Chapter Nineteen | The Date With Brandon

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The sunlight shined through my room like a fireball was hurdling towards it.

It's a nice Sunday. I'm gonna enjoy a nice lunch with Brandon today. We've been getting awfully close and I love the cute awkwardness between us when we greet each other, that may sound weird because awkwardness isn't the best bonding- but it works with us.

Ah, something different.

I changed and took my time so I don't look like a sick hippo. I put on some purple beaded frilly shorts with a bohemian-type shirt that was cropped and flowy. I matched it with fringed sandals and kept my hair long and wavy. After my simple makeup, I was finally ready to roll to El Pato (the Spanish restaurant we're eating at).

I started the engine of my cherry red Honda. And zoomed off to El Pato with a nervous brain.


I arrived at El Pato and was really nervous. I bit my lip and scanned the restaurant until I landed my eyes on a figure that was Brandon.

:) Ella, this will be a good lunch (:

I took a deep breath and sat right in front of him. Shivers were sent down my spine when his blue eyes landed on mine.

"Hey, Ella." He got up and hugged me. I gave him a slight hug back. I inhaled his cologne that smelled really nice and fancy.

"How was your morning so far?" He asked, placing his napkin on his lap (like a gentleman, Ella). "Great. Yours?" I asked.

"It was okay. My mom and dad got into a fight about what they were gonna make for breakfast, it was so dumb. Because my sister and I both wanted different things for breakfast so they argued which one they were gonna make and literally, my sister and I ate popcorn and watched them while hysterically laughing." He explained, "What did you do this fine morning?"

Before I could answer, our waiter came over and place rolled up napkins of silverware next to our glasses. "What will you be having for a drink?" The waiter asked with a slight Spanish accent.

"I'm gonna get a lemonade please." I smiled. "I'll get a lemonade as well." Brandon winked at me.

#twinning! Okay, Ella stop.

"My morning was a blur to me. I just did nothing and got ready for our date." I said. "So it's a date?" He asked.

Oh no, did I say date? My face immediately turned into a cherry pie.

"It's cool. I thought it was a date too." Brandon said. "So," he began, "I need to know if you have feelings for Ryder."

I took a deep breath. You knew this was coming sooner than later, Ella.

"Honestly," I started, "Yes I do." I paused for a moment. He had a disappointed look on his face. "But, I also have feelings for you. You both are taking up half of my heart and its really hard for me to choose between you guys."

"I understand. And look, if Ryder is really the guy that stole your heart- I still care for you whoever you choose." He smiled.

Brandon is such a sweetheart. He's the most obvious choice at the moment but I'm still thinking so don't you Brandella fans start hyperventilating because you think we will be together, I DON'T KNOW YET! Ugh, it's taking over me.

Ryder's POV 💙-

I was trying to watch the football game on TV but just as my team was winning, my cell phone rang.

"Ello?" I asked, chewing a crunchy potato chip. "Hey..." It was Chloe.

I rolled my eyes, her voice is really getting on my nerves.

"Ugh, what do you want? I'm in the middle of my game." I whined. "Come meet me at El Pato." She immediately replied. "Why?" I asked.

"Just- come. Be here in ten minutes and hurry. Bye." She hung up.

I know I shouldn't trust Chloe, but it wouldn't hurt to swing by to see what she could be talking about to "hurry". It's probably something like she broke her nail and she needs a friend to help her fix it (she has none and I'm not her friend either).


I arrived at El Pato. She was inside and she was gesturing me to come over to her.

"Omigod. What do you want?" I asked as I got over to her. "Look!" She pointed at a table with two people.

I squinted my eyes and focused on them. Those two familiar faces.

I clenched my fists in anger. Does that Brandon really think he has a better chance of being with Ella than me?

He should know by now not to mess with my girls. Most guys learn that by the second time they meet me, but this one- oh, he's tough for not backing off.

I walked over and stood in front of them. They both landed their eyes on me.

Ella's were a beautiful blue color that I could spend hours staring at, but that's besides the point. I am mad.

She had a confused look on her face. What? Is she not happy to see me?

"Ryder, what're you doing here?!" She asked, standing up. "Yeah man, we're on a date." Brandon stood up.

"Sit down, Brandon the Ballerina!" I tried to say 'ballerina' in a macho tone but all I could hear was giggling from Chloe, yea it didn't work out.

"Ella, can I talk to you?" I asked furiously. Her shoulders were literally shaking, I hope I didn't scare her.

She walked beside me and we walked towards the back of the restaurant.

"Ella, why are you here?" I asked, my voice angry. "Why are you here?" She snapped back at me.

I huffed. "I came to meet Chloe, but that's not the point." I hesitated to say.

"Yeah, okay. You came with Chloe and I came with Brandon. Are we done now? Good!" She walked away.

Our conversation was real short. Does she actually like Brandon more than me?




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