Chapter 29

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Third person pov

Once the symbols were painted, it was time. The ocean seemed to note this, water beginning to rise up towards the edge of the boat and slosh over as though it were aiming to grab them and drag them in. Hitoshi Shinso sealed the jars of paint back up, standing up straight and stretched. He looked notably well rested, Nezu noted. Far less tired than he usually did. Nezu didn't keep as close an eye on the students in General Education. Despite this, it was quite obvious the purple-haired boy had been doing better since Atlantis' came here. They truly didn't look alike in the least. Were they really cousins, or were they simply bound by this oceanic anomaly? 

The sea creatures continued to circle. Atlantis took a deep breath. It was time. He was nervous. This was a big secret, and he didn't want to be forced to run if it got out and people came for him. Shota was scared too. He didn't show it on his face, but Atlantis could feel it swimming in the pit of his stomach. Atlantis was confident, though, despite the odds. This Nezu fellow seemed he could keep a secret, and Recovery Girl was a kind woman. Toshinori also seemed quite esteemed, and he would surely feel indebted to them should they succeed in this ritual. Hopefully that would be enough to convince him to keep the secret too!

"Are you ready?" Hitoshi asked, coming up next to him. He looked excited, his purple eyes shining with the same awe they used to hold when he was younger. Atlantis was happy to see the familiar emotion present in his cousin's eyes. He was glad he didn't have to do this alone. He wasn't sure he'd be able to. Hitoshi being a Siren meant he was adept at discerning what the ocean wished to say. Atlantis didn't have that ability.

"If you are." Atlantis nodded. He glanced back at everyone, who watched them intently. He would've felt more embarrassed were he not so focused. He went through the motions in his mind over and over again, noting what he and Hitoshi were going to have to do and how they were going to do it. His eyes met Shota's, and he couldn't help but smile. When he thought too hard about all he'd gone through recently, he almost couldn't comprehend it. He was married and living on land. He worked in a school for human children! He'd found his long lost cousin and was now using his abilities to help others. It was... it was amazing, honestly.

The ocean began to sing, telling them it was time. The creatures all spiraled below, creating a massive circle that they'd be right in the middle of. They sung their own songs, audible only to Atlantis and Hitoshi. A part of Atlantis wanted to close his eyes and simply listen. He knew they couldn't. Time was of the essence. Mr. Toshinori was ready, and so were they. Beating around the bush at this point was going to get them nowhere fast.

"Anything you see today is expected to be kept a secret." Aizawa reminded, voice stern as he scanned over the faces. Nezu gave a nod, sipping at his tea. Recovery Girl and Toshinori bobbed their heads as well, but with far less surety. "This isn't something that can get out to the public. It would but Atlantis and Shinso both in danger. Do you understand?"

His eyes flashed red, and the nods were a little firmer this time. Atlantis smiled, looking to his cousin. Hitoshi pressed his lips together firmly, nodding. His heart was pounding with anticipation. He could practically feel the massive drain he would experience after from this. Both he and Atlantis would be weak and vulnerable. He hoped, for this reason, that the people here really were trustworthy. He wasn't sure what he'd do if his cousin was ripped away from him again. Hitoshi was somewhat safe due to his current lack of a tail. Atlantis, though... they could simply rip his necklace off and reveal his true form at any given time. That was a huge vulnerability that he wished they didn't have to share.

"Now, now, Aizawa. You know you can put your trust in us." Recovery Girl scolded lightly. She looked a bit more relaxed now, even with the boat's rickety movements. "We won't breathe a word. Right, dearies?" 

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