Chapter 30

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Third person pov

They couldn't stay long. Kurogiri knew this, and he warned Tomura of such. The teen had ignored him, giving him a sour look before stepping through the man's warp gate, hoping whatever was on the other side would sate the nagging feeling that tugged at him with irritating consistency for as long as he could recall. 

The smell of fresh salt hit him first, washing over him like a cleansing rain and nearly knocking him off his feet. His eyes stretched open wide, his entire body going rigid and Kurogiri warped in beside him, dress shoes landing carefully on the damp sand. Shigaraki didn't react to his appearance, staring out at the crashing waters shakily. Kurogiri observed him with interest, wondering mildly if this had been a mistake, or perhaps not what the young man was looking for. A sliver of doubt gnawed at him. If Sensei ever found out what he was doing-- what he had already done-- he was sure he'd pay with his life.

Tomura had never thought hard about the ocean. He'd never seen it before, he realized now, gazing out at the endless mass of blue. His heart sung in a way he didn't realize it could, something inside of him unfurling and coming alive with bright vigor. The waves pushed themselves further, threatening to wrap around his shoes if he got any closer. It was like it was beckoning him, begging him to come in. Like an old friend who had missed him and wanted to wrap him up in a hug. It was such an odd thought, but it was too distinct not to be true. Tomura stood there for a moment, soaking it all up.

Kurogiri was silent, watching Tomura's expression shift more openly than he'd ever seen it. The boy was always so closed off, never giving away anything other than irritation. He seemed nearly at piece, his shoulders slouched and his arms hanging limply at his sides. He watched the young man soak in the line of the ocean and breathe in the fresh ocean air, exhaling slowly like he was breathing out all his worries and doubts. The warp gate user couldn't fathom why he had this reaction, or why All For One would want to keep Tomura from something like this. Something that brought him so much relief from the daily bouts of stress and severe anxiety he appeared to go through.

Tomura could hear something talking to him, but it wasn't using words. Something new and exuberant bubbled to life in his chest unbidden, spreading out with incredibly warmth and comfort he'd never before gotten to experience. He felt his eyes begin to dampen. He wondered when he'd last felt the urge to cry. Thinking about it, he drew a blank. These oncoming tears didn't feel like the bad type, however. They didn't feel pathetic or even sad. They felt welcomed, just like the sea and its complicated waters. He took a small step forward, sand crunching beneath his shoes. Kurogiri once again made no moves to stop him, standing back and watching him inch closer to where the tide was.

The water raced to meet him, wrapping around the white soles of his shoes. Tomura found himself crouching down, falling hard to his knees in the sand and not caring if his pants got went. He buried his aching hands in the sand, digging them into the dirt and letting the saltwater rush over them. It felt rejuvenating-- nothing like the sting he'd have expected the salt to bring. It felt like waking up for the first time, an electrifying feeling shooting through him as the water came to him. It splashed against him playfully, like it was alive and asking him to come closer. He did, scooting across the sand and closer to the waves. Allowing the water to soak him and not minding when it splashed up into his face. 

It felt like healing. The aches in his neck vanished, and his skin didn't feel so dry and irritated. He didn't feel so thirsty anymore, or as tired. It was like ocean was rewiring him, refilling his empty gas tanks and cheering him on. He couldn't help but smile, not knowing quite why he was crying but not really caring either. He pushed his hair out of his face, eyes feeling bright with relief. Kurogiri stood, watching Tomura's form shake slightly as he allowed his clothes to be ruined by the ocean's waters. He didn't tell him not to. He didn't tell him he wasn't allowed to, because it didn't feel right to interrupt. Instead he stood there and watched, quiet and calculating.

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