Chapter Four | Hopeless Shopping

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Sky, Paisley, Annie, Chloe and I all walked into the beautiful shop. It was our favorite shop since we were young kids. We never bought anything because it is for fancy events like homecomings, proms, charities, funerals, etc.

"I've never actually seen inside this shop before but it's darling!" Chloe exclaimed as she tip-toed over to a rack of dresses.

All the dresses were on racks in color code. You had your pinks on a rack, purples on a rack, blues on a rack, well you get the just.

Sky just began looking all over the place for her perfect dress, as well as Chloe. Paisley loves purple so she took a look at the lilac dresses in the corner. And Annie looks best in teal because it brings out her eye color.

And I just searched the store from beginning to end.

"I found this precious dress!" Annie exclaimed as she walked out of the dressing room in a ridiculously gorgeous dress.

Annie's dress was a skin-tight teal dress that the neck line was straight across so her straps were resting on her upper arm. It went to her knee like a framed skirt would, and she looked like a mermaid in it!

"Aw, it's beautiful." Chloe frowned because she was jealous of Annie's dress but then she continued scrolling through the racks.

"I found this little gem." Sky said, strutting out of the dressing room.

Sky was wearing a maroon dress that was to die for. It went to her mid thigh and was skinny until the waist and then it poofed out. It had a sweetheart strapless neck line and there was a clutter of different colored gems filling in the tube top. It was so beautiful on her.

And then Paisley walked into the dressing room and five minutes later, she walked out as stunning as possible.

Paisley had a deep purple dress that went to her mid-thigh and had a sweetheart strapless neck line. The tube top part has some silver gems sprawled around and a belt-like thing on the waist made of the silver gems and it poofed out at the waist as well.

Chloe and I were the only ones in complete and utter danger.

"This is hopeless for Ella and I." Chloe whined, yanking a dress off the hanger by accident. But she got lucky, that dress she yanked off by accident was beautiful and it looked about her size.

"Aw, that's a beautiful dress." Sky said, twirling around in her dress. Chloe's face lit up like a lightbulb and she grinned, "Wow. I accidentally picked out the perfect dress!" She clapped as she headed towards the dressing room.

"Okay, you're the one we mostly need to worry about. You're going to homecoming with freaking Ryder Sims!" Paisley yelled.

So, like the amazing friends I have, they searched the whole store beginning to end and still, nothing looked appealing to me.

"We could go to Flower Fit? They have some homecoming dresses." Annie suggested, biting her lip.

Ugh, I'm the one that can't find a dumb dress in this whole store of dresses.

"You know, miss. We have some extra dresses back here if you wanna take a look." The cashier said. My face lit up and I walked behind the counter and looked at extra glamorous dresses in plastic bag thingies.

I went through about four dresses before landing my eyes on the absolute perfect one.

And that's right when Chloe came out in a fabulous Mena Carter dress. Her dress was white lace from the top to the bottom. It had a black collar on the top and it was a thick tank top. It went to her mid-thigh and it complimented her figure very well.

"Flawless! Muah!" Paisley kissed her fingers like the French do. Chloe spun around in her not-so-fancy dress, but Chloe never liked those over-expensive glittery dresses anyways.

I went over to try on the fabulous dress that I picked out and made some "oohs" and "ahhs" while admiring Chloe's dress.

I popped out of the dressing room in the deep pink dress that was short and had a crazy thing going on with the silver straps, but it was beautiful.

"It looks perfect! Now I'm ready to get out of here after shopping for two hours!" Annie laughed. "Yeah me too. Women, I think we found our perfect happy dresses." Chloe said seriously. She went back goofy and spun around in her dress once more before cramming into the dressing room with all of us to change.

As we changed I asked, "Who are you guys going with?" And Sky immediately blushed. "Sky, who's the man?" I asked. "There is no man yet. I like someone but I'm too afraid to ask them." She bit her lip in fear.

"Sky, who's your crush?" I asked, all the girls staring at Sky to force the word out of her.

"Ethan Kingston!" She shouted from the pressure. "Ethan? The totally cute friend of Ryder? Ella, if you can get Ethan for Sky. Get Landon for me." Paisley winked.

"Woah, woah, woah. So Sky wants Ethan and Paisley wants Landon?" I asked, waving my hands around. "Yes!" Sky and Paisley both answered in sync.

I sighed as I tried to wiggle around so the dress comes off of me, and I finally managed to do it after a few struggles.


"Time for check-out!" Paisley screeched once we are dress-free. As I pull up my Nike Pro shorts, the girls are already headed to the counter to check-out.

"Ella! Hurry your scrawny butt up!" Sky shouted. I was impressed by her word play because scrawny wasn't in her vocabulary.

I ran out of the dressing room with my flip flops in my hand and the beautiful dress in my other hand.

"Here!" I rushed, giving it to Paisley who was buying. Paisley is pretty much rich if she can afford all these dresses. Each of them already cost almost one-hundred dollars!

As I waited for Paisley to pay, I took a look at my chipped nails and before homecoming, I have to get them done!

"Do you guys wanna go to the spa and hair salon? My hair and nails need to be done." I frowned. Annie's face lit at the idea, she loves doing that stuff!

"Yeah!" Annie clapped. Paisley just frowned. "I'm moneyless guys." She said, a look of bummer plastered on her face. "Don't worry, I have extra cash to pay." I smiled sweetly. "I'll chip in too." Sky offered. We all shook our heads besides Paisley.

"It's gonna cost so much money. Each nails and hair will cost over one-hundred dollars for each of us." Paisley said. "I bet we can all pitch in to have enough money." I smiled, everyone shook their head. Paisley then shook her head too as she swung the bag of dresses over her shoulder. "K! Let's go!"

Haha the end was kinda pointless but idk. This was a detailed chapter I think. All they did was try on dresses but I added some pizazz. 😂 heheh.

Anyways hope you enjoyed! The next chapter will be a mystery and maybe some drama will happen.

K bye y'all!


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