Chapter Two | Ask Me Out

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"Guys, I hung out with Ryder Sims in gym today! Eek!" I smiled widely. Sky took my hands and we jumped up and down in excitement.

"Lucky! Does he have cute friends?" Sky asked, wiggling her eyebrows in a creepy manner. "Yes he does. There is this one sweetheart named Ethan and the other rebel named Landon, so you guys can take them all you want." I said.

Because honestly, Ryder is so cute that I'd be jealous if I caught him with another girl- especially my best friends.

"Ella, you want the chocolate explosion milkshake, right?" Annie asked, standing at the counters in the middle of ordering. I shook my head and Annie ordered five delicious milkshakes with skim milk instead of whole milk.

"The Podium is so yummy!" Chloe took a long sip of her strawberry milkshake. Everyone shook their head in agreement.

"So what happened?!" Paisley asked as she stirred her milkshake with the straw that she bit. "Well, I just had gym with them. Ethan mostly talked to me but Ryder was the one who wanted to know my name and Landon said I was impressive and we talked like the whole time because after Mrs. Tasha measured the strength and flexibility of the freshmen we didn't do anything for the next half-hour besides talk. And I met the queen bee of school, she told me to stay away from Ryder." I explained. That last sentence made me sick to my stomach. I hate girls who start rumors and crap just to feel good about themselves, and to stay away from someone? They can't control another person!

"Aww and ew..." Paisley look disgusted. "Why ew?" I asked. "Because of the queen bee. What's her name?" She asked. "Allie. And she's beyond beautiful." I frowned. Obviously, she and Ryder will get back together like in every movie.

"Are you serious?" Sky gave me a look. "What?!" I asked. "You're probably ten times more beautiful than that plastic Barbie doll!" She screamed in rage.

"I don't think so.." I mumbled and took a sip of the chocolate heaven in front of me.

We didn't really talk much. We kinda just slurped down our milkshakes and then Paisley drove us all home.


Paisley took me home first. Why? I hate being the first one to leave, ugh.

"Bye loser!" Sky shouted. "Yeah, bye my loser!" Paisley yelled. "Bye!" Chloe and Annie both shouted at once.

I waved to them and walked into my dark house. It was pitch black and silent as night. All the windows were closed so no light got in.

Faith and my mom must be out at lunch getting pizza, like always.

I trailed upstairs to began my loads of homework.


"Hey, Ethan told me your name was Ella. That's an extraordinary name." Ryder tapped me on the shoulder, causing an electric shock to pain it. "Thanks? Why did you want to know my name?" I asked. "You looked fascinating. And plus, it's not always when a cutie pie girl shows up at school. Most girls here are very unattractive." Ryder smiled. "Allie isn't unattractive." I said, causing Ryder to frown.

"Allie is a big sack of guts. She is definitely brave and has guts but she is an uneducated liar. I am guilty for going out with her freshman year, but now she means as much as a spoon to me this year." Ryder gestured a face that looked as he didn't care.

"That's deep." I chuckled. "Hey, I'm quite the poem extraordinaire." Ryder smirked. "Do you wanna enjoy some coffee at the Brûlée Café after school?" Ryder asked. I was shocked. Was he this quickly asking me out?

I was speechless. The words tried to come out but I couldn't force them to escape my nervous chattering lips. "Um-" I stuttered.

"And yes, I'm asking you- a freshie named Ella who I just met- on a date to the best smelling place in all of town. I'm not a jerk, Ella. I'd just like to get to know you. I'm not a player. I just chat with a lot of girls. Honestly, I've only kissed two girls in my whole life." Ryder grinned. I was full up on the asking me out thing still that I didn't even realize what he was saying.

"My God, wow. Um, yeah I'll join you for some coffee. But you have to pay." I sent a cheesy smile and winked after getting over my frozen act of shock.

"Yeah, that will be a problem. I'm not rich..." Ryder bit his lip and cracked an adorable smile. "I'm kidding, Ella!" He laughed. My eyebrow went up and I finally had the courage to walk away. "After school, I'll drive by your house. I know where you live." Ryder smiled creepily. "Stalker!" I shouted before going to next period.


"You scored a date with Ryder Sims?!" Sky screeched. "Yes m'am, I did." I smiled greatfully. "He's really not a jerk. He's deep and carefree and perfect." I dozed off into an image of Ryder with out a shirt on... Oops.

"Stop thinking of a shirtless Ryder!" Annie hit me, snapping me out of my bubble of happiness. Chloe sat silently and I gave her a few looks but she gulped mostly. She didn't talk to me after hearing the wonderful news that I- Ella Jones- will be going out with the one and only God, Ryder Matthew Sims!

"Well the date is after school and I'm wearing this white dress and my straw hat." I grinned. Annie bit her lip and studied my outfit. "I approve." She shook her head.

I chuckled and we all got out of the girls bathroom to go the last period.

A date?! So quickly?! Yikes! Wonder what'll happen! I already have some awesome ideas for future chapters so I'm trying to speed up the process of Ryder and Ella getting to know each other! Anyways, have a fabulous day!



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