Chapter 26

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Third person pov

Atlantis stared at the blonde man. He was skinny-- too skinny to be considered healthy. His large white shirt hung off him like an oversized sail on a ship, drooping and flapping in a way Atlantis didn't think it was supposed to. His face was terribly gaunt, his eyes sunken in. Atlantis wondered how he hadn't picked up on it when he first crossed paths with him at that meeting. Maybe it had been due to the stress, or perhaps something else. Either way, it was painfully obvious to him now that this man was playing a close and dangerous game with death. How he was still alive, Atlantis didn't know.

"Wh...What happened to you?" Atlantis found himself breathing out. Aizawa watched tensely as his husband approached the nervous Number One Hero. Toshinori's eyes were darting about the room, refusing to look at Atlantis. His large hands curled around the edge of the cot he was on, his body twitching awkwardly as he tried to figure out what to do with himself, and what to say. Aizawa let out a slow breath of air. This was fine. It would all be perfectly, one-hundred percent okay. He just needed to relax.

He could feel through their bond that Atlantis was antsy. But there was also a bout of concern there that made him almost want to smile. It was amazing to him how much Atlantis cared about others. It made him feel proud. But no matter how good Atlantis' intentions were, there was still always a chance that things could go terribly wrong. Shota was praying that didn't happen this time around. With his luck, his begging was probably all for naught. 

"I... Well, I got into a fight." Toshinori started lamely. Recovery Girl slapped her palm against her face in an exasperated way as Toshinori gestured vaguely to his stomach area, refusing to look at Atlantis' concerned face. "It was a while back and, uh-- I mean, I-I guess I got really hurt and it couldn't be healed?"

It came out sounding more like a question. Nezu sipped at his tea-- where had he gotten that?-- whilst Recovery Girl sighed. Aizawa crossed his arms over his chest, not looking too happy about the current situation. He met Atlantis' gaze as the merman turned back to look at him, brows furrowed tightly and mouth twisted into a frown. Aizawa wished he didn't have to deal with this. That he could live a peaceful life free of... well, of this. That's all Aizawa wanted. Though through their bond, he could feel that Atlantis was happy to help. The underground pro was happy for at least that.

Atlantis turned back towards Toshinori. There was something radiating off of him. It was the same feeling he'd drawn from Midoriya. It was familiar, pulling him in and causing his powers to buzz. The crystal around his neck heated up just a little, vibrating in agreement. There was something different about this man. Something familiar, and warm. He was a friend to the ocean. But what kind of friend? Not the merfolk kind. There was a hint of magic in him, teeming under the surface of his skin patiently as though it were waiting to be let out. Atlantis bit his lip. There was something going on here... something weird. If he wasn't a merman, why was there mer magic present inside of him?

"Can I see the injury?" Atlantis requested softly. Toshinori cringed a little but complied without argument, reaching to pull up his shirt and reveal the gruesome wound. He expected Atlantis to recoil, but the man only leaned in closer, his blue eyes going a little wide and a little more confused. There was almost a sort of recognition in his oceanic irises, but it was overshadowed by sheer bewilderment. Almost as though he knew what he was looking and but couldn't figure out how it had gotten here. Toshinori's brows raised. He looked to Recovery Girl and Nezu, but they couldn't see his face. A glance at Aizawa was enough to tell him that somehow the Underground Pro also knew how lost Atlantis was. Aizawa's brows were just as furrowed as his husband's were. 

Atlantis' claimed last name came back to the blonde man as the healer's eyes roamed his mangled torso. Shimura. Did that have something to do with this? Was it more than just a coincidence? His mouth felt dry as Atlantis reached out a hand, his eyes glowing slightly. One For All buzzed to life inside of him, reaching out to the healer warmly. Like it was welcoming home an old friend. Toshinori's grip on his shirt tightened, his wide eyes raising and meeting Aizawa's stern ones. Who was this man? Where had he come from? And why did One For All like him so much?

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