Chapter 21

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Third person pov

There was nothing else in the world like it. Hitoshi's voice echoed, like hundreds, maybe even thousands of voices speaking in tandem. The world melted away and left them only. It's as though their love took form and physically connected, intertwining and melding together. It felt like greeting a long lost friend or lover. An embrace without the hug. Shota squeezed Atlantis' hands harder, his grip firm and his eyes watering. Atlantis was already crying, tears dripping from his eyes as Hitoshi spoke the airy and powerful ritual.

It wasn't a long ritual, but it was meaningful one. When it came to magic, emotion was the strongest factor present. Atlantis was a good healer because he was empathetic. Hitoshi was a good siren because of the intent he put behind his words and the passion he filtered through his voice. Love was one of the most powerful and rare feelings in the world. It was so, so strong. And it would fuel this ceremony if Atlantis and Shota truly loved each other as much as they claimed. Hitoshi had a feeling they did. He had a sneaking suspicion they loved each other even more than they realized.

Ama me fideliter,

A warmth opened up in the couple as they gazed into one another's eyes. A new connection, this one bold, shining, and sturdy stretched out between them. It wrapped them in the tender love they felt for one another. It deemed their feelings powerful and true, and took hold as it should have. It spun itself out into a blanket. A solid wave of unfiltered adorations and laughter. Atlantis choked out a laugh, smiling so wide it hurt. Shota was no better, his cheeks aching from his joy.

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It started as a tingle on the backs of their hands. Shota didn't bother to look away from Atlantis. He didn't want to. He could gaze into his eyes for the rest of his life and be happy. This was his future. He was looking at his everything. Someone he loved more than anyone and anything he'd ever loved. Someone who made him happy, whom he adored unconditionally. Someone he didn't think he could live without. Someone he knew he'd do anything for.

His feelings for Atlantis had bloomed fast. Like a dormant flower unfurling beneath the sun, a new door opened. He was shown a chance at a life he'd never even dreamed of. The type of relationship most people didn't even think existed. He certainly hadn't believed something this genuine and true could be real. Not until he experienced it first hand. He was in it and grabbing onto it with both hands, refusing to let go. He couldn't let go. He refused to. He wanted this more than he'd ever wanted anything in his entire life.

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Atlantis never thought he'd have this. A wedding in which he was being bound to someone he loved more than he loved the sea. He'd give up everything for Shota if the man asked. It seemed like just yesterday they'd met, gazing at each other in mutual awe with no clue what was to come. They'd had no idea it would lead to this. Atlantis, on legs and impossibly happy. Shota, grinning as tears dripped down his cheeks and magic swirled around them. It was a scene straight out of a movie.

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Black markings inked their way up their arms. They mirrored each other, matching perfectly as they twirled and climbed their way up their skin. Tribal markings that told their story and the story of the sea made their way up their forearms, stretching up to their biceps and twisting around them. Their tale, drawing its way out across their arms to symbolize their love. Their commitment to one another, and their will to stay together.

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The connection deepened. Shota's emotions, bursting with exuberance and a raw sort of happiness, flooded into Atlantis. It was the same for Aizawa, who shuddered at the feeling, smiling even further as the waves cradled them. The ocean sung with delight. One of it's children had found someone. Someone to trust and become one with. A person to love fully and with all of themself.

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They drew closer to one another, hands still intertwined. The tattoos on their arms glowed with a soft blue light that reminded Shota of Atlantis's eyes. They were comforting, enveloping Shota in a distinct sense of serenity. He felt safe and at peace. Atlantis beamed up at him. It was the most beautiful thing Shota had ever seen. He was sure of that.

quisquis amat taliter,

Hitoshi's eyes glowed bright white as the power coursed through him, his voice carrying the threads that would bind Atlantis to his husband. He watched the markings that signified their bond take form, and he smiled. Pride that he was able to do this for them welled up inside him, alongside a happiness that stemmed from seeing his cousin so full of life. He'd missed him dearly, and being able to come back and give him this meant everything. The sea teemed, and so did the life in it. Creatures from miles away darted for the cover, wanting to be in the presence of such an old, spiritual, strong magic, even if it was just a moment. To witness a merfolk wedding ritual was something truly amazing. Not many got to experience it.

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The end of the spell brought with it a strong explosion of emotion and warmth that flooded the cove. It filled every living thing with a feeling only Shota and Atlantis would ever get to experience again. It was a feeling unique to them. A whiff of the connection they shared, projected outward for all in the area. There was a flash of blue light as their connection fully opened and sealed, permanent in its placement between them. Hitoshi's eyes snapped back to normal, and he gasped.

Atlantis felt the ritual finish and immediately dove to wrap his arms around Shota, fresh tears cascading down his cheeks his lips connected with his. Shota was the same, unable to stop himself from crying as he brought his hands up to cup Altantis's face. He could feel Atlantis now. He was so aware of where he was and how he felt. Of him, and who he was. It was the most wonderful thing in the world. More awe-inspiring than anything— even the first time he laid eyes upon Atlantis.

"I love you." Atlantis choked out, smiling. The happy feeling in his was nearly overwhelming.

"I love you too." Shota breathed, holding him close. He didn't want to let go. He felt like he physically couldn't.

Around them, the ocean seemed to erupted in cheers. Creatures breached the surface, leaping trough the air to express what they were feeling. They swam in excited figure eights. Whales drifting outside the cove cried out, letting out massive spurts of water. Dolphins did tricks, flipping and twisting in and out of the water. Fish excitedly swarmed, jittery and moving as a singular, delighted mass.

Atlantis pulled away from kissing Shota, keeping a solid grip on one of his hands as he tearfully opened his free arm to his exhausted cousin. Hitoshi allowed himself to dive into it, basking in the way even Shota wrapped him up in a grateful and loving hug. The ocean held them up, allowing the trio to embrace and exist together in this moment of euphoria. It felt like no one else existed. Like it was just them.

Gazing down at Atlantis and Hitoshi with red-rimmed eyes, a smile, and a full heart, Shota realized he'd found everything he never realized he wanted. And that he'd do anything to keep it together. Because he loved Atlantis. He felt closer to the merman now more than ever, and it was due to Hitoshi that that was even possible. So he'd be damned if he didn't include the purple-haired teen in his image of family. Right now, he felt like he had everything. Like he'd never want anything in his life again.

"Shota." Atlantis tearfully gazed up at him, smiling that same, beautiful smile that never failed to make Shota's heart stutter. He held up their conjoined hands, drawing attention to the new markings on their arms. "We're married!"

He smiled back, squeezing his hand.

"Yeah." He choked out tearfully, gazing at his husband. "We are."

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