Chapter Six | Sour, Sour Revenge

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I walked into gym stiff as a statue. I don't want Ryder coming up with silly excuses for his 'ditching me for Chloe' thing last night.

I sat as far as possible from Ryder, Ethan, and Landon.

Ryder's POV 💙-

Ella sat alone and I just needed to tell her what happened. But I know she wouldn't believe a peep I say.

"Dude, just go apologize!" Ethan motioned over to Ella, who was currently picking at her perfect nails and twirling her perfect brown hair.

"I can't! I mean, she wouldn't believe me. I would say it's not my fault Chloe pulled me in like a tornado right when she got back from getting punch but that sounds like too much of a fake lie anyways." I was bummed. Ella is different from other girls, I don't know what it is but she is different.

"You're such an idiot, bro." Landon sighed. "Okay! You're an idiot, Landon! All last night you barely talked to Paisley! She had to drag you around where you didn't want to go and you need to step up your game at a date! So don't tell me I'm an idiot when you're the one ditching your date! Chloe made me dance with her and that's why Ella is mad not because I was being an idiot which I wasn't!" I've officially snapped.

"Woah, man. Chill! I was just kidding..." Landon made an excuse like he always does because he can't accept the truth. I sighed and I put my hands on my forehead. "I'm sorry. I just- I just don't like when Ella is furious at me, it makes me angry myself and I don't know why." I kicked the bleachers in anger. "Maybe you're in love with Ella- or just love sick." Ethan said.

I smirked at the thought. I know I just met Ella and all but I liked the idea that I could be in love with her. She makes me tingly and I get butterflies in my stomach whenever I make eye contact.

I looked over at her, sitting alone. She had her hand under her chin and her hair on one side. Her legs were crossed in her blue jeans and she had long red heels on that just presented her very well.

Ella's POV 💗-

I noticed Ryder looking at me but I was focused on Mrs. Tasha taking attendance.

Then, Ethan approached me and I kept a straight face even though he attempted to make me laugh- and I grinned a few times, but I managed to remember that Ryder ditched me.

"Hey, Ella. You can cut the act, I know you were smiling." Ethan smirked. "What act?" I asked innocently. He gave me a smirk that he knows my secrets... What secrets?

"I am good with girls, I understand their emotions and I can cry with them... As long as I get a kiss in return." Ethan wiggled his eyebrows. "Not a chance." I smiled sarcastically.

"Anyways, I know you are just faking this whole act about ignoring Ryder. You were just jealous and you're able to forgive him?" Ethan smiled apologetically. "I have no clue what you're talking about but this little "act" of mine are false accusations." I continued looking at coach who was almost gonna begin her lesson on muscle improvement.

Ethan rolled his eyes. "Look, El, I can explain it to you-" He began before I interrupted his beginning speech, "I don't want to hear the excuses Ryder made you tell me and please don't call me El, thanks." And from that, I took off to the top of the bleachers, still a decent distance away from Ryder and his coterie.

Ethan bit his lip and trailed back up to Ryder. I could see them mumbling words but I couldn't make out what they were.

But Ethan was right. I was jealous and I still am. Why would Chloe do that to me? Am I that horrible of a friend?

But I can't focus on being upset and I have to focus on revenge. That's right, I'm that girl: R-E-V-E-N-G-E.


"Chloe deserves a lunchroom embarrassment like Allie did to me the other day- but in front of the class." Sky frowned at the last words.

I rolled my eyes. "We need to think bigger, better, beautifuler. Chloe can't steal Ryder from me and she knows that I'm the prankster of the group so obviously she is aware that I'm going to ruin her pretty little life. I won't go on with out a fight. I mean, I'll start a food fight in the middle of lunch if I have to!" I threw up my arms in frustration.

"That's right, Sky. Chloe needs to be big-time embarrassed, not Sky embarrassed." Paisley said, swinging her hands on her hips. "What does that mean?" Sky asked, a confused look cemented on her face. "Like, your idea of revenge is to spill Apple juice on their favorite shirt... That isn't gonna cut it." Paisley replied. Sky bit her cheek and shook her head like that is something she would do.

"I have the perfect idea!" Annie clapped, who was on her phone the whole conversation. "We figured you would be on Chloe's side..." Paisley mumbled. "No of course not!" Annie began. "What's the idea?" I asked, interested in Annie's idea.

Annie can definitely pull a prank and revenge. She is definitely my partner in crime. I mean, she helped me plan the graffiti on the bathroom toilets in sixth grade... And we still haven't gotten caught! I may seem like a goodie goodie, but there is a whole other side to me.

"Okay so Chloe has this dress that was her grandmother's and she cherishes it so much and it's her prized possession. I say in front of her face, we ruin it and thrash it with scissors and drop it in mud and all that!" Annie smiled. "I'm not that cruel..." I mumbled.

"Come on, what else are we gonna do?" Annie complained. "Toilet paper her house?" Paisley suggested. "No that's too common, she can probably hear it coming already even if it doesn't happen." I said.

Okay, I'm not that mean that I will ruin a memorable thing- whatever it is. But Annie is right, I don't have another plan.

Then I snapped. "Got it! Lightbulb!" I pointed to my head and all the girls leaned closer to hear my plan. "Chloe has this major essay she has to write and she has been freaking out about what grade she will get. Wait till she writes it and then we will take it a replace it with a replica but all the facts are about toilets and she will get a F." I smiled evilly.

"But... How are we going to get it?" Annie asked. "Oh, you'll see." And I felt as the plan was already in motion and she was about to scream when she got her paper back.


"Wow. Her essay is good! It's terrible that we're ruining it." Sky looked at the paper with a worried look and then sighed. "Shut up, Sky. She deserves it!" Paisley snapped. Sky put her hands in surrender like she was going to be stabbed a million times.

I just had a pit in my stomach of pure guilt. What if the plan backfires? Or what if she finds out it was us? What if we get expelled? I mean, I guess we didn't get expelled for the graffiti- but everyone writes on the bathroom walls, it isn't like they would find out who it is.

Her essay was amazing though. It was on Abraham Lincoln and proof that lead to his death about what she believes Daniel Polde actually killed him.

"I wrote this killer essay about facts about toilets. It has facts about the way it swirls, facts about what color it is in Russia, and other facts like what kind of poops plop in it." Annie rubbed her hands evilly, "Even facts that aren't real!" Annie pulled out an essay labeled the same as Chloe's put had a different story.

"Okay..." I said nervously. And I blinked and suddenly Chloe's real essay was being flushed down the toilet and I was feeling guilty- but maybe she deserves it, she did try to kanoodle with my date.

And there we went: flush. Bye bye, real essay. Hello, Chloe's anger phase.

This chapter was my shortest chapter and I know it's a dumb idea to replace the essay but I couldn't think of anything! Don't blame me! Anyways, I have loads of homework to do and I have to study for a French test tomorrow morning at 8 so wish me luck!



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