Chapter 37

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Third person pov

It had been a lot to take in, and a lot to worry about. All Might had requested permission to arrange a meeting between trusted individuals: his former sidekick-- a man by the name of Nighteye, his former teacher-- Gran Torino, and his successor-- Izuku Midoriya. He'd sworn not to breathe a word of their secret, but wanted to tell the listed trio that All For One was still at large. They already knew of his existence after all, and Gran Torino had apparently been a good friend of Atlantis and Hitoshi's grandmother. These were all people who were directly involved with the All For One issue, and All Might's judgement seemed sound even with how distressed he was.

It was kind of Yagi to invite them to be there at all, and it wasn't hard to say yes. Atlantis wanted to be involved with this more than ever and had readily agreed, and Hitoshi had too. Shota coming along had been a no brainer, and it was suggested that they bring Nezu and Recovery Girl in on it too. It was probably for the best. They had to figure out what to do. All For One had to be stopped, and if All Might trusted these people, Atlantis didn't see the harm in trying to trust them too.

There was also the matter of Izuku Midoriya apparently not having had a quirk before the entrance exam. Hell, he still didn't have a quirk. He instead had an ancient, untouched power that grew stronger and stronger each time it was passed on. One that was directly related to one's spirit, and hell if Izuku Midoriya didn't have mountains of that. His will and determination was unmatched even by All Might. That kid truly had no sense of self-preservation. Having him at their meeting was going to be a no-brainer. He deserved to know what was going on the most out of all of them.

The planned meeting, however, was not happening at this exact moment. They weren't huddled up in some remote location stressful discussing the potential fate of the world and mythical, underwater supervillains that had been banished by the sea to roam the surface. No, Atlantis was instead standing in the middle of an empty living room, surrounded by boxes and having absolutely no idea what he was meant to do with himself. The not knowing was a common occurrence here on land, as he still was a little lost when it came to what things were and how they worked, but the point stood.

"I can't believe Present Mic actually got us evicted." Hitoshi drawled from next to him, holding a box of paint jars. He glanced up at his cousin with a sniff, seeming almost as though he were observing his cousin's reaction to it all. Atlantis was somewhat catatonic at everything going on. "You didn't tell me you found a chest full of gold and diamonds."

"I-I didn't know they were worth so much." Atlantis squeaked out, staring out the floor-to-ceiling windows out at the massive saltwater pool. There were men out there constructing something to make it indoor so that they wouldn't be bothered by prying eyes should they decide to swim. The pool was massive, which was apparently rare in Japan. Atlantis didn't claim to know anything about it, but he was emotional. Shota had found them a house. A house. He'd apparently been searching from the moment Present Mic first walked out the door after screaming, which was wise. Could Shota see into the future? He'd predicted that they'd be removed perfectly. 

"Maybe we should enroll you in UA classes." Hitoshi half said, half grumbled. He set the box down with a sigh, eyes sweeping over the small mound of things they'd moved in. Atlantis had helped as well, but Aizawa had insisted they make Hizashi carry most of it in since this was 'all his fucking fault, the fucking idiot'. Crude words, but Atlantis was here to observe, not judge. "History in particular."

Atlantis could only nod in agreement. Yeah, that sounded completely plausible. He still knew very little about the surface. No matter how much information he compiled daily, there was always going to be something crucial he wasn't aware of. He saw so many new things everyday, it seemed never-ending. As exciting as it all was, it was relatively stressful at the same time. Atlantis couldn't stop himself from being happy despite how overwhelming it was. Being around other people who he could talk to and connect to wasn't something he'd trade for the world, and having a loving husband like Shota wasn't something he'd ever thought he'd get to have.

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