Chapter Eight | Heartbreak

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"Good morning, sunshine!" I felt cold and I woke up by Sky who was in my house. "Why did you break into my house, Sky?" I asked half-asleep.

"Wake up!" And from that, Sky slapped me straight across the face- putting a pain in my jaw and making my eyes wide. "Ow, Sky! What is wrong with you?!" I held my red cheek that had a hand print engraved on it.

"You wouldn't wake up!" She made an excuse. "I was awake, dummy." I mumbled. I groaned and stretched as I sat up in my bed.

"Hey, so wanna have a sleepover with the girls and we can have juicy gossip to spill?!" Sky asked excitedly. "It's ten in the morning, Sky. If we do, let's have it later because I have to get ready and I'm planning on running to McDonalds for a hash brown." I rubbed under my eyes in hope that the dark circles will disappear but that won't happen.

"Your tiredness won't fade, y'know?" Sky crossed her arms and I just made a 'duh' face.

"Let me get dressed and run through McDonalds and then you can invite any girl you wish over." I stretched again before yawning and removing the warm comforter from my bare legs.

"You really should shave. I can see the black hairs peeking out." Sky looked disgusted. "Shut up. No girl's legs are going to be perfect with the perfect strawberry lotion." I walked over to my wardrobe and rummaged through the clothes.

"Sky, do you have anything I can wear?" I asked, putting my hands on my hips. "I'm not the fashion police, that is Paisley... and you know that. Your closet is full of luxurious clothes that I adore, El." Sky rolled her eyes and began approaching to my wardrobe.

"See, this is adorable!" She held up a ruffly real tank top that I usually wear in the summer. "Sky, it is fourty three degrees today." I yanked the tank top and hung it back up in the center.

"How 'bout this?" She asked, holding up my fuzzy white jacket that I wear 24/7. "I guess? But I wear that too many times." I explained.

"You come up with excuses for everything, don't you? Just go with this!" Sky handed me dark skinny jeans and my purple sequin sweatshirt.

I just followed her orders and changed. I walked out wearing the outfit she yelled at me to wear and stared at myself in the mirror.

I was wearing lazy clothes, knotted hair, makeup-free which showed me my newly grown pimples and face imperfections. My nails were kinda chipped but still long and fake from homecoming.

"I love that outfit on you. Now do your makeup and brush your hair!" She said, "And your teeth!" She added.

I zombie-walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and then washed my face. I put my hair up with a headband to do my makeup then.

It took me about a half-hour to perfect my hair and makeup but finally, I was flawless- and that's hard for even me to say since I like to point out imperfections even when I don't look half bad.

I guess it is just another habit of mine out of the 4,000 I already have.

"You look fantastic!" Sky clapped and she began dialing up numbers but I strangled her for her phone and once I got it, I threw it on my bed.

"I have to go to McDonalds first." I tried to calm her down because she was struggling to get her phone. It was moments before I realized I was pinning her down to the floor, and I was strangling her as she tried to escape by wiggling like a worm.

"Okay, okay!" Sky yelled and I got off of her. "You weigh like a million pounds..." She mumbled and I just chuckled.


We went to McDonalds and got the most unhealthy, expensive food there but it tasted amazing- I can never pass up an opportunity for McDonalds hash browns.

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