Chapter 7

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Third person pov

The next few weeks flew by, filled with every sort of kiss you can imagine. From butterfly to eskimo. From french, to forehead. Lingering, cheek, single lip, jaw. A happiness Atlantis hadn't even realized could exist within himself bloomed to life, more vibrant than the coral he tended to, and brighter than any fish he'd ever seen, even in the tropics. It bubbled forcefully, like an underwater geyser spewing out heated water. He was euphoric, always smiling and giggling and wanting to just curl up in a ball and squeal. Shota's mere presence made his heart want to burst. This was what it was like to be in love, for him. This was a joy not even the ocean, his home, could bring him.

Aizawa was similar, starting to stay the night more and laughing more openly. He unfolded like a flower waking up beneath the sun from a deep, cool slumber. He felt so energized and just... happy. That was the only way to put it. He was painstakingly happy. He was the happy he used to make fun of or snort at when he saw it in public. Never in his life had he been so enraptured by another person. He wanted to be around Atlantis at all hours of the day. Talking to him, hearing him laughing, seeing him smile, kissing him and watching him bashfully bite his lip and look up at him with those big, seaglass eyes of his. It all warmed Aizawa to his core. It filled up a hole he hadn't even realized existed.

Aizawa went home to shave his face. His beard had grown a little too long, and Atlantis had suggested he shave it. That way when school came around and he was forced to, he wouldn't have an awkward tan line. He'd agreed. It would make kissing easier to have all that scratchy hair off and away, anyway. So he went home, promising himself he'd pick up some food on the way back to the dock. He also needed a change of clothes, and maybe he could wash his hair right quick too. Atlantis had told him to take his time. He was going to venture a ways outside of the cove to take some photos, find more coral, and maybe mingle a bit more with the local sea life. 

As he washed off his now smooth face, he found himself smiling at himself in the mirror. He'd never really liked himself. Not in particular, anyway. He looked healthier now, though. He felt better. He couldn't recall a time he'd felt like this. Even as a child, he'd been a little ragged around the edges. Atlantis felt like stability. Like he was smoothing out all Aizawa's harsh edges and bettering him. That's what a relationship was supposed to be, right? Mutual improvement? Happiness just by being together? Communication and laughter and sharing a meal under a blanket of stars? Aizawa wasn't sure, but he didn't care either way. He was happy. Atlantis was happy. Wasn't that all that mattered?

He washed his hair and threw it into a bun Atlantis would surely take out later. He liked to braid Aizawa's hair, weaving in underwater plants Shota hadn't even realized existed. Maybe the merman could do it after they finished eating the scones Aizawa had plans to pick up. Atlantis relished in the blueberry ones. He'd close his eyes and hum happily with each bite, and it was wonderful to witness. 

Aizawa exited his apartment with a bag in tow. He took a bag with his capture weapon and hero attire everywhere for emergencies. He'd thought several times about leaving it at home, but Atlantis thought it was good idea too. He didn't understand all that much about how the human world worked, but if they needed heroes, it was certainly for a reason. Better safe than sorry. Atlantis wasn't sure what he'd do if Aizawa just... stopped coming one day. The idea scared him. The idea scared Aizawa, too.

Mic was about to walk up when Shota exited the building. The blonde voice Hero and Midnight had both been taking turns coming to check up on the man, only to find he was rarely home when they did. He seemed to never be at his apartment anymore. He texted them both a few times each day, assuring them he was alive, but never giving any clues as to where he was or if there was someone else with him. Clearly, he'd been hanging around the beach. Where and why, nobody had a clue.

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