cassandra didn't answer. Leah pulled her up by her shirt collar so that their faces were almost touching, "That requires an answer." She said menacingly.

Cassandra whimpered, "I understand."

Leah smirked as she shoved her to the ground roughly and snickered, "You're weak Cass, just like your brother."

Cassandra lay still, her head hanging. She wanted to defend her brother. But she couldn't. She was weak.

Leah motioned for them to follow, "Come on, we're almost there." She dashed out from behind the building and dived under an piece of farm machinery.

Leo followed, but not before kicking dirt in Cassandra's face.

"Give me your hand."

Cass looked up slowly, Jason was extending his hand to her.

She stared at him. Why would he help her?

She took his hand, he pulled her up and then followed Leo.

She followed close behind him, wondering what had just happened.

For as long as she could remember Leah, Leo and Jason had bullied her. They called her a goody two shoes, miss perfect, and many other names.

With good reason of course. Because thats what she was. She had never missed a class. She never missed curfew. She never did anything against the rules. She told on anyone who did. All the elders loved her, they rewarded her for turning in RuleBreakers. Or RB's as the Elders call them. The teachers all loved her, she was their little pet.

Cass teared up, she had done everything she was supposed to. Why did they hate her so much?


She looked up, Jason was looking at her, "Stop crying." He whispered glancing over at Leo and Leah who were arguing.

"Before Leah sees you." He reached into his pocket, pulling out a cloth. He handed it to her, "Wipe your face off, quick."

She took it and wiped her tears quickly. Leah looked over, "Hey, come on, its just on the other side of that hill." She said as she pointed across the way, she watched Cass for a moment and gave her a dirty look.

Then she grabbed Leo's hand and pulled him along with her.

Jason took Cass's hand, "Come on." He urged as he pulled her with him.

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