Chapter Five | Excitement Is Happening

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It's homecoming day. I'm majorly excited! This is probably the first event ever that isn't my aunt's 25th birthday party or my mom's wedding or even the ballroom dances for Prince Isaac lll.

Once I got home from school, my mom decorated me head to toe. My friends and I all went to get our nails and hair done yesterday. I got cat-sharp white acrylic nails to match my dress and heels. And my hair, they curled it and it isn't supposed to come out until tomorrow.

I put on the beautiful dress Paisley bought me at the store and my mom just adores it. My mom touched up my hair and I put a top coat over my acrylic nails to keep the color stay better.

I put on heels from my eighth grade graduation and my mom did my makeup: Silver studs, eyeliner, mascara on the eye and hot pink lips. And of course I did the foundation, blush, concealer and all that jazz.

And I was picture perfect. Actually, so perfect that when Ryder shows up my mom wants a picture of us together. Bleh. My mother is that mother, I know. My father is overprotective and cares so much, the opposite of my mom.

For example, my dad would hate it if I had a boyfriend. My mom would encourage me to get a boyfriend. Spot the difference.

So I played the most irritating game while I waited: Flappy Bird. And I kept losing at like sixteen.

And then ding dong, when I was about to get to seventeen.

It was Paisley, Sky, Annie, Chloe, Ryder, Ethan and Landon? I never asked them for Sky and Paisley. Ooh, maybe they built up courage to ask themselves.

I kept noticing Chloe glance over at Ryder, checking him out. She saw me looking and I gave her a warning glare. Sorry Chloe, Ryder is taken.

"Beautiful, my lady." Ryder came by my side. "Are we waiting for the limo?" I asked. "Yes m'am, we are." Ethan grinned.

All the boys looked so handsome. Ryder was wearing the most elegant black suit with his hair molded all nice with gel. And I caught a few whiffs of his natural scent: Lavender and honey.

Ethan wore a light blue suit that brought out his eyes. And his hair was styled in a messy way, but it still looked cute. He had Sky latched with his arm.

Landon was wearing a black suit as well. His hair was his every-day hair and he was the only one who brought a rose for Paisley. Aww.

And of course, the ladies looked gorgeous as always.

We sat inside as we waited for the limo. It was really awkward. There was no speaking really until Ethan was being himself and broke the awkwardness with a dumb joke.

"Ask me how I would describe you, Landon." Ethan said before beginning his joke. Landon sighed and looked annoyed. "How would you describe me?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "ABCDEFGHIJK!" Ethan said. "What?" Landon asked. "Awesome, beautiful, cool, daring, elegant, fashionable, great, hoads of fun." Ethan said. "Ok? What about IJK?" Landon asked, confused. "IM JUST KIDDING!" Ethan fell on the floor laughing.

Landon glared at him furiously. And I couldn't help but let out a snort, along with all my friends and Ryder. Because I didn't know where he was going with that but that was pretty hilarious.

And then a beep came from outside. "Limo!" Paisley yanked Landon's arm and dragged him out first so they got the best seats. Classic Paisley.

Ryder and I walked second with everyone else following behind. We all crammed into the limo and I sat in the back with the speakers so I can change the music. Ryder sat next to me and Annie and Chloe sat in front of Ryder and I. Sky and Ethan and Paisley and Landon sat in the front part of the limo with no music so they can get to know each other better.

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