Chapter Nine | Time To Die In A Hole- Or Maybe A Pillow

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"You've been weak and sad for three days, El! You really need to shower because you smell like Ms. Mulligan." Sky complained.

Ms. Mulligan is our guidance counselor who always stinks and it is terrible. It's like she never showers, never brushes her teeth, never changes her underpants- it's really disgusting.

"I just want to die in a hole- wait I want to die in my pillow, that'll be more comfortable!" I cried.

"Get up!" Paisley rolled my stiff body over and that whiffed my odor over to them.

My hair was a literal rats nest and I looked pale, like I've been sick- well, I got out of my love sick phase three days ago!

Knock knock knock!

And I just hid under my blanket once more. It was stuffy, yet warm as I breathed heavily and practically died under the comforter.

I heard Sky's footsteps walk over to the door.

Sky's POV 👼-

"Yes?" I asked as I creaked open the wooden door.

It was that brown-haired jerk, holding yellow roses that smelled like the sunshine.

"What do you want?" I gave him a dirty glare. "I came to apologize. The last few days, I've been worked up- worried about Ella. She can't be mad at me for getting money to buy her a necklace." That last sentence threw me off.

"Why did you need Chloe to give you money for a necklace?" I asked, tilting my head as I listened to the garbage that escaped his mouth.

"I'm broke and Chloe wanted that necklace but it was the last one. I met with her at the coffee shop to give her my great grandma's 1775 locket that have been in my family for generations, in return for money for the necklace. You see, Ella is more important to me than a family possession." I melted at that, that was so sweet- yet so bitter and sour.

"Aww, that's so sweet- I'm not buying it. Bye Sims, you idiot!" And with that, I slammed the door in his face and strutted back to Ella, where she was sleeping in her own sweat and tears and odor.

"What was that about?" Paisley asked. "It was just- a delivery man.." I lied. "Can you guys buy me ice cream and then leave me alone?" Ella complained, her words muffled from her face being stuffed into a blanket.

"No, get up, stink bomb!" Paisley yelled as she yanked the blanket off of Ella, revealing her stinky odor underneath.

Paisley and I plugged our button noses.

"Oh my gosh, you smell horrible!" Paisley backed away cautiously and Ella just glared at us.

"Fine, I'll go to the store- LIKE THIS- and buy myself some cookies and cream ice cream. Happy?!" Ella sat up, still frowning and she looks like she had just awoken from the dead.

Ella's beautiful brown hair was knotty and awful, she had dark bags hidden under her eyes, her breath- well I can't explain that it is so bad, her body odor smells disgusting, and she pretty much hasn't changed out of her sweats for three days. So overall, Ella can't go to the store like she is.

"Well first, we are getting you cleaned up, missy if you're going anywhere." I ordered. Ella rolled her eyes and flopped on her bed. "If you're gonna make me, at least pick out a comfy outfit for me to wear." She groaned.

I picked out black leggings with a sequin stripe on the left sides of both legs, a cropped "FABULOUS" top, and black toms.

"Here, diva!" I threw the comfy clothes at her and she just groaned again. "Sky, Paisley is the fashion wizard, remember?" She complained. "Why thank you." Paisley mumbled. "PUT IT ON!" I ordered.


We finally got Ella out of her nasty clothes and into the adorable, yet comfy outfit I gave her.

Now we had to do her hair.

I took a gentle brush (so the brushing won't hurt her tiny head) and brushed out the knots until her head was smooth and wavy. I then, just spiced up her hair by adding a little braid on the side that shall be pinned back with gold bobby pins.

I forced her to brush your teeth (she can shower later) and I did her makeup.

Makeup "ingredients": Concealer, Bare Minerals powder, Chapstick, eyeliner, and mascara. At least she will look presentable.

"You look much better." Paisley was relieved. "Now I don't have to deal with a hobo." She continued. I rolled my eyes and so did Ella, but my eye roll was more noticeable.

"I don't want to go anywhere!" Ella complained. "Shut up, let's go to the store and then we will grab some lunch." I suggested.

And there we went, with Ella whining the whole darn ride.

I don't have an authors note really.

Merry Christmas Eve!


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