Chapter Fourteen | A Growing Friendship?

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"We have a new student with us today. Her name is Sienna Vishol. You may recognize her, she works at Creamy & Stuff downtown." The gym teacher said.

Boys whistled at the new girl, they were pretty much drooling over her. But I have to admit, she is really pretty.

Wait, I know her because of the devil, the demon, the one who possesses my soul, the one who makes my bones chatter: Faith.

She sat up on the front bleachers, not glancing at my face yet. I bit my lip and looked surprise at her fashion today.

She wore white sweatpants that cuffed on the bottom with PINK on the butt area, matched with a plain v-neck tee and some white converse. Her hair was down and black and super curly, like how she was at Creamy & Stuff.

"Hey I didn't know you were in high school." I sat next to her. "Oh, Ella, right? Faith's big sis? And yeah, I'm a sophomore." She said.

Oh great, a beautiful sophomore- like Ryder, except his term is handsome. I'm sure they'll make great "friends" (note the sarcasm).

"Oh that's cool." We had a quick conversation. I'm hoping we become friends, but devilish Faith will whine and say, "She was my friend first!"

Ryder's POV 💙-

That new girl is gorgeous. But seeing her and Ella next to each other- Id still pick Ella any day.

Not just because of looks, but Ella's sweet and fun personality- and her beauty as well, but that isn't as important.

Landon's POV 💚-

Oh my... WOW! Sienna Vishol is one- gem. She shines like a diamond. I know I sound like a complete dummy, but Sienna is prettier than Paisley.

And I'm getting the vibe that Paisley doesn't really like me as much as I like her.

I don't know.

Sienna's POV 💖-

I've noticed that Ella looks just like her sister. They are both so gorgeous, I wish I was them.

I smiled at Ella before checking out the guys she was looking at.

Oh my WOW.

That boy with the black hair and leather jacket is dreamy as frick, he looks like the bad boy type that also has a sensitive side- I like.

Ella giggled and waved a flirty wave to him. Oh, maybe they're dating?

Ella's POV 💗-

God, Ryder is such a dork. A cute dork who has abs and perfect eyes- wait, can't think about Ryder right now. Gym is my main focus.


I heard my phone ring after school. It had to be that dork, Ryder Sims.

"Bonjour?" I asked. "Bonjour, madam." Ryder said. "Ah, fluent in French? I like." I smirked jokingly.

"I knew you would be impressed." I could feel his smirk growing on his face. "Shut up!" I smiled through the phone.

"Would you like to assist me on a walk through the moonlight?" He asked in an elegant tone on purpose. "I suppose, dear. But it's getting late and I have no clue where your house is." I mocked his elegant voice and waited for a response.

"Maybe if you looked out the window, you would find me- and the moon." He said. I was confused but I looked out the window as told and saw Ryder standing there, he was smiling at me and had his phone in his hand up to his ear.

"You're such a dork." I hung up and skipped downstairs. "Mom! I'm going out!" I yelled. "Okay!" She yelled back.

This day will be quite the ride.

OHMAGAWD! < lol wut. I'm so sorry for not updating in the longest time. School has been getting to me lately and I'm sorry about the short chapter. I didn't do well on a test and now I'm failing a class so I've been busy with assignments to bring that grade up!

- Alex💜

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