I'm Scared Pt 2

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This was requested by: StarDreamer17

Nate awoke to a soft snore coming from somewhere around him, but he couldn't tell where. He forced his tired brown eyes open and looked around, he blinked away the blurriness and focused on what was in front of him. It looked to be a cave ceiling or something. He rolled over on his side and instantly found the source of the snoring.

A Naga.

Wait, not just a Naga, it was Jake, the Naga who'd saved him from the other Naga, and drowning.

He slowly stood and looked for a way down, he saw that the blanket was hanging off the bed and it reached the ground. Slightly grinning he began climbing down the blanket, when his feet touched the ground he actually fell on his face and kissed the dirt.

Then he stood and brushed himself off and ran towards the entrance of the cave.

"You'll never make it out there on your own." "I'm thirty years old, take it from someone who knows."

Nate stopped short and whirled around, Jake was awake and sitting up looking at him with hands in his lap. Nate snorted, "Well I'll have better chance out there than in here." Jake chuckled, "You still think I'm gonna hurt you." Nate rolled his eyes and said in a "duh" tone, "You're a Naga." Jake smiled slightly and said gently, "you were sleeping for nine hours." Nate blinked in confusion. Jake continued, "I didn't hurt you while You slept, what makes you think I'll hurt you now?" Nate's eyes went wide as he comprehended what Jake had said. Then he straightened his shoulders and said haughtily, "So what? I'll never trust a Naga, I'm leaving and you can't make me stay."

Jake nodded at him, "Okay, if you ever need anything, you know where to find me." Nate made a noise of surprise and stared at him for a moment, then he narrowed his eyes and dashed out of the cave.

Jake chuckled softly and he leaned against his bed as he counted the minutes.

Nate didn't stop running until he was a good distance away from the cave, then he slowed his pace to a jog. He walked only for about half an hour when it started to rain, soon it was pouring, then hail began to fall. He screamed as the huge chunks of ice fell all around him, one hitting him in the back sending him flying forward onto his face. He sobbed and curled up in a ball, then a shadow fell over him, he looked up and let out a gasp.

It was a Bobcat.

He shrieked and jumped to his feet and started running, but the Bobcat pounced on him and hissed in his face, Nate closed his eyes and awaited death.

Suddenly the weight on his chest was gone and he felt something warm wrap around his body, and it lifted him off the ground, he forced one eye open and held in a scream, it was Jake.

Nate tried to wiggle his way out of Jake's grip, but he was exhausted and couldn't find the strength to fight anymore. Instead he looked up at Jake and was shocked to see he looked concerned. Nate whimpered in fear as Jake lifted Nate to his face, but instead of hurting him like he expected, he pressed him to chest and slithered to his cave.

Nate tensed up as Jake pressed him on his chest but slightly relaxed when he realized that Jake was hugging him. Jake went inside his cave and sat on his bed, then he pulled Nate away from him and gently set him on the bed.

Nate flickered his frightened gaze to meet Jake's and he whimpered, "W-Why di-did you" He choked the words out, "Save me?" Jake gave a gentle smile and said, "Because I care."

Nate felt tears of joy starting to spill down his dirty face, and for once he had a reason to be happy. Jake frowned, "What's wrong?" He asked generally worried. For an answer, Nate held his arms up like a child wanting to be held and whimpered. Jake blinked in shock, but shook it off and wrapped his hand around Nate's body and lifted him up and held him to his chest and whispered comforting words to him, Nate snuggled into Jake's arms and slowly started to nod off to sleep, Jake smiled warmly at the almost sleeping boy and whispered, "Your safe now kid, I won't let anything happen to you."

Nate sleepily rolled his eyes back and pulled his eyes open and whispered, "Thank you Daddy."

Jake's heart stopped and as he stared down at the Now sleeping boy, "He just called me...Daddy...I thought he hated Naga's, now one's his Dad?" The confused look slowly melted off his face and was replaced by such a contagious grin that it could make the dead smile.

Jake swung the rest of his body on his bed and laid back and set Nate on his chest with his hand over his body, sure he just woke up not too long ago, but hey his kid needed sleep, so he was just gonna stay with him.

Nate woke to something heavy on top of him, he started to panic but then the weight was lifted off him and immediately he rolled over on his stomach and he found himself staring into Jake's Emerald green eyes. He let out a sigh of relief and   Slumped over on his side. Jake raised an eyebrow at him and gently prodded him in the side with his pointer finger, "Hey, you alright?" He murmured quietly. Nate nodded without looking at him and said, "I'm fine, just thinking." "About what?" Jake questioned as he sat up, slightly concerned about Nate.

Nate sighed and murmured, "How I was so wrong about you." He closed his eyes and refused to look at Jake. Jake stared at him and said in a commanding tone, "Look at me." Nate opened his eyes and looked directly at Jake, "W-What?" He stuttered out fearfully. Jake's expression softened as he saw Nate's frightened look and said quietly, "forget about what you said and did, even thought about me before and just relax." Nate gave him a scared look and began speaking quickly, "But what about the dangers of the forest?! An-And the storms!? Wh-What about-Ahh!" He cut himself off with a yelp of surprise as he was lifted off Jake's chest and lifted to his face. "Stop worrying, I'm right here and I'm not gonna let ANYTHING happen to you." He put emphasis on 'Anything' and looked deeply into Nate's frightened brown eyes and as he whispered, "Ever."

Nate stared at him for a moment before letting his shoulders relax, he sighed shakily and took a deep breath and let it out. Then he said, "thank you.so much... Jake....." then he looked away embarrassed. Jake frowned again and asked quietly, "what's going on?" Co-Could you massage my back?...it really hurts." He murmured quietly.

Nate found himself face down on the bed and he slightly panicked, but then he felt Jake's fingers touch his back and he tensed up, Jake murmured gently, "Nate you need to relax, you have a bunch of knots." Nate breathed in deeply and exhaled, then he brought his arms up and crossed them in front of his face and used them as a pillow and let his whole body relax.

After a while Jake announced, "All done!" "Do you feel better?" Nate rolled over on his back and smiled, "I sure do, thanks." Jake laughed a little and said, "I need to make breakfast, what do Want?" Nate shrugged, "I don't care, whatever you make is fine." Jake raised an eyebrow at him and asked, "is that so?" Nate grinned and answered, "Bacon and eggs." Jake smiled happily and said, "That's more like it." Then he got up and went to make breakfast.

After breakfast Jake asked, "Where is your family?" Nate froze and almost stopped breathing. Then he slowly looked up at Jake and said while trying not to cry,

"It was like any other day, we woke up and did our daily routine, then that night my dad, Mom, Lizzie my younger sister, Greg my older brother and I went on our nightly family walk, we never even heard them coming, six Naga's arose from nowhere and one got my brother and ate him, another one got my mom and dad, I didn't see one get Lizzie, but I know she couldn't have made it, she's too little to understand, she's only five. And I just ran,I didn't know where I was going, but I just ran, I was on my own for about about two weeks before you found me.

Nate had started sobbing somewhere while telling what happened, then he put his face in his arms and sobbed uncontrollably. Jake immediately felt horrible for asking but at least he knew, he Picked Nate up and held him to his chest and whispered, "Daddy's got you."

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