Chapter Seventeen | That Dumb Kissing Thing

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The colorful pool lights click on as Sky, Paisley, Annie, Sienna, Ethan, and Landon are all having some midnight pool fun.

"Everyone, get out of the pool and change immediately! We are going to set up spin-the-bottle!" Chloe smiled and darted back inside as everyone climbed out.

I walked inside and saw upstairs that a line that trails down the stairs for the bathroom is currently occupied.

I huffed and stomped to the back of the line that was on the first stair!

"Ella, you can go change in my bathroom if you want!" Chloe pushed me into her bathroom that was huge and gold and marvelously beautiful.

Chloe's POV 💋-

Revenge is so sweet.

Ella's POV 💗-

I changed and walked out and everyone was changed already! Fast much?

I kept a bare face, no heels, and wet hair.

I only had my gold dress on and my face exposed all my blemishes and my shoes were thrown in Paisley's car and my hair was a wet, icky mess.

"Everyone sit down and shut up! I know this is lame, but we are using a ketchup bottle for our spins. All you have to do is spin the bottle and whoever it lands on, you have to kiss right in front of everyone. Simple as that! Now I'll go first since I'm the birthday girl!"

Chloe took an enthusiastic spin and landed on this kid named Nicholas Webb, but he's got abs so of course Chloe wouldn't mind kissing him.

She did a short and sweet kiss but he tried to kiss her again, but she rejected him.

"Sienna, spin next!" I could tell Sienna's blood was pumping, who will she kiss?

Sienna landed on Landon, thank god for her that she didn't land on anyone else.

They shared a kiss and it was so adorable- cutest couple. But Paisley just glared at them and rolled her eyes, I think she still likes Landon so it would take awhile for her to warm up to Sienna.

Next- hesitation- was me.

I placed the ketchup bottle right in the middle and took a deep breath before releasing it, letting it spin until it landed on the guy it chose for me.

It started to slow down after awhile on Ethan, then it completely stopped.

It was pointing firmly and right in the middle at...

Ryder freaking Sims.

Everyone smiled except for Brandon and Chloe, Sienna was smiling really big because she tried to get us together.

I bit my lip and stared at him, he stared back.

My awkward first official kiss while playing spin-the-bottle, it's funny because I'm not a junior or senior like a lot of kids and I'm playing spin-the-bottle and I landed on Ryder.

I looked at his lips that were so cute and warming.

That is what I'll be kissing tonight.

"Let's just get this over with." He rolled his eyes and came over to me. He offered a hand to help me up. "Piece of cake, it's just a kiss." I mumbled.

Yeah, my first kiss. With Ryder.

We stood up, a swarm of people surrounding us.

"At least give us some air to breath." Ryder commanded as the swarm of people backed up.

We both leaned, millimeters away from each other.

Then, our lips touched and my heart was beating 1,38&4938 beats per second.

It's like a cage of butterflies was released that have been trapped in there for years.

We pulled away and stared at each other's sparkling, hopeful eyes.

"You aren't a bad kisser..." He mumbled, trying to get rid of the awkwardness. "You either..." I added, moving my eyes across the room.

"Aw, that was so sweet!" Sienna smiled.

Ryder chuckled and I giggled. I hope after that, he feels the same way as me.

I can't believe I felt like that. When our lips touched, my chest exploded into fireworks and it was so magical, like when you're at Disney World and you see those beautiful fireworks above Cinderella's castle- it felt like that, but better.

Brandon's turn was next. I could tell Chloe was nervous.

He spinned and of course, it landed on moi.

Two times in a row. How special am I? NOT.

Brandon smirked and I glanced at Ryder who didn't look too happy.

He actually looked like jealousy boiled over his veins and his face was about to pop like a kernel.

He leaned in, I leaned it. It was a series of leaning in tonight.

Then, we kissed.

It escalated quickly, a little bit. It was about 3 seconds of kissing.

We pulled apart and we both smiled. That was one good kiss. Good job, Ella.

Honestly, the kiss with Brandon was better than the kiss with Ryder.

Ryder's POV 💙-

To be honest, the kiss with Ella was the best kiss ever.

Ella's POV 💗-

Chloe gave me an annoyed glare. It's her fault for having us play spin-the-bottle.

Then, something happened. Something that made my stomach turn.

Find out what happened in the next chapter! XOXO


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