Chapter 14

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Third person pov

Atlantis sat awkwardly as they discussed what to do next after he USJ. There were a lot of words he didn't recognize and a lot of things said that he didn't quite understand. He kept his eyes on his hands, which were clasped in his... lap. He couldn't help but feel fidgety. A lot of people kept glancing his way. It made him nervous. Was he doing anything wrong? Was he supposed to be here? If Shota had let him, he would've stayed at the apartment all day turning the sink on and off. That being said, Atlantis liked accompanying his fiance! Everytime he looked at Shota, he'd get a small smile that made him want to bounce in place.

Buildings here were weird, and not at all like the ones they had underwater. Not that there was much architecture under the sea. Though the waves were often times enough of a roof over any mer's head to be comfortable, having a sense of security and a shell of protection was nice. Theirs looked more some like beneath the sea. Any sharp corners or edges got weathered by water. Here, everything was so... so big. And geometrical.

From what little Atlantis could gather, they were going to be making this building more... protected. To try and keep the villains out. Classes would resume on Monday, which meant Shota would go back to teaching all his students. That made Atlantis happy and a bit afraid. Shota loved teaching. Anyone who knew him could tell that just by hearing him talk about his students! But what would Atlantis do? He was far from qualified to teach human children. He knew less than they did about this world functioned, and that wasn't even considering how hero society operated. He couldn't join Shota in his educational endeavors.

"Our next order of business is Atlantis then, it seems!" The sound of his name snapped him from his train of thought, and his head jerked up. His cheeks immediately flushed with color when he saw everyone looking at him with raw curiosity shining shamelessly in their eyes. He shot a glance at Shota, who looked to be a mixture of concerned and amused. Atlantis knew he hadn't had a choice but to come. Nezu, the small rodent man, wished to know about him. Hence why Atlantis is here to begin with. He'd exposed himself, which meant it was too late to hide.

"From what we've observed, he has an extensive healing quirk." Recovery Girl spoke up gleefully. Attention diverted to her momentarily. "He brought Eraserhead back from the brink of death with ease. Though I'm not sure how his quirk works, I have reason to believe he could one day succeed my position."

A few quiet exclamations of surprise and excitement were heard. Everyone knew how hard Recovery Girl had been searching for an apprentice for some odd number of years now. To think she'd finally found one that could live up to her standard was beyond astonishing, but also rather amazing. To think they could snatch this young man up before another school or institution did. The room was buzzing.

"You brought him here to hire him?" Shota asked, seeming fairly bewildered, as though he'd expected something different. Atlantis blinked. Hired? That meant he'd get to work here, didn't it? If he worked here, then he would have something to do during the day. Not only that, but if Shota worked here, and Atlantis worked here, then... He perked up considerably. He'd be able to work with Shota and help him and the students!

"O-Oh!" Atlantis beamed at Recovery Girl, who looked impossibly hopeful. His voice came out hesitant and shy, but still loud enough to be heard by everyone. "I-I have a water-based healing quirk. If there isn't any sort of water, i-it's pretty useless."

"Even though I woke up feeling refreshed and perfectly fine, I still felt the toll of my injuries mentally. I was exhausted, but not in the sense that I had my energy sapped from me." Shota spoke up. Apparently, he'd decided to go along with the idea that Atlantis could work here. Atlantis could see something shining in his eyes that only made the merman feel more exuberant. "From what I've seen of his quirk, it's extremely powerful and has few limits when it comes to healing. He'd be a useful addition to the staff."

"Splendid!" Nezu clapped his paws together. Atlantis was still awed that an enlarged, talking rat could exist. Or at least, Atlantis thought he looked like a rat, or perhaps a mouse. Either way, it was quite odd to witness. He couldn't much talk seeing as he could grow a tail by taking off a necklace. This whole world on land was terribly fascinating. Getting to explore it with Shota was a dream come true. And now, he may get to work alongside his fiance! The idea made him feel awfully giddy.

"So you would wish to work under me?" Recovery Girl sounded more hesitant than she had in her entire life, holding her breath. Atlantis gave a bright and cheery smile. Recovery Girl—an odd name for someone, but perhaps it was an alias like 'Eraserhead'—seemed awfully nice. Working with her would be fun, he was sure.

"Of course!" Atlantis clapped his hands together. "I would be pleased to aid you in healing the children, and to work where Shota works!"

Recovery Girl visibly sagged in relief. A few clapped and cheered. Atlantis just sat and blinked, not sure what the big deal was. Were healers not common among their people? They never had been with the merfolk either. Atlantis was a descendent of one of the only lines of healers, his mother bringing it into his blood. He'd been traveling with a diverse pod with a few warriors and some manipulators, though most would venture to call those "sirens" due to their abilities. His mood dampened slightly thinking of his lost family. Perhaps he'd find some answers here on solid ground!

"This is excellent news. I'll have the appropriate paperwork by Monday. Can you give me your full name?" Nezu asked. Atlantis tensed, brain falling to a dead halt. Full name? Was that his parents' clan name after his? Or was he to take Shota's name? No, wait, that came after marriage. He fidgeted slightly. Shota was looking at him in a manner that looked bland to everyone else, but Atlantis could see the tension in his shoulders. He had never asked if Atlantis had a surname before either. Atlantis took a deep breath.

"A-Ah, it's Atlantis Shimura, but just Atlantis is fine." Atlantis gave a small and slightly forced smile. The principal froze, Recovery Girl tensed, and somewhere further down the table, a bout of blood sprayed out of the mouth of a gangly blonde man.  Atlantis blinked, looking at Shota for answers. He didn't seem to have any. Atlantis decided he probably should've just taken Shota's name and hoped for the best to begin with.

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