Chapter 12

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Third person pov

Shota woke up in a haze to the sound of Hizashi's voice. It almost didn't register. Everything felt clouded and thick. Trying to form coherent thoughts felt impossibly. He felt light as his head rolled tiredly to the side. His gaze came to rest on Atlantis. He couldn't help but smile. He loved Atlantis, so why wouldn't he smile? Only Atlantis was crying and in distress, which was a problem. He wasn't sure he'd ever seen Atlantis upset before. Not like this, anyway.

And then he looked at Hizashi and Nemuri, who were gawking at him. And then he looked back at Atlantis. And the reality of this situation came crashing down around him, sending him shooting upright in his bed. Hizashi let out a shout of surprise at the abruptness of the movement, and Nemuri raised a brow. Atlantis withdrew his hand, bringing his hands up to his face and beginning to frantically apologize and sob in a near hysterical manner. Aizawa gaped like a fish out of water, his eyes wide as saucers. He opened his mouth to say something, but a strangled choking noise was all that escaped him as his mind raced to figure out how Atlantis was here. How he had legs.

The pearl hummed at him. Shota let his eyes fall to the lightly-glowing pendant around Atlantis's neck. He blinked several times, swiveling to look at Mic and Midnight as though to make sure they were still there. Hearing Atlantis cry was heartbreaking. He just... legs. Those were legs. Atlantis had legs. He'd come when Shota needed him, and was here, on land, with a pair of legs and what seemed like it may be a magic necklace. Why wouldn't Atlantis have told him about it, though? No-- he would've. This development had to be recent. But either way...

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" Nemuri asked, frantic. 

"And why's he crying so hard?!" Mic yelped, concerned. Aizawa blinked his shock away, head whipping back in Atlantis' direction. Right! Atlantis was actually here, and he was crying! What kind of boyfriend was Aizawa being? Wait, this meant Hizashi and Nemuri knew. Not that that actually mattered at the moment. It would've been a bit more pressing had Atlantis been presented forth with his tail. But right now, they thought him to be any ordinary human being. 

"Holy shit." Shota's head whipped back to Atlantis as he threw his legs over the side of the bed. His heart swelled. Atlantis was here, on land, with legs. He had legs! He didn't know if it was some new power or if it really was that necklace like he thought it was, but he could feel his hopes beginning to rise. This had to be why Atlantis was suddenly asking if Aizawa would still want to be with him if he had legs! He was checking. Holy shit-- they could be together. Like, really together. 

They could live together and wake up in the same bed. Aizawa could cook for him in the kitchen, and sit with him on the couch and show him movies that would make his eyes grow wide with awe. They could adopt a cat together like Shota had dutifully suggested. He could wrap Atlantis up in a blanket, and show him how the shower worked. they could grocery shop, and go to restaurants, and if Shota proposed, even get-

"Oh my god." Shota choked out, slipping out of bed and allowing himself to sink to his knees in front of Atlantis. His two friends hopped to their feet, peering over the bed to watch. They couldn't see the smile that grew across their friend's face, his back being to them, but they could see him reach up to carefully pull Atlantis' hands away from his face. The smaller man looked absolutely distraught, his sea-colored eyes wide with a fair amount of fear that was kindled with something else. Shota smiled at him, feeling a bit misty-eyed himself. "Atlantis, it's okay. You just-- holy shit, you're here!" 

"I-I'm sorry I-I-" Atlantis hiccuped, and Aizawa wiped at his tears. Atlantis offered a shaky smile. "I-I wanted to practice first, but then I-I felt... I-I felt you start t-to die, and I got s-so afraid, a-a-and-"

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