Conflicts in Highschool Life

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6 Months later

It was April and I wasn’t really sure how I was going to process the day of softball season and school. I was on the varsity team and we were planning on going to the State Championship this year, with the hopes of, obviously, winning the state title. It was hard work to battle to the top with the majority of the varsity team being sophomores and a bunch of lazy seniors. My team life? Yep, definitely the best. I honestly feel like I lie to myself a lot but, oh well. Speaking of which we had a game today. Yes I was being sarcastic about my team life. I tend to just have a few friends on the team that are cool outside of softball limits.

“Hey, Octavia! Good luck today my dude!” Lauren, my pitcher's sister, would say nearly everyday I had a game as she passed by.

“Hey thanks g!” I responded as I walked with Kyler down the hall after the 1st hour bell rang releasing us from our class.

“See what I mean! You are a popular girl!” Kyler exclaims lightly punching me in the arm. I laughed then looked at Lacora as she passed us in the hallway. 

Man, I wished things didn’t get jacked up between us. I really enjoyed having her around and things wouldn’t have changed if I didn’t tell her what I was actually thinking. Damn it why did I do that to myself. I get that we felt like sisters but why didn’t I just keep my mouth shut and let her mess up. Why didn’t I let it be. Gosh so much to regret when all you realize is that your not enough and you’re just a problem.

 “Whatever. I am not a popular kid” I respond to Kyler as we part ways to go to our different classes. 

“Yes, you are!” He then yells as I walk down the stairs away from him.

Pft. Popular? Nah. The girl everyone knows? Maybe. That’s not popular. Popular would be the person who everyone would vote to be class president or homecoming queen. Not even joking. Isn’t it crazy how people are constantly wanting to put a label on stuff they want to control. Or is that just me? I think it’s just you on this one. As I walk down the hallway I am quiet because I usually am by myself after the first hour which I didn’t mind then I didn’t have to worry about losing them because I try to walk fast and get to class. Ooof! What the?! Oh my gosh. Did I-. I did. Dummy!!!! My head screams as I realize I just ran into Sam on the way through the doors. “I am so sorry Sam! I need to pay more attention!” I apologize for backing away and jumping through the second set of doors. He just laughs and I hear the rest of his group laugh as I go down the hall. It was an accident. Don’t worry about it! You don’t like him anymore, remember? He’s dating that other chick. No jealousy, be happy for him. I smile and I see the old teachers I had my freshman year and I say hi to each and keep walking. I walked into my math class and my teammate who was on the C team for the second year in a row was looking at me. She looked really mad, I smiled and kept walking and sat by José because he was my better choice of friends versus the gossiping girls that drove me nuts who weren’t really my friends in the first place. 

“I can’t believe that coach won’t let me play with JV today!” Beatrice complains. My back was to her so I rolled my eyes and exhaled loudly.

Should I let her have it or should I ignore her? I should call her out… But do I have the energy to make her shut up today? “Have you ever put much thought into just working harder versus complaining more? Because I didn’t complain last year when I didn’t start out on Varsity last year. I worked there. Maybe you should do the same? It’s just a suggestion but still.” I then say as I shrug my shoulders and sit down. That’s when José comes in and sits down in his chair next to mine.

“What are you doing over here Beatrice? You sit over there.” He says cutting in on our conversation and pointing to his seat, meaning it was time to leave.

“None of your business José.” She then says not leaving our area. 

“You know what Beatrice. I can’t deal with your crap today. I am happy it is game day and I am happy that I am alive and that I get an opportunity to play. I would much rather appreciate it if you left me alone and took your BCD attitude with you” I exclaim going off on her.

“Geez. I’m sorry” she responds not really meaning the words that came out of her mouth. 

As she walks back to his desk José looks at me and says “what was that all about?”

“Nothing. She’s just pissed about not getting to play with JV today” I responded lying to José.

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