Chapter 28

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Third person pov

If it wasn't clear before, it was now. Something else was amiss with Atlantis. The way Gang Orca folded under his gaze, eyes sparkling and serious personality subdued, was astonishing. It was unlike anything Nezu had ever seen. The same went for Recovery Girl, Toshinori, and even Aizawa. Shota couldn't quite stop himself from gazing at his husband in total disbelief as he treated the oceanic hero like one might treat a puppy dog. That wasn't the weirdest part in particular, either. The way the terrifying pro responded in like was completely perplexing. He really and truly radiated a 'puppy-like' energy, excitable and loving towards Atlantis. Maybe even playful.

"We need to go as far out as we can." Hitoshi noted. Gang Orca had also shown interest in him, coming over and patting him on the head a bit and sitting next to him. If Hitoshi particularly cared, he didn't show it. Didn't even react as the adults gazed at him like he'd just stepped out of a portal from another world. Atlantis was still aweing over Gang Orca, too distracted to say anything else. "As soon as we can't see land anymore, we'll know we're far enough. It shouldn't take too long to get to that point." 

He as right. The wind seemed to be blowing them away from land. If not for the two anchors keeping them tied down, they surely would've been swept away by the tides. Recovery Girl and Toshinori both actually seemed a bit concerned about the violent nature with which the waves acted. Nezu was too busy sipping his tea to much mind, musing at the interactions between Gang Orca and the two oddballs aboard. Aizawa also wasn't too worried. He'd learned when he met Atlantis that the ocean had a life of its own, and that it would heed Atlantis' wishes and protect them whilst he was with them.

"Is there a reason we have to go so far out, dearie?" Recovery Girl asked mildly, seated on a bench that made her look even smaller than she already was. Atlantis blinked, cocking his head. How did he answer this without giving too much away? He wasn't quite sure. They were going to find out anyway, so perhaps it would be best to just own up to it now so they weren't surprised when it happened. They didn't need Toshinori-san panicking when Atlantis grew a tail and scooped him up with a giant mass of water.  

Aizawa could feel Atlantis' contemplation through their bond. He glanced at Nezu. The rat looked impossibly smug as he sat there, but Aizawa had been acquainted with him long enough to see he wasn't sure of anything just yet. There was a lot he still didn't know. That was both a good and bad thing. Would it be better for him to know? They were doing this. Gang Orca was getting up and setting off. Albeit he was being rather hesitant about it, as he had to stand up and leave Hitoshi and Atlantis to sit while he did so. You wouldn't find Shota complaining about that.

The underground pro shifted in his seat uneasily. Atlantis glanced his way questioningly, brows furrowed slightly in concern. Aizawa couldn't help but smile just a little. He was so expressive. Shota wished he could match the energy Atlantis brought forth, but perhaps his collected nature in contrast to his husband's spryness was what levelled everything out between them and made it work. That probably wasn't the case, but he could certainly dream and pretend it was.

"Yes, of course!" Atlantis exclaimed, clapping his hands together happily. He was incredibly enthusiastic despite his underlying nervousness. Being near the ocean was invigorating. Even Hitoshi seemed more energizing, sitting up a little straighter and talking with a little more push in his voice. Recovery Girl and Nezu had both greatly taken note of the changes, Atlantis notices. Mr. Toshinori simply seemed nervous. It made sense, seeing as he was the one with the grievous injury. "The further out we get, the more power we'll be able to draw." 

Nezu nodded calmly, analyzing what he'd said. At first glance it made sense. Atlantis' healing ability was highly water based, meaning it would make sense to put themselves in the middle of a mass of limitless water. However, if you really listened, he'd said 'we'll'. As in, him and Hitoshi Shinso, who did indeed not have an aquatic quirk. Not in the least, actually. His was mental based-- a hypnosis activated when he could get an enemy to verbally answer a question. There was no moisture of any kind involved. What was his involvement? If not for the odd nature of this entire expedition, he'd have insisted the teenager stay back for his own safety. But Hitoshi Shinso seemed to know exactly what was happening. Thus, how could Nezu possibly refuse?

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