Chapter Three | The Date

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"This raisin bread is delicious!" Ryder exclaimed. I nodded my head in agreement, "Definitely. But I prefer the coffee."

A wide smile appeared on my quivering lips from nervousness. I used my fork to take large mushy bites of the maple raisin bread.

Ryder chewed and once he swallowed he said, "So I need to know more about you, Ella."

I decided to go out on a limb and list things about me that might count as embarrassing myself.

"Well, I was homeschooled for two years in elementary. I love the rain. I love singing in front of big crowds because I can show off my talents-" I got interrupted by Ryder. He pointed to a small stage where karaoke is going on between people eating, "Sing up there for me."

I shook my head in disagreement. "I don't want to sing right now, my voice isn't warmed up." I made a dumb excuse but it was worth a shot. "Chicken!" Ryder called, "Chicken! Chicken! Bock bock! You scared, chicken?!"

"No..." I lied. I will be honest. I do like singing in big crowds but I mean teens and young adults. Not ninety-year-old elderly and babies, and then there's Ryder.

"Come on, go on!" Ryder pushed me off my chair and I was standing. I finally gave up and realized I can't beat his "intelligence" so I was brave and sang in front of elders and children- and Ryder.

I tested the microphone once on stage. "Um, hi. My name is Ella and I will be singing for you guys. I'll be singing Someone Like You by Adele because I love that song." I giggled before breaking off into tune.

Whenever I sing, the world just becomes white. Everything becomes blank and I don't see a sea of people, I see myself in the mirror singing, that's why I love singing in front of crowds so much.

Never mind I'll find someone like you.

I wish nothing but the best for you.

Don't forget me, I beg.

I'll remember you said,

"Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead, sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead."

Then I took a breath and after awhile I said the last lyric peacefully.

"Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead." Yeah, ooh.

And I was done with singing. I opened my eyes and remembered I was singing in front of a sea of people and I smiled as everyone cheered and clapped and did all that jazz.

I did a princess bow and went back to the table where Ryder had a surprised look still on his face.

"Bravo!" Ryder clapped, then he whistled while the restaurant was still in action of clapping. Was I really that good?

"That was amazing, Ella. I could never do that!" Ryder laughed. "Gee thanks. I never really had lessons, my voice kinda came naturally." I shrugged and continued eating.

"My turn." Ryder said as he prepared to tell me about himself. "Well, I love your singing." I cracked a smile when he did that, "I get fantastic grades in school, I love playing video games, and I'm dyslexic." The last one made me frown.

"So you can't read certain words?" I asked. "I do take a class on Sunday for an hour to help me learn the difference between W's and M's and D's and B's and all that. I am getting better, I just can't read the word milk with out thinking "wilk"?" Ryder chuckled.

I snorted and we continued eating and sipping the delightful cups of coffee.

But Ryder wouldn't stop staring at me, which made me about one percent creeped out.

He took a big but short breath before saying, "How old are you, Ella?"

I was about to snort out loud because of how a dumb a question that was. How old are freshmen usually?

"I just turned sixteen during the summer. Why?" I asked, curiously. "Because you're definitely mature. You're personality is different from other freshmen. I mean, I'm sixteen and I'm a sophomore but I'm a clumsy candy addict with dyslexia and I'm not as close to perfect as you."

Now that made me snort. "Perfect? Oh please, I'm a boring slice of white bread and most other girls are a beautiful french bread." I said, not realizing I was comparing me and other girls to breads.

"You're a twisty Italian bread then because if other girls are french bread, you're different." Ryder winked. "Shut up Sims." I punched his arm playfully.

"I'm not going to listen to your chattering lies and I'm going to eat until I die." I straightened my posture before put a piece of raisin bread that melted my mouth with the warm butter.

"First I have a question." Ryder stuck his pointer finger in the air to represent patience, "Can I at least assist you to your Homecoming?" He asked.

My jaw dropped in shock. Then I gulped before surprisingly saying, "Me?"

Ryder broke into a chuckle. "Yes!" He laughed. "What about Allie?" I asked. "Stop worrying about that tarantula. Just say yes or no!" He insisted. "Then yes!" I smiled.

What in the world just happened? Ryder freaking Sims actually asked me if he could be my date to my Hoco?

Hi guys! I don't have much to say besides SMILE :)



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