Chapter 25

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Third person pov

"I don't know." Toshinori glanced off to the side nervously. Recovery Girl had interrupted the blond man's lunch with Midoriya to drag him off to Nezu's office so they could all talk about the elephant in the room. That elephant being Atlantis' amazing quirk and the fact that it could possibly fix Toshinori's glaring issue. Replacing missing organs was a stretch of course, but that didn't mean he couldn't heal the spiraling scar on his torso, among other issues. "What if he finds out I'm All Might?"

"Based on the information I've gathered during his time in the building, I honestly believe it's safe to say he has no idea who All Might is to begin with!" Nezu chirped. He kept a close eye on all new members of UA's staff, but he'd been paying special attention to Atlantis since the man's arrival. The man has literally no past. There was no trace of him! It should've been impossible, but the fact that Nezu of all creatures couldn't find anything... it was beyond frustrating. Nezu liked to know as much as possible at all times. Especially concerning people in his school! Yet he couldn't get a single thing on Atlantis. Not even so much as a breadcrumb. 

"I have to agree with him there. I'm surprised the boy knows his own name." Recovery Girl sighed. "I'd meant to request an MRI while we were at the hospital, but I was too distracted by the reach of his quirk and forgot. It's a shame. I'm quite convinced he hurt himself on his way to save Aizawa and simply healed the damage, possibly tacking himself with some form of amnesia. If that is the case, Aizawa hadn't come to me about it, and Atlantis certainly hasn't mentioned it. It's entirely odd."

Toshinori didn't really know what to say. How did he respond to news like this? He should've been happy. Excited! Overjoyed, in fact! That would be the natural human response. He just... he couldn't muster it up. He felt numb with shock and disbelief. Despite what he was being told, he still didn't believe that this was a possibility. He just couldn't wrap his head around it. He'd been told time after time by professionals across the globe that there was nothing that could be done. Toshinori had grieved for his own death before it even happened, resigned to the fact that his time was going to get cut short. 

"You should at the very least let him assess the issue." Nezu hummed. Recovery Girl nodded in agreement. 

"I...." Toshinori trailed off. He thought hard about his life, and about all the people that counted on All Might to uphold peace and bring hope. That was an important part of who he was, but what about himself as a person? He'd let people down-- even lost his best friend to this injury. He had no good excuse to say no. He wasn't sure he could bring himself not to try, even. Not with Young Midoriya counting on him and looking up to him. Though he'd never admit it out loud, he was starting to see the boy in a more familial sense. Their student-mentor relationship had morphed into something else entirely, and Toshinori wanted to be here to watch Izuku learn and grow. "I'll do it, then. What would it hurt?"

Recovery Girl and Nezu's smiles were a bit too wide to be comforting. Toshinori took a deep breath and told himself not to get his hopes up.


Hitoshi trotted off to find Atlantis and Mr. Aizawa after class, feeling relatively upbeat. Even his classmates had noticed the shift in his attitude; though, most were still too afraid to talk to him. It was still the beginning of the school year after all, and they didn't know him. Not well enough to know that he'd never use his quirk on them without their permission. They'd probably remain afraid of him. That was okay. He understood the fear that was there and wasn't mad at them for it. Besides, he had Atlantis back now! What more did he need?

He was hesitant in peeking into the teacher workroom, his eyes searching for his cousin. He found the merman sitting on a couch next to Present Mic, whose eyes were narrowed in suspicion. He was seemingly being interrogated. Hitoshi's eyes drifted over to Aizawa. The man was finishing something up on the computer, but the tired teen could see the way the man's eye was twitching. He clearly wasn't digging the game of twenty questions going on between his coworker and his husband.

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