Chapter 20

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Third person pov

If anyone were to look over, it would look like they were a family. Atlantis so clearly loved Hitoshi, his hand clasped tightly around the boy's as he tearfully blubbered about where he'd been and how he'd met Shota. The underground pro could only try and suppress his smile to the best of his ability, red spanning his cheeks as Atlantis sung his praises. Hitoshi seemed to find this all spectacular, constantly wiping tears from his eyes as he smiled at Atlantis. The grin he sported was so wide his face hurt, but Hitoshi didn't care. This was Atlantis. He couldn't believe he's actually managed to find Atlantis!

Aizawa was relieved to see Atlantis so happy. It made him feel things he didn't realize he could feel, and realize just how much he absolutely loved the merman. Shota would give everything for Atlantis feel like this all the time. He was so glad Atlantis had found Hitoshi. The teen clearly meant a great deal to him, and Atlantis seemed just... god, Shota could feel the joy radiating off him in waves. It made him giddy, and the love he felt towards the mer burst forth with new warmth. He smiled. 

"I can't believe you've been here this whole time!" Atlantis exclaimed for what had to have been the millionth time; though, Shota didn't mind, and Hitoshi definitely didn't either. Aizawa observed the General Education student keenly. He was a merman too, then? It was weird to think about, but aweing at the same time. "I just— oh, I've missed you so much, Hitoshi. And you've gotten so big! I just want to squeeze you forever!"

Hitoshi let out a watery laugh as Atlantis began to cry all over again. Shota squeezed his fiance's hand, unable to stop his own smile as he unlocked their apartment. He had a spare bedroom he'd be completely willing to give up if it would make Atlantis feel this way more often. He didn't know Hitoshi, and he didn't particularly trust the kid, but he didn't not trust him either. Atlantis absolutely adored him if his reaction was anything to go off of, and he doubted he'd want to be separated from him again. Hearing him talk about what he'd gone through alone all those years made Shota's heart squeeze in a painful manner. Atlantis must've been so lonely.

Atlantis wasn't sure his life could be more perfect. He was not only with the love of his life getting the chance to explore a whole new world, and now he'd found one of his long lost family members. If Hitoshi was on land, who else had ended up here? Was there a chance Atlantis' pod wasn't as dead as he thought it was? The mere prospect filled him with hope. The crystal that had given him legs in the first place hummed with encouragement. Him exploring seemed to intrigue it. It liked the idea.

"I'm so glad you found me." Hitoshi breathed, feeling like a weight had been taken off his shoulders. This was his home. His family. Everything he had been before he washed up on land. Everything he missed and longed for was right here. Someone who loved him— who knew him. Someone else who understood the ocean in the same way he did. He let Atlantis giddily pull him into that apartment. The purple-haired merman glanced at Aizawa's face, but it was void of any irritation. Instead, he looked happy. In love, for sure. Hitoshi could feel it and he was beyond glad. Atlantis deserved it. 

Atlantis wanted to do so many things! He wanted to catch up with Hitoshi, and marry Shota. He wanted to explore this new world, and he wanted to learn more about the medical field. His life was filled with so many interests and joys now. He hadn't really noticed how bland it was. Was this why the ocean had encouraged him to leave its salted waters? Did it know there was more out there for him? He liked to think so. The sea was a good caretaker to him. It had always been kind in its ways. 

"Shinso, what's your housing situation right now?" Aizawa found himself asking as Atlantis vibrated happily in place, his eyes dancing. Shota had seen Atlantis happy before, but never to this extent. He'd thought he'd witnessed Atlantis be overjoyed, but none of those moments compared to this. He looked so animated and bubbly, like there was nothing holding him down. Shota wanted him to look like that forever. To be that happy here on land. He hoped with everything in him that they could be that joyful with on another. Content and just... together. That's all he wanted.

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