Chapter 4

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Third person pov

Mic was... suspicious.

Aizawa usually ignored his texts, but not to this extent. Usually he could get one or two words out of his a day. Maybe a sentence if he was lucky. The man wasn't all that glued to his phone, and only really gave it his attention if it were work related. But it had been radio silence since the Erasure Hero spontaneously took off work. Aizawa never took off work without at least a months warning or so. Never had he missed a patrol before. Mic had immediately assumed maybe his father was in the hospital or something of that sort, but a single phone call had told Mic that the man was doing fine, and he no idea that there was any issue with Shota.

Nemuri was having the same issue. Combined, they shared their concerns. Aizawa was pretty anti-social in general. Hizashi and Nemuri considered them to be his best friends, but even he didn't communicate with them much unless forced to. Being extroverts, it worked out for both Midnight and Mic. They had the optimistic energy to drag him out to bars and drown out his drabness with their shitty jokes and shining outlooks on life. 

But now he'd seemingly vanished off the face of the Earth without so much as a word, and it called for some intervention. There was a chance he'd fallen into some sort of coma in his apartment and just didn't want to talk to anyone. If that was the case, however, some warning would be nice! Nemuri was already trying to figure out what Aizawa's funeral plans were. Mic didn't quite blame her. He was beginning to assume the worst.

"Do you think he's okay? Nezu said he's still expected to teach this coming school year, so he hasn't resigned that." Nemuri noted as they walked towards his apartment. They were in their civilian wear-- unrecognizable to any civilians walking past that may have gasped in awe otherwise. That was the good thing about their boisterous costumes. It made it easier to blend in when they weren't looking so extravagant. Nobody had a clue what they looked like in plain, regular-people clothing!

"So far he's taken an entire week off from patrols, Nemuri. That's not normal!" Mic exclaimed, brows furrowing and concern seeping into his tone as he threw his hands in the air. The woman nodded in agreement, frowning. Aizawa was a man of routine. He was practical and rational. A spontaneous decision like this wasn't like him. Shota was a man who liked to plan ahead. And who knows, maybe randomly vanishing for a long period of time had been on his to-do list. Maybe not telling anyone had been as well.

"I'm sure he'll be at his apartment. There's probably a simple explanation to this. Maybe he got a pet cat and is too afraid to leave it home alone. That seems like something he'd do." Nemuri suggested, not really believing herself. She just didn't want Hizashi to hyperventilate. The blonde looked on the edge of a mental break.

"Or he has cancer and is going to die in a few weeks and is trying to live out his bucket list while sparing us the pain by distancing himself." Mic rushed out. Nemuri blanched. Apparently her horror showed on her face, because Mic let out something akin to a wail as they stepped into Aizawa's apartment building. "Oh my god, he's definitely dying! I can't believe this. He didn't even tell us. He just wants to-"

They turned onto Aizawa's hall, and came to a deal halt. Mic's mouth snapped shut, and Midnight's fell open. Both their eyes widened. Aizawa's did the same as he stood there like a deer caught in headlights, horror dawning on his face. It was an expression he didn't usually wear, but neither could blame him as they took in his appearance. Was this his mid-life crisis? He wasn't even forty yet! He couldn't snap now!

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