Just a Dream

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       I sit up in my bed and I look around, my softball rings and trophies are all where I left them. It was hot in my room or was it just my bed I couldn’t tell because I was in a cold sweat. I look around my room and the sun is peeking through the shutters which was strange because I usually never woke up when the sun was shining. I looked to my right and my back and shoulders ache, it was 9:30. What the heck? I never sleep for this long. Even in the summer, there is something wrong with this. My legs hurt, what day is it?
    I swing my legs out of bed and I wobble before I can take a step then I walk to the bathroom and my brother's door is open, still his bed is made (for once) and the house is quiet. Something is wrong. Usually I can hear my parents banging pots around in the kitchen or my brother talking to my dad. Or even the TV should be on, playing the news for my dad. I am confused and kinda scared, what day is it? I look at myself in the mirror and my eyes are the same color and they are not quite as tired looking as they have been in the past. What happened to me? My head hurts and so does my body. I walked down the hall and looked out the windows and my front porch was the same but it had some snow on it. I turn the corner and there is no one in the living room or kitchen. My parents door is open and their bed is made as usual. What is going on? Look for a note they usually leave it on the counter if they go somewhere without you, right? I think to myself trying to calm my anxiety. I looked over at the bar and there was a paper, it was folded, I then opened it and read...

    We went to the mountains to go hunting, we will be gone for most of the day. You’re mom left food in the refrigerator so you can feed yourself breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We would’ve taken you with us; but you were in deep sleep when I went to wake you up. Text me when you wake up so I know you're okay.
Enjoy your day to yourself…
    Well now I know where they went and that this is reality. Wait is it though? I am still trying to remember what yesterday's date was and what todays’ date is. Why am I so sore! I walk to my phone charging station then grab my phone and turn it on. It flashes me in the eyes and I walk to the couch and flop down on the couch. My dog barks and I jump out of my skin nearly having a heart attack then I look over my shoulder and she is chasing the neighbor's cat out of the yard. I roll my eyes and look back down at my phone. My phone vibrates for a minute with all of my notifications and I see the date October 12th, oh I was done hunting that’s why I am sore and why I have a headache. I shot my rifle without ear plugs and my head is rejecting me. That’s also why I slept in for so long. I got home at 01:04 am last night. I sigh and lay on my side and text my dad that I was awake. I breathe in deeply and every bit of my body pops and it was both satisfying and painful. Staring up at the ceiling, I begin to feel more of my fatigue set in. I then sit up and more pain bites me. I groan and grab my core, “I am getting an Advil.”
    I pick my phone up and look at the screen which was cracked after both fighting my bike and falling off of it with the gracious help of my brother. I see three texts from Kyler, one from Julia, and 6 from an unknown number. I open Kylers and I smile because I realize my phone died on my way home last night so I got to read his goodnight, and goodmorning texts. He is so sweet. I used to be that girl friend sending good morning texts hoping to get a kind one back every once in a while and now I have a boyfriend who does that for me. Wonder what-. My thoughts were cut off by the one text message from Julia that says, can you catch for me, I need to just talk to you.
Unsure of when she asked and why, I instantly text her back, I am sorry I just woke up and saw this unless you sent this last night; then, my phone was dead. I am so sorry, I hope everything is okay. I exit that conversation and look at the six messages I missed from the unknown number and as soon as I open it I regret it.

What are you doing?
Why do you always block me and never talk to me? I want to be here for you and
you won't let me
I know you are seeing these please respond.
Octavia is Hunter. Please respond, I want to make sure you are doing okay in your new town and that everyone is treating you well.
I suddenly have the urge to throw up but don’t. I go back to the conversation with Kyler and I open it. I slept well thank you. I also made it home safely so don’t go stressing yourself out over me. I type then acknowledging that I want to say I am not worth stressing over but I don’t type it. I had a dream about us last night and oddly enough it was so real. I hope you have a wonderful day and I’ll talk to you whenever. I get up again and make myself breakfast then look at my phone again and Kyler has already texted back and I smile.

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