Chapter 23

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Third person pov

Aizawa felt Atlantis leave the campus and twitched, peeking out the window. He could see his husband had a white lab coat on, making him look the part of a doctor. He was with Recovery Girl. Shuzenji had let him know they were heading to the hospital, but he'd sort of hoped they'd end up staying in anyway. Aizawa let out a puff of air. The tattoos on his arms tingled, but not uncomfortably so. Atlantis didn't feel distressed. In fact, he felt bouncy and excited by contrast. Aizawa decided it was best to just let sleeping dogs lie. If the merman was in trouble, Aizawa would surely know. Right? He was pretty sure that's how these markings worked.

Outside, Atlantis bounced alongside Recovery Girl energetically. He felt Aizawa prodding at him, though the man probably didn't realize he was doing it. He'd probably noticed Atlantis was leaving the vicinity. The merman's smile broadened as he sent forth a wave of reassurance and bubbly-ness. Miss Chiyo had explained to him what a hospital was and how it worked. Apparently, it was a building where sick and injured people went to receive medical care. Revolutionary! He never would've thought something like that could exist.

Apparently, you could also 'call' the hospital. Or emergency services, as Recovery Girl had called them. Aizawa had sort of explained phones. Basically, one box could contact another box no matter the distance by typing in the box's number, and then you could talk to one another with them! So when people called the hospital with them, an 'ambulance', which was a box on wheels that cried very loudly, would come pick them up! It was amazing. Really, land was so much different. The ocean was brilliant in its own way, but he was beginning to see how far dry land had progressed from what he'd been taught.

Recovery Girl took him on a big box with wheels. A bus, she called it. Very, very interesting. All she had to do was show her UA card and the driver let them get on with all the other people seeking transport. Atlantis beamed and waved at everyone of course. He felt too exuberant  not too! This was all so new and exciting. Recovery Girl was smiling too, which must mean the Hospital was a good place to be. Maybe scary, but if you were helping people, did it matter? The ocean had plenty of terrifying things! 

Looking out the windows felt like an out-of-body experience. The buildings reached terrifying heights, stretching far over what he ever would've thought possible. Of course he'd seen buildings before. There were plenty of underwater castles and such! But these... there were so many, and they were so close together. There were people all over the place, and the road was full of those rolling boxes as well. It was stunning. He couldn't help but look out the window like an awed child.

Recovery Girl watched Atlantis with mild concern, but couldn't help but smile. She was also hoping to get his head checked out while they were at the hospital to see if he'd sustained any damage that he'd maybe healed in his panic to get Aizawa. There was absolutely no way he'd been born into this world and didn't know what any of this stuff was. There was just no way! He wasn't an idiot, and it's not like he'd come from another part of the world. What, had be been Amish before? Had Aizawa gone on vacation and come back with an Amish fiance? Even most of them knew what a car was, though. This was a next-level not knowing.

The drive to the hospital was quick. They were excited to receive them. Or more specifically, Atlantis. Shuzenji's help was always appreciated, but new healing quirks were rare. Recovery Girl hadn't hesitated to talk it up either. Though she'd only seen it at work once, she knew it was extensive. Something to gawk at, surely. She was hoping today would allow him to be certified. He didn't have any identification aside from the card that had just been printed for him. Shuzenji had it on her. Something told her giving it to him would be counterproductive. She'd give it to Aizawa later.

Atlantis followed Recovery Girl off the bus, marveling at the sheer size of the hospital before him. The building was simply massive. And it was full of doctors and nurses? Or healers, as he better knew them as. Plus sick and injured people. Surely he could help. It would be nice to get them feeling better. Even if the hospital was very intimidating. He could already tell there'd be a lot of people in there. He took a deep breath anyway, shaking off his anxiety. If Aizawa thought he was worried, he might stop class to come get him! Atlantis didn't want to interrupt him over nothing. 

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