Chapter Fifteen | Ethan, My Hero? Or... Not

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"When you asked me for a 'walk in the moonlight', I thought it would be the cheesiest thing- but it's kinda fun having us talk to each other personally." I kicked the dirt on the road as we continued walking.

"Yeah, I wasn't quite sure if I should've asked you." He bit his lip, but then smiled at me.

You're killing me with that smile, Sims.

"I know, it's one of my best traits." He smirked. Oops, did I say that aloud?

"Oops." I mumbled. "It's okay, Ella, I know you find me extremely attractive- just admit it." He cheesed.

"So you know that new girl Sienna?" He asked. "Yeah, she's my friend." I said, really nervous about what he'll say about her.

"Well tell her there is a guy looking out for her." He winked. "Who?" I asked, gulping- oh god, I'm gonna be sick. Ryder likes Sienna?

"No one, but he's popular in school." He said. Oh lord no. Ryder is popular. So he's talking about himself.

I frowned. "Oh." I said under my breath. "Hey, wanna go climb that oak?" Ryder asked, pointing to a large tree.

"Sure." I said sadly. Don't be bummed, Ella- cheer up buttercup! He hurdled to the oak tree. I slowly walked behind him- he crushed me and now I'm in a puddle of sadness. I like Ryder, and I should be with him- not Sienna. I put on my best fake smile and climbed the tree with him.


"Aw, sorry, hun." My mom patted my back. "Boys are stupid." She tried to cheer me up as she handed me frozen yogurt from Creamy & Stuff.

"Mom, I hate boys." I dug my spoon into the cold, amazing frozen yogurt and took a big bite. "Just ignore Ryder. I always thought he wasn't good for you anyways, he's a trouble maker."

No kidding, mom.

"I'm gonna call Sky and Paisley so they could come bring me chick flicks and chocolate, can they spend the night please?" I asked.

I knew she was gonna say yes. My mom always gives in when I'm upset about something, and pretty much in general as long as we have no plans.

"Okay, have Sky bring Ethan- maybe you two can hang." My mom smiled. "Mom, Ethan is dating Sky." I said blankly. "Oh, well have them bring their boyfriends over anyways. We can have a pizza party! Get your boogie on with some Just Dance!" My mom smiled as she wiggled her butt IN MY FACE.

"God mom, just let me handle this." I giggled. "Kay, I'll make you girls some snacks now!" My mom danced over to the kitchen. I rolled my eyes, she is so dumb. But I love her for it.


"I brought you Vogue magazine, The Wedding Ring movie, and two Hershey bars." Sky handed me the goodies. "Thanks Sky." I hugged her. "And I brought you nothing, I didn't realize you were sad. What happened?" Ethan asked. "Nothing, I don't want to talk about it." I frowned.

"I'll tell you later." Sky whispered to Ethan. Then, Paisley showed up. She was wearing her running sneakers and looked sweaty, she probably went for an afternoon run like she always does.

"Hey!" Sky waved to her as she put her hands on her knees, panting for air. "I just ran- f-for five miles." She panted. "Aha, I could never do that! I can't even run two steps! New record broken by Paisley!" Sky jokingly clapped for her.

"Thanks." Paisley giggled, her air beginning to come back to her. "Hey, where's Landon?" I asked. "He decided to ditch me for that new girl, Sienna, he and Sienna and Ryder are all enjoying some coffee I guess." She frowned.

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