Chapter Twenty | The Great Scooter Hockey Tournament

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I woke up. I felt like a new person. Like I have just risen from the dead.

I, Ella Jones, am actually not complaining or worrying or crying this morning.

I skipped over to my wardrobe where scattered clothes filled up my whole space. Tonight will be a cleaning night.

I picked out a sky blue dress and just sprayed some sea salt spray in my hair.

I have to go back to school and face Ryder. I'm really torn right now. Brandon is like the sweetest guy ever, but I really really really like Ryder too.

I may be starting to love even, okay never mind. I'm only sixteen so I can't love right now.

Although, I'm only sixteen but I'm still a freshman- but that's because I just have a really early birthday, so I'm one step ahead of everyone.

Well everyone except Ryder who is seventeen, and Brandon who is sixteen.

I got ready for school in hopes that today wouldn't be like the other days (aka terrible, horrible, not-fun, annoying, dumb days).

"Mom, I'm leapin' out! Paisley is here! Bye Faith!" I tugged Faith's My Little Pony shirt on my way out. "Hey! Don't touch my Rainbow Dash shirt!" She complained as I ran outside.

"Hey sista!" Paisley gripped the steering wheel and hugged me at the same time. "Hey love!" Sky smiled warmly at me.

"Hi guys." I said as I buckled the purple seatbelt. (Paisley actually gets a hippie car with purple seatbelts. K.).

"You ready to face the drama today?" Sky rolled her eyes, probably having an image of Chloe in her head, and Allie. But honestly, Allie hasn't really made an impact in my life, she doesn't seem like the queen bee anymore- Chloe is I guess.

"I'm more than ready." I smiled. I'm not gonna let anyone ruin my day today. I'm a free, single woman. Except, there is a guy I've got my eye on.

We got to school and walked in the ditch once again. "Okay, why do you park here?" I asked Paisley. "Because, I'm almost claustrophobic and I can't be pushed into small tight spaces." She explained.

I rolled my eyes. Paisley is not claustrophobic, she just doesn't want to face Landon after he dumped her for Sienna.

"Get over it, Pais." Sky said, practically reading my mind.

Paisley stuck her tongue out at Sky and we all went inside to go to first period.

"Wish me luck." I said as I went to grab my gym clothes from my locker.

I have gym with Allie, Ryder, Ethan, Landon, and Brandon. So, it'll be fun today as we get into partners and play games against other partners.

"Pick your partners." The gym coach said after she explained the rules of scooter hockey.

"Ella, do you want to be my partner?" Ryder and Brandon asked at the same time as they both held up two hockey sticks. "Um, uh." I stuttered.

Ethan walked by and I gripped his arm. "Ethan is my partner, sorry!" I pulled Ethan over to me and we both grabbed hockey sticks.

"Sorry, Ethan. I am still thinking about which one I like more." I said as I tossed him a red hockey stick. "Nah it's cool, I just think that if you spend this much time thinking about it and they're both being dweebs- then just pick neither and be a single woman." Ethan got a red scooter for each of us.

Maybe he has a point. But I'd rather date one than neither, because then my love life will be doomed.

"Okay, first battle will be Ethan and Ella against Brandon and Ryder!" The coach said.

Brandon and Ryder teamed up? What? Am I going insane?

They probably just teamed up so they can fight the whole time.

I rolled my eyes as we got in positions. "Ella, everything will be in ship-shape, just be calm and don't let them get in the way of your focus. This goes on your grade." Ethan tried to calm me down. His gentle words were working, Sky is lucky to have him!

I got in position and we began to play scooter hockey.

Ethan was smackin' them down and I was just guarding the goal.

Ryder and Brandon were fighting to get the hockey puck. They even pushed each other down, coach blew the whistle and we got a point by accident.

They both almost knocked each other out, leaving Ethan and I nothing to do but watch them beat each other up (pretty much).

I walked over to them furiously. "Okay, okay. Stop it!" I yelled, watching everyone stare at me.

Brandon stopped and stretched his back. They were both huffing and sweating.

They stood side by side, exchanging glares. "Ella, you have to choose..." Ryder said. "Yeah, and you have to choose now." Brandon said.

Who will I choose?

CLIFFHANGERS ARE SO MUCH FUN! I NOW KNOW WHO ELLA WILL OFFICIALLY CHOOSE! Next chapter will be the final chapter, this chapter went quickly but I'm excited to begin writing my next book! And I'll be double writing :)


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