Chapter 15

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Third person pov

Atlantis wasn't sure why the blonde, skeletal man who looked rather sickly was gawking at him. Or why Recovery Girl seemed to utterly taken aback by the whole ordeal. Nezu seemed gleeful, staring directly at him with those beady eyes of his. Atlantis shared a nervous glance with Aizawa, trying to figure out what he'd said to make them react in such a way. Had he not understood the concept of surnames and somehow done it wrong? He didn't know. Shota didn't either, which made Atlantis think maybe this wasn't a normal human thing.

"We're happy to have you aboard, Atlantis. I'm sure you'll be a well-welcomed addition to our staff this year. Recovery Girl has been looking for help for years now." Nezu broke the silence that had descended upon everyone, folding one paw over the other in a posh manner. Atlantis nodded on instinct, eyes flitting around and taking everyone in as they stared at him and Shota. He really didn't want to be here right now. He could already tell having a job here was going to be rather tiring, but at least it would help him learn more about this new world and how it functioned.

"Wait a minute now. I got some questions for Eraserhead." Snipe insisted, adjusting his position in his seat. There were a few murmurs of agreement. "I understand all that went on with the USJ and such, but when did you get engaged? And how'd he know you were in need of assistance?" 

Both were valid questions from the western-themed hero. Communications had been down at the time, so there wasn't a clear reason given forth as to how exactly Atlantis had known to come. Not only that, but none of them had even known Atlantis existed. That part wasn't all that surprising once you considered what a private person Shota was. He didn't share much anything about his social life. Getting him to come out for drinks was harder than getting Mic to be quiet was. 

Atlantis didn't know what to say. He didn't think telling him he was actually a mythical creature who'd enchanted a pearl that alerted hi to Shota's location and injury was the right way to go. However, lying didn't feel correct either. He'd never been in a situation like this before. With Shota and back when he was with his fellow merfolk, there'd been never been a reason for fake backstories or lies. Shota was safe. There was no danger in being honest with him, and it had been the same back before he was separated from his own kind.

"We met over the summer. As for how he knew I was in danger, that's in relation to his quirk. I'm not sure how it works, and he isn't either. He hasn't used his power much." Aizawa spoke levelly and in such a sure tone, Atlantis surely would've believed him if he hadn't already been aware of the truth. "You didn't know about him before because my personal life is none of your business. All you need to know is that we're getting married and that he'll be working here."

"Are you sure we can trust someone so soon after this attack? I'm not trying to discount you or your taste or your word, Eraserhead, but this is a sensitive time. Adding new, strange staff could be received poorly by the press and by the parents of our students." Cementoss presented forth several valid points. Atlantis frowned, gaze dropping to his hands. Was there a way to prove to them he was truthful, and meant to harm? He really only wished to help.

Merfolk went off of swears. In Atlantis' culture, your word was everything, and not something easily broken. When one broke a promise-- an official one-- it negatively impacted them greatly. They'd feel a harsh sting, and the ocean would turn against them for a time, if not for life. There was nothing more powerful or more heavy than the things you said. Atlantis knew that, and the ocean did too. But did the humans? It sure didn't seem like it. 

Aizawa twitched visibly at the questions. He knew it wasn't a direct attack on Atlantis. Or at least, it wasn't meant to be. Cementoss had been there in response to the USJ. He'd seen firsthand the damage, having to watch the many students filter out in fear. All Might, beat down and at his weakest for the first time in a long time. He'd been forced to dash right into the fray of something that had been traumatic for all who'd experienced it. Thinking too hard about it reminded Aizawa of the crack of his bones snapping, and the blinding pain. The fearful expressions his students wore as they watched him lose. 

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