Chapter Seven | Chloe The Devil

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Chloe's POV 💋-

"Are you kidding me, Mr. Houser?!" I screamed in frustration. "How did I get a F?!" I asked, looking at my essay. "Um... You have facts about toilets! Not about Abraham Lincoln!" Mr. Houser said.

I was puzzled. "What? Facts about toil-" I began before looking at the sloppy essay about toilets. And there, I screamed my head off. My loud pitch filled the whole school and I hit my desk.

"Ms. Loyd, I'm afraid I'll have to send you to the office for inappropriate behavior." Mr. Houser pointed to the door that was wide open.

Mrs. Deliha rushed in, her old wrinkles bouncing as she worriedly hurried in. Her glasses were on the tip of her nose and she had ninety-nine percent of red lipstick on her snaggle teeth.

"Is someone hurt?!" Mrs. Deliha asked. "No, Mrs. Deliha everything is fine. Loyd here disrupted the class by screaming because she had a failing grade on her assignment." I've always noticed Mr. Houser talks so proper.

"Well, go to the office now definitely! I thought danger was here!" Mrs. Deliha immediately pointed to the end of the hall where I dragged myself to the office.


"I'm afraid I'll have to suspend you for inappropriate behavior... I've heard." Ms. Campbell, the principal, said before whipping out her papers for me to sign.

"I was just frustrated, Ms. Campbell. And I can tell you one thing, this is not my test! It has my name on it but I wrote a paper on Abraham Lincoln!" I protested. "I'm sorry, Chloe. But I'm afraid I have to take Mr. Houser's word on that. Please call your parents to have them pick you up immediately." Ms. Campbell gave me the telephone.

"If you'd just let me explain-" I began as I huffed in frustration. "There will be no explaining, Chloe! Now call your parents please!" Ms. Campbell ordered.

I sighed and dialed my mom's phone number.


Ella's POV 💗-

"I can't wait to see the look on Chloe's face!" Annie smirked. Paisley clapped and said, "I think I saw her in the office today. She glared at me and I could tell she was thinking it was us."

"Whatever. She deserves anything we can give her." I did still feel the guilt inside me. Although, I did do some worse things and still haven't gotten caught- but Annie and I are definitely sneaky.

"Oh my god there she is!" Annie pointed over at Chloe, who looked absolutely angry. She was still flawless but at the same time, she turned into the devil.

"YOU!" She pointed at me and shouted. "YOU REPLACED MY ESSAY WITH ONE ABOUT TOILETS!" She roared. I put my hands in surrender. "Calm down, Clo. I might've but where is your proof?" I folded my arms and tilted my head for effect.

"So you did do it! You-you monster!" The whole lunchroom stared at us and I just said, "Nothing to see here! Continue eating your food and drinking your beverages!" I motioned everyone the opposite way and I could hear them mumbling and mingling, but they listened.

"Actually, everyone! There is something I should tell you!" Chloe stood up on the table.

"This girl is a MONSTER! She sabotaged me! She replaced the most important essay of my life, with a replica but it was about toilets, not Abraham Lincoln!" Chloe pointed at me and roared to the crowd.

They all chuckled because they thought she was being ridiculous, which she was. I never did anything wrong.

I know, I sound like the bad guy now. But Chloe, my backstabbing best friend, tried to dance with Ryder and was probably hoping to kiss him after the slow dance! I can't let that cruel witch get away with that.

I chuckled as well as she was "lying". "Chloe, you're being ridiculous. Get down from there!" I tried playing it as cool as possible.

"Chloe Loyd!" I heard taps of heels clicking against the ground and turned around to be face to butt with Ms. Campbell. "You do not have permission to lie and STAND ON THE CAFETERIA TABLES! In my office IMMEDIATELY!" She yelled.

Chloe turned a bright shade of red and got down from the table, glaring at me once more before following Ms. Campbell to her office.

The whole cafeteria stared at them as they slowly exited, I just giggled my whole way.

But before they left, Ms. Campbell swung around the door once more, "You come as well, Ms. Jones." And her hair flipped and I turned a bright shade of red before following them.


"Ms. Jones, did you or did you not replace Chloe's essay with a factual paper about toilets?" Ms. Campbell gave me an evil eye and stared down at me. I noticed her wrinkles that streamed down her face, her brunette pixie cut that fit her wrinkly face, her gold old lady eye glasses, and her pink lipstick that wasn't exactly on her lips- but on her skin mostly because of her thin old lips.

I gulped. I'm not very good of a liar.

"No... I-No, m'am." I straightened my posture and glanced over at Chloe who was currently rolling her eyes. "C'mon, she is a terrible liar. She did it, that's that." Chloe whined.

I gave her a disgusted look and she just gave Ms. Campbell an innocent, yet annoyed look.

"Chloe, I'll give you a chance to rewrite your essay. If what you're saying is true, I'm hoping you have something saved from your essay in your computer. Ella, I'm going to let you go but if I find anything that says you did it, you will be suspended for two weeks." Ms. Campbell made her punishment options very clear.

"Yes m'am." I said without emotion. "Thank you, Ms. Campbell. And don't worry, I will find evidence that Ella Jones did it." Chloe gave me an evil eye before smiling quickly one last time at Ms. Campbell and leaving her office.

I quickly got up after staring at Ms. Campbell for a moment. I rushed out of her office in fear and glanced at Chloe, who was heading my way.

"You know, Ella. You're an amazing liar, but I will find proof that you replaced my essay and you will get suspended. And, at the dance, Ryder was flirting with me and almost kissed me- he has been lying to you. I would still be your friend but you chose lying Ryder over me." And with that, Chloe flipped her hair and went to talk to Allie and her clique.

"Chloe!" I shouted. Chloe spun around and raised her eyebrow. "I didn't do it!" I lied. Chloe rolled her eyes before flipping back around to Allie. Allie just gave me a disgusted look and started questioning Chloe.

I can't let anyone know I did it.

HERES THE PIC OF CHLOE! She is honestly really pretty so I didn't want to make her the bad guy but Annie is too nice to do something like that. And Paisley and Sky aren't options because they are BEST FRIENDS, although it would've been more interesting... But whatever.

Anyways, this chapter was short. The next one will be a sleepover between the girls... Except for Chloe obvi.

HOPE YOU ENJOYED! LIKE, COMMENT, READ! Whatever you'd like 😊



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