Chapter 11

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Third person pov

When All Might laid their teacher down and told them to take care of them, they hadn't known what to do.

He was bloody and broken from protecting them, completely knocked out of consciousness. Their class president had gone to the school to get help, leaving them to sit despondently and wait. Ochako was sitting down on the ground next to him, fingers carefully placed on his neck right where his pulse was. She was crying and shaking, feeling the horrifyingly faint pulse of their homeroom teacher. He'd only been residing over them for one day, and yet he'd almost died protecting them. He might still die. 

"What is that, ribbit?" Tsuyu's expression managed to remain calm, but there was a tremor in her voice that gave away her fear. They were all scared, and all wondering what to do. They wanted to get out of the USJ, but the prospect of moving their teacher was terrifying. What if they hurt him more? What if his heart stopped beating, and they didn't realize? They were paralyzed, sitting right by the USJ's entrance, which was still cracked open from when All Might had entered. The man was fighting for them now, aided by a few of their classmates who seemed stronger than the rest. More up to par with the threat they were facing. 

"What do you mean, Tsuyu?" Shoji asked, a little afraid of the answer. Tsu pointed to their teacher's capture weapon, and a few more of them leaned forward curiously. They could see now what she was talking about. Now that the sky had darkened and the rain had begun to pelt down, it was a lot easier to see the faint golden glow escaping from beneath the folds of his capture gear. The frog-quirk user felt a little drawn to it, unable to take her eyes off the unnatural light coming from within their teacher's weapon. It sung out to her in a language she didn't understand, but wished she could.

"Do you think it's the work of a villain?" Mina asked shakily, her shoulders tense. Thirteen was laid out nearby, also unconscious. They'd deduced that the damage wasn't as bad as it looked, but they couldn't be sure whether or not their spine had been damaged. Instead, they settled for leaving the Space Hero there. They had a pulse and had assured them that they were okay before falling unconscious. Not horribly reassuring, but it was better than nothing at all.

"No." Tsu answered before she could even process what she was saying, still staring. "It isn't."

Before anyone could say anything else, one of the USJ's massive doors slammed open. They all turned, expecting to see heroes. Their hearts dropped when they realized that wasn't the case. Save for Tsuyu's. She could not for the life figure out why, but she felt suddenly comforted at the sight of the shadowy figure hunched over in the entryway to the dome. Lighting flashed, and the thunder appeared to shake the entire structure and rattle the many glass windows as the individual stumbled forward.

"It's a villain! We're going to die!" Mineta shrieked. Tsuyu's tongue lashed out and smacked him in the back of the head, sending him face-planting right into the concrete. 

"O-Oh, no. Oh no." The man seemed distressed. As he got closer, they could see he wasn't really... well, dressed as a villain, per say. He was in oversized black swim trunks that pinched around his waist, and wore a jacket to big for him that wasn't zipped up. He had no shirt on under it. It looked as though he'd just come from the beach. Or it would've, if not for the tears streaking down his cheeks. He was drenched, but even they could tell he'd been crying. His chest heaved. How far had he run? Tsuyu backed up as he stumbled towards their teacher.

"W-Wait, shouldn't we stop him?" Sero asked, scratching the back of his neck. Tsuyu once again found herself responding without thinking. She shook her head, eyes trained on the man. His hair was dark, fading into seagreen. His eyes were big and watery, blue like the ocean's waves, but with swirls of pale emerald that reminded her of sea glass, or the surface of a shining lake. She felt... drawn towards him for no real reason at all, and like she could trust him. She was usually one to go with her gut. 

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