Golden Sunrises

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We planned on leaving early so that we could watch the sunrise coming through the trees in the surrounding area of Cuba. He then pulls off of the interstate to where the county road leads to a beautiful spot for watching the sun rise. We turn the truck around so we are able to watch the sunrise from the bed of the truck and just sit together without a worry in the world.
When we get out of the truck we see our warm breaths in the cool November air. I grab the blankets from the back of the truck and we sit together enjoying the silence of the woods as the Earth begins to breathe. The sun begins to rise while the golden light shines through the trees, we see the steam of the previously cool night air beginning to rise which signifies the awakening of the earth. Birds begin to sing their songs while deer sneak around doing their morning routines as if Kyler and I weren’t even there. The quiet of the forest was extraordinary and the fresh air that flowed into our lungs with each breath was also refreshing. But most of all being with my best friend, just one on one was the best part.
Kyler suddenly turns and looks at me, not sure what to say I whisper, ‘what?’ He smirks and puts an eyebrow up as his blue eyes drift back out to the sunrise. His eyes began to turn the golden blue color that draws me in like the ocean every time without trouble.
I “fall” and wrap my arms and blanket around his torso then whisper, ‘you can tell me anything and I’ll protect it and keep it in my heart.’ His heart rate is probably at like 160 right now, mainly because I can hear and feel his heart pounding in his chest... Well if I am being totally honest my heart rate is skyrocketing because I haven’t been at peace inside and out in such a long time.
He then responds, ‘I know and same for you.’ His arms and blanket rest on my shoulders and I can feel my cheeks feel warm because he made me feel both warm with happiness and extremely safe.
I am so weird, tch, stupid, stupid, stupid! I guess I am forever going to be his type of weird because he just has this effect on me with simple touches. But I’ll be honest feeling happy and safe is more enjoyable versus violated and scared when another touches me.
‘Hey’ Kyler spouts with a smile. I jump, then I look up at him. I began laughing at myself because I flinched when he interrupted my thoughts. ‘Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you’ she apologizes with the little smile that also gets me every time then continues, ‘I was wondering if you wanted to drive after we get into town and have breakfast or if you wanted for me to drive the rest of the way to Albuquerque?’
‘If you don’t mind, I would like to drive the rest of the way to Albuquerque so that you can rest and then we could switch when we get to Bernillo. What do you think?’ I say as I sit up keeping the blankets wrapped around us both.
‘That’s fine’ Kyler responds with a serious look on his face and it makes me want to smile just to make him smile too. I make a little smile and he does a little smile then arches his eyebrows like he was trying to say, what? I hug him tightly and he then wraps his arms around me like he usually did when we hugged at school. My heart was pounding again and this time I was going to let it because this was the one place where I was safe from the world and at times myself. I really do not want to break this hug but I am hungry and want to get on with our adventure… I argue with myself until Kyler loosens up and we look at each other then get up to leave.
‘Hungry?’ He then says grabbing the blankets off the bed of the truck, it’s almost as if he can read my mind!
‘Yes!’ I respond quickly with great enthusiasm. ‘I feel like you can read my mind sometimes, and sometimes it scares me’ I add, admitting to my thoughts.
His eyebrow arch again and responds suspiciously, ‘like I have said many other times we are just connected somehow. Remember that?’
I do remember that conversation, and I honestly believe it. ‘Yes I do remember that’ I respond with an honest heart. He smiles satisfied with my answer and we get out of the bed of the truck and get into the cab of the truck. He gets in and I follow suit by putting my seatbelt on and making sure he had his on. I turn on the truck and let it run for a little bit to warm up as he gets the music rolling from our playlist. Then that one song that hits home for him makes me hesitate about my future action of putting the truck in drive. The main reason was, he was going to need comfort when the rain began to pour.

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