Author's Note

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Hello guys, it's Alexandra (or you all know me as Alex).

I just finished my first book and it only has 21 chapters but I'm proud of the amount of chapters and I think that was a decent way to end it.

Sorry about the shortness of my last chapter, I kind of wanted to make it quick so I CAN TELL YOU GUYS ABOUT MY NEW STORY!

Some of you know that I am writing TCS (The Cupcake Shop) which is another romance to drool over but not only that...

I will be writing a SEQUEL to MLPIG! It is called My Life Painted In Platinum (MLPIP) And I will be double writing with TCS and MLPIP.

I'm actually hoping to begin the first chapter of MLPIP tonight so I'm siked to write that!

The description will explain what it is about, but let's just say that the drama is coming back and it's stronger than ever!

But anyways, I am so glad and I would like to thank you guys for helping me finish the book and my friends. I will be exposing who the characters were based off of and how I came up with them so perhaps, you'll get an idea for a book you might write!

Ella- Me. She is smart, confused, sweet, and doesn't like drama and that explains me! I guess we aren't paper copies of each other but she was supposed to be based off of me and how she thinks and looks and talks, you know. And the name came from a website where I found the name extremely pretty! 💜

Sky- soparis01 . She is crazy, cheerful, sweet, and loves the sweet guys (Ethan). Sophia was a major help with the book and I'm glad she could help me with ideas and pictures! She was amazing! Thanks Soph! 💖

Paisley- savymarie18 . She is spunky, wild, acts innocent, and bold. Savannah definitely reminds me of Paisley. I love the character and Savannah both to death and I'm glad that I came up with the hippie-vibe kind of name and that is where she got the hippie vehicle! 💙

Annie- Based off of nobody. She is shy, really daring, beautiful, and doesn't like to be involved in drama. Annie is actually just a normal character I came up with. She wasn't involved as much but she played a big role as Ella's best friend. She was going to be based off of ahoyt327745 because they have similar personalities! 💚

Chloe- nobody in particular. Chloe does remind me of someone people though. she is all drama, mean, backstabbing, and queen bee. I thought that a backstabbing best friend would really add more drama into the story, which it did so I'm glad! 💛

Sienna- shay362 because Sienna is sweet and became great friends with Ella like Shay is with me! Love you and you were a big help! ❤️

Ryder& Brandon didn't come from anyone. Just two main characters trying to catch Ella's heart! 💘

I'd also like to thank devon__miller and maniallen because they were HUGE helps. Devon came up with the lunch date idea with Brandon and Imani helped me with a lot too! They were so supportive of my ideas and I'm so glad they were part of it! 💞

I'm not naming everyone and this is a big deal to me so I'm sorry if you comment that it isn't a big deal but it is TO ME! 💎✨

Can't wait till you read my other books! Bye guys!


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