Chapter 9

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I got in a mood and prewrote a bunch---

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I got in a mood and prewrote a bunch---

Idk if any of my patrons read this but if you do, do you want early access like---

Third person pov

Shota stayed until it was time for him to get ready for patrol. He told Atlantis to tuck the gold back away, seeing as carrying so much weight on his own wasn't much of an option. Atlantis happily agreed, going back to investigate the necklace once his lover was gone. It felt like too soon that Shota had to go, but Atlantis knew he was lucky to get to see him at all. He was thankful to have someone so special in his life. Had he not met Shota, he might've wandered the sea alone forever.

His attention fell back to the necklace he'd found earlier. It felt warm despite how cool the water was right now. It was dark out. He hoped Shota was safe, wherever he was and whatever he was doing. Being a hero had to be dangerous. Shota hadn't really touched much on that aspect, but Atlantis wasn't an idiot. He knew what fighting was, and it had been made clear villains were no good. Shota was only going to be gone for a few hours tonight, but it was still nerve wracking. He busied himself with trying to figure out what kind of magic this was.

It was definitely of the ocean. He could feel it in the way the necklace drew him in. The crystal itself glimmered several shades of blue, like the surface of an iridescent pool. It was calming, but there was something different about it. He didn't feel any sort of protection from it, or any sort of empowerment. The power of the sea was there, but not in the way he'd infused it into Shota's pearl. It was... changed, here. He had the undeniable urge to slip it over his head, but was apprehensive. It didn't feel cursed, but what if he failed to get it off once it was finally on? That wouldn't lead to much of anything good.

The magic inside was spiralling. It was alive in a sense, in its own way, just as the sea was. Holding it, it felt important. Like something he needed to protect, even if he wasn't going to be putting it on. There was a tension it built in him. He was waiting for something to happen, but nothing was. It felt right and wrong at the same time. He could feel the deeper part of himself wanting to put it on, his own magic wishing to entwine with whatever was in this necklace. 

He gnawed on his bottom lip, playing with it in his hands. Quietly, he asked for the sea's assurance. He knew it would not lead him astray were he to ask for its aid, so that's what he did. He closed his eyes, tilted his head downwards, and allowed himself to sink to the ocean floor. The necklace's dim glow drew curious fish, who circled at a respectful distance to watch. Atlantis kept his head bowed and listened for the wave's call. It would come distant, but he would be swayed in the right direction if he focused.

He wasn't sure for how long he sat there, his tail coiled beneath him as he quietly waited for some sort of guide. The jewel lying in his cupped hand pulsed a few times, almost as though begging. Though it took him a moment to realize it, it finally clicked what the necklace was doing. It was asking permission. Permission for what, Atlantis didn't know. It wanted his trust. It was grasping at it with thin, wanting tendrils. There was no ill intent. Only a soft question, murmured in his ear. The question asked if he wanted this. But what was being offered?

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