Chapter 6

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Third person pov

The days went on and on, and soon Shota found himself taking the whole summer off. His agency didn't much mind. They encouraged it, with how much of a workaholic Aizawa had proven to be since he joined in with them. They didn't ask questions or make complaints. Nobody wanted to risk him changing his mind. It's not that they didn't enjoy having him there-- they all simply knew he needed a break, and now was one of the best times for him to take one. Though, when Present Mic called in asking if he was working this week and they broke the news, the shriek the blonde voice hero let out nearly shattered the receptionist's right eardrum. 

Honestly, Shota Aizawa had never been happier. His days were filled with sandy beaches and oceanic waves. With glimmering scales full of all his favorite colors, and a pair of sea-green eyes that made his heart pound and his lips stretch into a broad smile. He felt airy and light, and like there was nothing that could burden him any longer. It was refreshing. He was eating healthier and laughing more. He was more well kept than ever, even while sporting a beard. He kept it well-maintained. 

Aizawa didn't often splurge to buy things for himself. It's why he had so much money saved up to begin with. He was, essentially, a minimalist. The most expensive item he owned had to be his sleeping bag, which had served him dutifully throughout the years and still looked as good as new. A good and rational purchase, in his opinion. That was besides the point. Recently, he'd been buying a great number of things. A high-grade underwater camera for Atlantis, who'd used it greatly to take photos unlike any he'd ever seen from regular deep-sea divers. Foods from restaurants and bakeries that charged more than most regular places. Knick-knacks and games he and Atlantis could share.

All those had brought a smile to Atlantis' face. It made every dime spent all the more worth it. Watching his nose crinkle when he examined the games Shota brought, and his eyes light up when the smell of freshly baked goods hit his senses. It made Aizawa's day so much brighter. Things seemed less monotone nowadays. Colors around him were vibrant and popped out more. It was harder to be pessimistic when everything seemed so upbeat around him, and he found himself quite alright with that. It felt good to be happy for once. To be content. 

Now here he was again, at the pier he'd quickly become accustomed to walking onto despite the rickety nature of the structure. Atlantis was perched at the end, watching him curiously as he dropped his towel and bag down, balancing his new purchase on one shoulder. It was big, bright, and covered in banana-leaf print. A vibrant shade of teal peeked out between portions where the leaves didn't criss-cross, somehow managing to make it all the beachier. Aizawa had always wanted to learn how to surf. Now felt like the perfect time to do so.

"What's that thing?" Atlantis asked curiously as Aizawa lowered it into the water. Shota admired his intrigued expression momentarily. "Is it a small boat?"

"No, not really. It's called a surfboard." Aizawa answered with a half smile, fishing a magazine out of the bag. "This can give you a better idea of what it is. I've always wanted to learn how, and I've got good balance. What do you think?"

Atlantis beamed at him, taking the magazine curiously and opening it. Things made of material that wasn't waterproof always seemed to fascinate the merman. He'd never really seen paper before. Water did away with it far too quickly. Reading was a new experience. Atlantis wasn't all that good at it yet, but he could speak just fine, so he was beginning to catch on. Shota was a good and patient teacher, and would help him sound out some of the larger words. 

"Wow." Atlantis awed at the images depicting humans balancing atop boards just like Aizawa's, riding monstrous waves with their knees bent and arms out for balance. If anyone would be good at a sport such as this, it would certainly be Shota. He was lean and fit, and as he'd said before, extremely good at balancing. Atlantis felt excitement brew in the pit of his stomach, and his heart fluttered at the idea of Shota being closer to him and to the sea. "I can help you!"

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