Chapter Ten | Lockdown

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Ella's POV 💗-

The bell rang for first period and I walked down the hall cautiously as I noticed Allie chuckling.

She was leaned up on the locker and before I could notice, she stuck her long leg out and tripped me- causing me to fall flat on my face and spilling all my books.

"Loser!" She snorted, her minions giggled along with her. "Idiot.." I mumbled. "What was that?" Allie squealed as she cupped her hands to her ear. I didn't reply and collected my books and continued walking but she stopped my tracks again by stomping right in front of me.

"Don't ignore me, Jones. You're the school's laughingstock, so stop acting all cool and I thought I told you to stay away from Ryder Sims. He will never be with a nerd like you." Allie sent me an icy glare and I just ignored it.

I mumbled some colorful language under my breath as I made my way to first period. And guess what? I have first period with who? Ryder freaking Sims and the one and only, Chloe Loyd.

"B-T- Dubs! Chloe and I are gonna make sure your life is a living hell!" Allie shouted after me as I walked through the doors of the fourth building.

"Ms. Jones, you're tardy!" Mr. Scheiffer marked his sheet. "But I can explain-" I began. "Uh uh uh, take your seat. Tar-dy!" He tried to make it as clear as possible.

"Okay, let's began our lesson-" Mr. Scheiffer began as the intercom decided to come on right then.

We heard the principal panting, like she was out of breath. "Attention students and staff! There are intruders on the campus! We are now going to go into lockdown mode, proceed to lock your doors and turn off the lights, and close your blinds. This is utterly important! And have your kids hide underneath desks and safe places in the classroom!" When she hung up, the whole class just burst out into craziness. Some people were muttering in corners that they'll die, others were screaming and that's when Mr. Scheiffer tried calming everyone down.

I was in shock and then I felt muscular hands pull my arm along with him.

It was Ryder and he took me, and ducked underneath the cabinets with me and I tried to escape, but his grip was too... grippy.

"Let go of me." I whispered, still struggling to escape to hide somewhere other than crouched down with Ryder.

"It's not safe, Ella." He whispered back, his grip getting tighter. I almost suffocated from his muscles building up.

"You don't need to rescue me. You aren't my prince." I snapped.

Aw, who am I kidding? My small body can't beat his large, framed figure combined with his medium-sized muscles that flex this and that. So I gave up and just decided to bare the pain of hugging Ryder.

"At least loosen your grip, I cannot breathe." I whispered harshly. He backed off a little, but he tightened it soon again, most likely from fear.

Then we saw shadows hunching over the window, their shadows reflecting on the blinds. Ryder slapped his hand over my mouth and his own.

His promise ring really hurt my lip.

Wait, promise ring?

"Why are you wearing a promise ring?" I asked. Ryder bit his lip, he looked guilty- eyes won't make contact with mine, famous lip bite proceeding to happen, his nose wrinkled a few times.

I continued to stare at him until I got an answer.

"It's a long story. I'll tell you when we aren't in the middle of an important crisis." He bit back, leaving me slightly offended. "I just asked a question..." I mumbled, rolling my eyes along with the words.

I stayed completely focused on the situation, trying not to worry about a mean Ryder- although he is pretty heroic for saving me from my doom.

I heard his panting like a dog in my ear as I tried to back slightly away from his mouth, but we are crammed under a table how am I able to go anywhere not near him without falling into my doom?

But, other than the lockdown, all I could think about was Ryder with a promise ring- those are for relationships, who is he dating?

The whole class gasped when we heard glass shattering right next door, everyone began to worry now. What if Ms. Gibbinson's classroom is going to die?!

I just thought 'what the heck' and squeezed Ryder like I've never squeezed anyone before. I buried my face into his warm t-shirt and thought about unicorns and rainbows like every little girl when in danger.

"Calm down, Ella. They won't come in here." Ryder whispered.

How does he know? They're intruders that could possibly shoot us all until we are buried under the school floors!

"They won't?" And the tears slowly shed down my heating face, dripping into his t-shirt. I looked at him with big worried eyes and he just hovered over me, hugging me.

"I'll keep you safe, Ella. Do not worry." He patted my back like that friend who will keep you safe no matter what. Even though I'm sad and frightened, I smirked under the pressure.

It's good to know someone cares and that they'll do anything for you to keep you safe.

"Ryder, how can I trust you?" The question just blurted out of my mouth like word vomit.

I quickly shut my eyes tight that my eyes might've bled, but I felt bad for asking-especially when he hesitated to reply.

"Because, you can. I'll explain the promise ring, and why you can trust me later, ok? But it's no time for a talk like this when we could possibly end up in heaven today." He whispered.

The fear building up like a block inside me once again. Oh. My. God. Why would that jerk say that to me to make me afraid?

I just broke free at that point. I ran out of his arms, standing up tall in the middle of the classroom- pitch dark, silence, but I could see the glowing eyes trapped on me- even Mr. Scheiffer's who wasn't saying anything.

I was so fearful, that I bursted into tears- sad, sleepy, gloomy tears that brought my face pale.

They were silent tears though. A few low sniffles, some whimpers, but other than that, I was okay.

Ryder's eyes stood out the most to me- his sea blue eyes that just shine like a diamond, but they look scared for me and that caused me to become scared for myself.

I then just sat down. All I could hear was the world surrounding me, blurry crowds, crying mother, me being the only one alive- well, along with the beautiful human being with the fabulous name of Ryder Sims.

My mind went completely blank. Then the vision of juicy watermelons and freshly squeezed lemonade came to my head and my mouth watered.

I could hear echoing knocks multiple times on the classroom door, but I didn't care.

Then the doorknob jiggled vigorously and people wearing robbery masks broke in.

I was still sitting but a shot of pain suddenly went through my stomach, and I heard a crack of like a gun being shot.

But then, seven seconds of my short teenage life flashed before my eyes.

Oh my god, what is going to happen?! Is Ella going to die from being shot by intruders at school? Well, it is her fault for sitting in the middle of the floor, am I right?

Don't worry yourself, you'll see what happens... Or possibly what ends.

And the classroom including Ryder is safe. Only Ella was shot and the rest of the students were hidden in complete darkness, so there is a tiny secret.

Anyways, continue reading!



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