Chapter 39

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Third person pov

Don't ask Aizawa how long it took him to get Kaminari out of his goddamn house. Just... don't. He doesn't want to talk about it. He's already going through the many stages of grief over the fact that his husband seems to genuinely like the kid. As in, this isn't the last time Aizawa will be tortured with the electric brat's presence. Again, he has nothing against Kaminari. He just wants his students as far away from him as humanely possible after hours, thank you. He's got a life outside of work and he'd like to live it.

Nighteye's agency isn't as large as most, but it still manages to loom over them as they mentally prepare for their meeting with All Might and his colleagues. A secure location is pertinent for a discussion like this, and the agency was the perfect place. Shota can tell Atlantis is nervous about the whole thing, constantly fidgeting, his mind alight with what feels like an endless pit of worries through their bond. Shota wraps a hand around his husband's, his own heart thundering a bit with apprehension. He doesn't know how the hell Hitoshi can stay so calm. Kid's got sunglasses on and is obnoxiously slurping away at his juice box. Where'd he even get that thing?

"Y-You think it'll be alright?" Atlantis asked quietly, eyes darting from the doors of the agency to Shota's face, trying to gauge an outward reaction despite the emotional connection already between them. Aizawa forced himself to calm, offering his husband a small, fond smile. Hitoshi made an exaggerated gagging motion behind his cousin's back. Aizawa ignored it expertly. He taught highschool-- he was (unfortunately) used to shit like this.

"It'll be fine. I've worked with Sir Nighteye before. I promise he's trustworthy." Shota soothed, words straightforward but soft. Atlantis nodded, centering himself. This was all fine. Everything would be fine and there was no reason whatsoever to panic at all, even slightly. Not even a little bit! It's not like a several-century old supervillain was out there, still alive, lurking, and probably hoping to wipe them off the face of the Earth. Nothing like that! Never! "Hey, I can practically hear you overthinking. Seriously, it'll all be alright. It's not going to be nearly as bad as you think it is."

Atlantis swallowed his nerves. He knew Shota was right. Nothing he worried about ever ended up being as bad as he thought it would be! He just had to brace himself. This wasn't the worst thing that was probably going to happen going forward. It was a simple meeting. One that involved revealing their secret to even more people, but if Shota trusted them, Atlantis could find it in himself to give them the same faith. Humans weren't as finicky with secrets as the mer were, but Shota was a great judge of character, and they hadn't run into any issues so far. Honestly, if All For One wanted to hunt them down badly enough, he'd... well, he would. Regardless of who knew and who didn't.

Squeezing Atlantis' hand one more time, Shota started for the door to the agency. He wished he could've grown a tail and escaped into the ocean with Atlantis. Then his husband wouldn't have to deal with any of this overwhelming stress, and they could spend their days drifting happily with one another. It was a childish fantasy. Atlantis likely never would've found Hitoshi had he not come onto land and ventured into UA with Shota. Aizawa was endlessly glad to have him here next to him, overwhelmed with love and overall adoration for the mer. It was just... hard seeing him so anxious and scared over this. That's all.

The inside of the agency was colder than it was outside. Bubble Girl looked up when they came in, giving a smile and jerking her head towards the hallway. Aizawa bobbed his head in greeting, only vaguely remembering the direction of Nighteye's office. It was upstairs somewhere, down a long hallway that would undoubtedly make Atlantis even more nervous. Aizawa just focused on holding his hand instead, leading them through and wishing Nighteye had done a bit more to warm the place up. The walls, at least, were a comforting shade of blue. Shota wasn't sure that was helping.

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