Chapter Thirteen | Gossip Can Leave Now Bye

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"Be on your BEST behavior! Love you!" Mom yelled from the car at the car circle. I decided that I was going to ignore Ryder, Brandon, Allie, and Chloe and just hang out with my friends without starting any drama.

But when I walked out, all eyes were on me and all I heard was whispers, rumors, lies spreading about what happened between Chloe and I.

I put on my best act and smiled and just breathed heavily until I went over to my friends.

"Hey..." They said awkwardly, looking down at their pink painted toes. "EVERYONE is talking about you, Ella!" Paisley yelled. "I know, and would you quiet down? You're gonna attract trolls!" I warned her.

"Ugh, whatever. Let's just go to class please, I don't want to be involved with the Ella & Brandon rumors." Sky rolled her eyes.

"Wait, what rumor and Brandon and I?" I asked, my ears itching to hear the lame gossip pathetic people spread.

Offense to you, gossip spreaders! That isn't right, sista!

"Well, a rumor started that you and Brandon were going out and then after school yesterday, Chloe was jealous so she kissed Ryder and now Ryder is mad at Brandon and Chloe says that they're dating now to make you jealous since you supposedly stole her boyfriend and all this lying crap is going on and Brandon can't take the gossip so he didn't come to school." Sky explained, so fast that the words were like blurred out to me.

"I have to put an end to this NOW!" I stammered. I stomped over to the tables in the car circle and stood up on one. "Attention everybody!" That got everyone to look my way, people whispering and shocked of my bravery.

Why, thank you.

"You all have sick, pathetic lives you know that? Whoever started these rumors, must hate themselves to ruin another person's life!" I began my speech. Yes, a speech is coming.

"Look, I'm not blaming anyone specific," I glanced at Allie when I said that. She gave me a dirty look and rolled her eyes with her puppy, Chloe evil-eyeing me too.

"Although, I know someone who is awful started the crazy rumors. I'm gonna set things straight. To all the idiots, the ones who believe the gossip, the ones who are the bullies in this situation- Brandon Potter and I are NOT a thing!" Allie smirked and Chloe just looked confused.

"I like a special guy, named Ryder Sims. You probably know him- most likely from his looks because he is a goddess, his flirtatious smile, and player attitude- Yep." I swallowed in fear. I knew Ryder was listening but I didn't really give a crap. He can listen all he wants, it isn't gonna change my mind. People would've found out eventually.

"Yea, so that's that. Brandon and I aren't a thing! Yes, he might be very attractive- maybe even more than Ryder himself. No offense, Sims. But yeah, that's the truth. And to the girls who make my life a living hell," I glanced over at Allie and Chloe, who looked so mad at my wonderfully brave speech. "Don't think it gets to me." I patted the sides of my hips.

And began to step down from the table who was about to break from my weight- although I'm only around one hundred pounds.

Everyone still was in a deep trance, staring at where I was standing before and I looked around in confusion.

I glanced over at Sky and Paisley. Sky had a wide smile and was silently clapping and cheering. Paisley cheesily winked and gave me the thumbs up. I'm guessing those are good signs?

I walked over to them and the mumbling began. I expected it to after a good ten seconds anyways.

"That was amazing! You were straight-forward! And I noticed Chloe and Allie giving you dirty looks. They must be jealous of your bravery!" Paisley giggled. "I agree! You were terrific! And yeah, the mean ones looked pretty offended." Sky smiled and we all swung our heads over to them, they were all squinting in anger at me and I purposely copied their hair flip, they looked scorching mad after that.

"Oops!" I snorted, a mighty giggle making the hiccups to began dozing up my throat.

"Well, well, well, the bird has finally tweeted." One of Allie's insane minions snapped. They all gave me a pout and their signature look- arms crossed, evil eyes, raised eyebrow. They look ridiculous and they somehow manage to reel boys in with that trapping fishing pole of theirs.

"Stop trying to act like you're a 90's mean girl from the old films, guys. This is a book- not a movie." I mumbled. "A book?" Chloe snorted. "This is real life, honey. Quit dreaming."

Why did I say that? Obviously they don't know I was planning on writing this same book and the same words your eyes are planted on now.

Paisley snarled and Sky and Annie made a "mommy-come-help-me-face". To be honest, Paisley and I are the now most tough in the group, before Chloe joined forces with evil.

I ignored them and continued talking to my friends. Classic me. They eventually left after what felt like hours of constant glaring.

And then the bell rang loud and clear.


"Mommy, why is Ella so mean to me?" Faith whined. She took a bite out of the ranch-dipped carrot and put her frizzy brown hair behind her ear.

"Oh shut up, Princess." I snapped. "Don't tell me to shut up!" Faith smacked my on the arm and I decided to not be childish, so I ignored her and continued eating the tasty vegetables in front of me.

"Can we get ice cream after dinner?" Faith asked me. Her big blue eyes bulging at me, oh no- don't do the puppy dog eyes.

And she did the puppy dog eyes. Classic Faith.

"Can you for once not be such a fattie?" I looked down at her. She crossed her arms and I could see the fury in her eyes.

"I am not a fattie! I ate these vegetables!" Faith ate a chomp out of a carrot at that last word.

"Yup, like three." I made a DUH-tone at the yup. "Fine lets go." I gave up after she wouldn't stop bugging me.


We got to the ice cream shop and it was decorated very nicely for the time of year: Fall.

Orange and brown decorations filled the walls and it just got me excited.

"Hi, Sienna." Faith skipped over to the girl working at the shop. She looked about my age. She had long curly black hair and bangs that swooped to the side. Her eyes were a beautiful hazel color and she had the perfect smile.

"Hey Faith. Do you want your usual?" Her voice was very sweet and she seemed like a very kind person. "Yes m'am!" Faith smiled, showing off her two gaps from her two front teeth being lost.

She smiled up at me and waited for me to give her an order. "I'm not gonna get anything, thanks." I grinned. "Okay, that'll be $6.43. Cash or credit?" Sienna asked.

"Cash because my credit card is for emergencies only." I chuckled. Sienna giggled along with me. Her voice sounded like a princess, like Cinderella was talking- it was pretty amazing.

I handed her a wad of cash. Not much of a wad, 7 one dollar bills if that counts.

"Thanks, gorgeous. I'll get you your ice cream, Faith." Sienna traveled to the kitchen area.

"How do you know her?" I whispered. "Oh, Sienna is always here. Mom takes me here all the time and Sienna is my favorite worker." Faith bit her bottom lip.

Hmm. Really?

"She's really nice." I added. "I know. She's perfect, isn't she?" Faith asked. But I couldn't answer because Sienna walked out with cookies and cream ice cream in a waffle cone.

"Thanks for coming, guys." Sienna smiled once again and I nodded as we walked to the outside tables.

I watched Faith disgustingly devour her ice cream. It ended up turning into her face because the creamy deliciousness spread all the way to her forehead almost.

I sighed. This will be a long rest of the day.

La la la. Pretty decent chapter I guess, right? Ah, who am I kidding? I can't write very good. Sorry I'm not very detailed, it's only my second book!

I'm no author!

Anyways, have a fabulous night! I'm bout to cuddle up in my cozy sleep robe and watch some movies so ttyl!


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